Sunday, January 16, 2005

Who Said You Can't Teach An Old Dog New Tricks...

Yaaaaaaaa Alright I got my Gramps and G-ma on the box today and they were able to chat with me and visit my website. Isn't technology great...!! Now I just have to get Grams (Weezy) set up and we will be on the ball... I am very proud of my grandparents for taking the time to try something very foreign to them just to be able to communicate with me a lil bit more regular. Now although I knew they would love the MSNTV I knew it would be a task in getting them to use it, but for only having it for one day I think they have made great strides. A great day today it will be (Yoda voice).

On another note I talked to my Girls yesterday ( my Godmothers Daughters)and I was very happy to do so. At any time I am able to talk to my loved ones or read a message from them it brings a smile to my face so KEEP SENDING THEM! And for those that have not posted DO SO!

We are going to the gun range later today I will take pictures of the event and post them tomorrow. Don't worry I won't shoot myself or more importantly anyone else for that matter.

I have been stocking up on food from the PX, because due to the elections we maybe on a lockdown. Which means we cant leave the complex even to get chow. When I first got here we were on a semi-lockdown state. We could leave the complex for chow, but it was mandatory that we wear our helmets and vest. Which I didn't have a problem with it, but it was just heavy lugin that thing around. I won't ever complain about having it or wearing it I am fortunate and blessed to be secure. The funny thing is it reminds me of my basketball days at Ole Woody. Wearing that weight jacket in Bball practice for hours at a time (felt that way anyway). I actually thought about using my vest in a workout. Like riding a bike to the nearest mess hall or basketball courts (in the same area). Would be a great workout. Will have to test it out one day and see how well I can do. The nearest mess hall is on Striker Army base which isn't far at all, but with the way they are routing the roads it makes the distance like 2-3 miles. That would be a 4-6 mile ride round trip and after some ball or a hefty meal I might not want to ride back.

I found another person here doing a blog about Iraq, but I think they live here. I'm not sure, but the blog has been in existence for 2 or more years. I emailed her, because in all honesty I was inspired by her blog and had a few questions. I am finally getting a more permanent place to stay tomorrow and with a lot more room as well. I had a disagreement with the manager the other day and it didn't go so well. But after some wise council with my darling wife (not really J/K she is what keeps me grounded). I was able to talk to him and smooth things out and then the next day I got the new crib (that's ebonics for house for those that don't know isn't that right Aunt Ka Ka he he). The funny thing is my wife made SEVERAL references to my Aunt KaKa and her coolheadedness. Well I am working on it, but its a process. I'm better than I use to be and I think all can account for that, but I'm still working on it.

Also yesterday I did something I have wanted to do since I got here and it made a guys day. Abdul and I were on our way to breakfast as we always do in the morning. We have 2 checkpoints that we MUST go through in order to get to the mess hall. Well we come in pretty regular so the guards for the most part know us by face. So when we got to the first checkpoint the guard was also the same guard that was joking around with Abdul the night before when they went to dinner (I was asleep). Well anyway the guy came up to the car and said "man this morning is starting out bad already". That wasn't good because it was 6:5:00am and he still had the whole day ahead of him. Well I asked the guy where he was from (which I already knew by the accent) and he said New York. So then I took my phone out and said "here make some calls I'll be back in an hour. He looked at me and was like are you serious, and I said ya I'll be by to pick it up in an hour or so. So he said thanks man you are the greatest and we went to breakfast. On our way back we could see the guy was still on the phone. So he was hanging up as we got to him and he had a big grin on his face. He came to the car and thank me and told me he owed me big time and gave Abdul a hug and a kiss on his cheek. Now that is why I like to see a guys day made good by a simple gesture for a short period of one hour. So Abdul said "no more Simon says right" and the guy said "no way man you are good from here on out, I love you guys your the best". I didn't really understand the last part til Abdul explained to me that last night when they came to the checkpoint (they work 12 hour shifts) the guy made (as a joke) Abdul get out and do Simon says. They had a couple of laughs and drove off. So now here we are full circle and the guy was starting his next shift after just being there 13 hours prior, and his day already started out bad. Gave him a phone, he made some calls and all was renewed in his day.

The giving spirit can have a profound effect on ones mood and attitude so be sure to give a lil something each day and you will be surprised what will happen. I plan on maintaining my giving spirit (as I always have) with the hopes that I can help someone's day a little brighter.

Be the light in someone's eyes for a moment
and watch them shine for the rest of the day

Love and Peace
ESPECIALLY to the middle East
At least While I am here...


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