Friday, January 28, 2005

Long Night Ahead (Continued)

First off I would like to thank Redliterice for your post it is good to read that someone other than my family is getting some benefit from my rambling. I don't know how long its going to take to get this place back together, but it will be a lot longer than the news, president or anyone else is saying. I'll tell you this much I won't be unemployed any time soon that's for sure. And what kind of infrastructure do you make portable..?! None that's correct.

There is death and poverty and destruction and civil unrest, but statistically the death rate isn't any higher than being in the states its all just a roll of the dice 7 and 11 you win snake eyes, bye bye. Don't by any means take that as its a stroll in the park here, cause its not. I mean for the first week I was here we had to wear our kevlar (body armor) to the DFAC (mess hall) for every meal or they wouldn't let you in. Then its open your jacket, no bags what-so-ever. Even the military had to leave there bags outside the DFAC. The rules change from day to day that is pretty much the only constant.

I posted a couple of days ago about our Iraqi counterparts not going to vote and in all honesty it kinda made me upset. We have had hundreds Die for the sake of THEIR democracy and they aren't even going to vote. Now I will admit that this whole "Pride In Country" is a new thing for me. I spent the majority of my years being pissed off at the Judicial system, and the tyrants that run the country that I didn't stop to think it is still our country. I have a new saying, and being here only solidifies my belief, that I fully support our troops no matter where they are, nor what they are sent to do. They don't have a choice in the matter when they are called they must leave and they must fight for the sake of what is our country regardless of their own personal beliefs.

At any rate I'm rambling so I'll cut it short I'm sure I will have more to say before the night is done.

GOD Bless,
One Love

Oh ya Aunt Ka Ka I got the Flu Shot before I left the states so I have a little protection oh and my Purrell, Better than Soap and Water...!

Thank GOD for Bittorrent

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