Saturday, January 08, 2005

A Shout Out to All My Peeps

I would like to take this time right now to talk about what I have learned from those I love. I'm just gonna start it out with my Aunt Ka Ka (LoL). The most logical IMHO of all my family members. From her I learn the ability to stay calm under any circumstance(even if I don't always apply it). From my uncle Mic I learned the art of talent and how important it is to practice. From my aunt Cine I, Hum let me think a minute, no there is something, oh ya Business sense from her I learn that its there you just have to apply(lol). From my aunt D I learned that you are never to old to do what you want( I.E. getting DL almost 15 years after your suspose to :). From my uncle Don2 I learned what not to do.. He he Just kiddin no actually I learned the importance of staying close to those you love as he does. No one ask to see me more than he does and for that I am thankful. From my uncle Ty I learned probably the most from, but the one that sticks out is having a personal relationship with everyone, even your children.

Now on to the grandparents the life's blood of our family (IMO). From my Grams I learned the importance of washing my hands. And boy you don't know how I wish I had a sink in my room right now. As a matter of fact this place could use a kindred spirit like my Grams. The world would be a much better place. From my Grampa with the glasses (which I continue to learn from) the importance of good communication skills (smile). A joke and a truth all together I have acquired a long wind because of this fine gentleman. From my Grampa D1 I learned hard work and a soft heart go hand in hand. Also outward appearances don't speak for the man inside. I always said that he was one of the most intelligent men I have ever know (other than myself lol). And on to my Grandma Bet, I hold this one close, because what I have come to find is a lot of my traits I have come from her. What I take from her the most is I am always right....!!

My parents are mostly responsible for who I am as a whole. Not all traits I have are good, but I take the good with the bad its just as important to me. From the Pops I was taught to never give up even if you are on you hands and knees keep trying it will eventually work itself out. Now this has proven to be very valuable in the past and to this day it remains true. My future always seems brighter knowing that no matter what it is I can do it, failure is not an option. From my darling mother I take with me the importance of Love and affection. I may not have always had three square meals a day, but love has carried me through the toughest times in my life and is doing so right now....

Last but not least by any means my Wife Mrs. Dub. I have learned more from this individual than I have from any teacher, or any book in all my years on this Earth. Most importantly I have learned that there is someone for me in this universe and she reminds me of that fact everyday. We may have had our ups and downs and not exactly where I would prefer them (he he). But I stand strong, because of the knowledge that I have gained and will continue to gain for a lifetime to come. With this person I could take forever so I will leave like so. I have learned the reality of my fantasy's are only possible with the help of my wife.

May GOD Bless us all
To be continued


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