Tuesday, January 04, 2005

A Feeling of Accomplishment

Since I have gotten here I haven't been able to do too much. The process of getting this job and even the work itself has all been a matter of hurry up and wait. It took a month from the first point of contact to get the paperwork to fill out for the contracting company. 2 more weeks til MCI called and gave me their paperwork. It took me the better part of a month getting all the necessary paperwork completed as well as immunization. Then I was told to sit back relax and enjoy the holidays, because it was suppose to take 4 weeks for my paperwork to be processed. 2 weeks later I was here in Baghdad. But when I got here it was the same thing cant fix it gotta wait.

So last night after my shift during the day I had to fix a site and for the first time since I have been here I was able to actually do what I know how to do. And I was able to score some cool points from one of the bosses back in the states. Now all of you may know that I'm not one to care about what a boss thinks (which is weird since I like to know what PEOPLE think). So it s really strange for me to care that a manager has regard for me and the work I did which was something I use to do day in and day out for almost 3 years straight. Operation and maintenance is what I was brought here to do. But I have to wait for a Congressional hearing and 2 week holding pattern before I can proceed with the one thing I am very capable of doing.

None the less the title for today explains it all I finally have a since of accomplishment after being here for almost 2 weeks. In all honesty that is a long time before feeling useful. I mean imagine what you do at work and just think about the simplest task that you do on a daily bases that most likely takes up no more than an hour of you time and spread that out into a week and tell me what you think. I will have to get use to it or I will drive myself crazy and loose interest isn't that right E. :)

Well I say good morning to you, because that's about the time you will read this.

Love you all, Friends & Family and especially Mrs. Dubs

Oh and to Cine I didn't play with them I just INDULGED a bit. :)


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