Thursday, January 27, 2005

Still Here

I just heard some disturbing news which in light of my situation really burns me. My cousin Bri happens to be a freshman at my old highschool. She just informed me (as well as my Grandma) that a kid brought a gun to the school and tried to shoot another kid 3 times. Now Bri told me that she was 2 feet away when it happened and that she was very scared. Now what buens me is that I am Iraq, 7000 miles from home, in a the middle of a holy war (ya right) and my lil cousin has to worry about getting shot back in the States and in school no less. There are many things that I don't share for a great many reasons, but mainly not to put any more fear in you that the News has already. So for my sake I hope everyone is taking extra precautions in there everyday lives, because one thing I have realized that it is very easy to die because of a mistake. The funny thing is (not funny ha ha) that a large portion of cilivian deaths here are because of accidents and not insurgent attacks. So please be careful when driving to work, driving to school, driving to school from work, or even walking home. I plan on making it home in one peace with GOD watching over me. Please don't take any extra risks I would like to see EVERYONE well and in good spirits when I get back. OK I good now just needed to get that off my chest. To answer your question Uncle Dt I haven't really played the Box all that much since I have been here I have been watching more TV via the wonderful world of Bittorrent. I am always slow to try something new nowadays because you have to worry about viruses so much now. But with this wonderful thing I am able to watch all my favorite shows in the states just a few days later than the rest of you. Secondly the food here actually isn't too bad, burgers and corndogs every day if we wish. Lots of canned fruits and plenty of Pepsi. Well stay safe and prayerful and all will be well with the world, well at least back home anyway.


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