Wednesday, January 19, 2005

"28 Days Later"

Well it has now been exactly four weeks since my arrival to Baghdad. I have to admit that this experience has been one of the greatest in my life time and it is just beginning. I can't imagine what the almighty has in store for me. I have the pleasure of being apart of the ONLY American based cellular company in the Middle East at this time. Not only that but it feels real good working again. I haven't always been the most dedicated employee, but I have always wanted to work. My lovely wife can tell you from experience that my mood is different when I have a steady income coming in. Well that has gone and I am working on one mood for all occasions bad or good. One thing that GOD has opened my eyes to is the fact that we have it good even when we don't. And by that I mean look at it from another Countries perspective and you will definitely learn humility. I keep saying over and over again that I will never complain about the American goods, and services again (might not stop me from getting upset with the waiters, But its a start).

So take a Journey with me and see what I have seen in this world. The beauty in what GOD (Allah, Jehovah, Jesus, Zeus, Buddha or whatever your believe) has made.

The dormant state of hatred has halted
and only Love exist in this vessel
Blessed is he that has found Love
and forever shall it remain true with me
Take time to embrace GOD and his wonders
and be amazed by the power he possesses
From ash to ash, and dust to dust
We will return from whence we came
Only to return again with the hopes of renewal
Blessed is he that has found Love

May GOD Bless me till my Last breath
Till that Day I return to the Earth, From whence I came


Anonymous said...

Hi K-Dub, it’s late in the evening, quiet and peaceful. This is good computer time for me. I thought I would check on Home Income and see what came up. Episode 3 is something that is interesting to many people. I will also spend a little time checking on Home Income. Getting late, have a good evening.

Anonymous said...

Hi K-Dub, I am cruising the blogs looking for any information on Income at Home and landed here. Although Episode 3 is interesting and got my attention, I will add this knowledge to my storehouse of information. I never know where Income at Home will take me. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Hi K-Dub, taking a little time today to see what Income at Home will send me to that is interesting. Episode 3 looks interesting and is a great read. Will also try Income at Home in my e-travels. Have a super day!

Anonymous said...

Hi K-Dub, it’s late in the evening, quiet and peaceful. This is good computer time for me. I thought I would check on Steady Income and see what came up. Episode 3 is something that is interesting to many people. I will also spend a little time checking on Steady Income. Getting late, have a good evening.