Wednesday, January 26, 2005

6 Weeks Gone Can You Believe It

Today makes six weeks that I have been in Iraq. Well it will be 6 weeks at 5pm out time which is still half a day away for me. 5 more days on 3rd shift then I go to 2nd shift for 2 weeks then I will be back on days after that for the rest of the month. The elections are coming up and we will be on lock down for the next week or so. The road from the Baghdad Airport to the city will be closed and the airport itself will be closed for a few days as well. I asked our Iraqi counterparts if they were going to vote and they said no we value our life to much for that. And if any of you read the blog that I posted a link to you will read the same with her. I cant say that I blame them really I always try to put myself in there shoes just so I can get an understanding of what they are feeling. It is amazing that as a whole that these people are still remaining involved in any kind of legitimate government at all. This place often reminds me of Juarez, Mexico. I didn't spend a lot of time there, but what I did see was in my opinion was chaotic and unruly.

Not sure that you know this, but it is believed to be said that Iraq has the second largest oil reserve in the world. Now that being the case you would think that this country and everyone in would benefit (or at least could) from the production. We are rated #12 and still only make up 1/5 of what Iraq has. And it is also said that there are large pools of oil yet to be touched. Progress is slow I know and unfortunately the fact that we have to cover our backside in the process only makes the progress even slower. Just to give you some perspective it would be like China trying to rebuild Dallas after they bombed us to the stone ages. How much would you expect them to do and would you trust them to do it. If another country came to the stated and started a new government I'm afraid the results would be the same maybe worse. Stay away from the TV unless watching football or CSI, or Stargate SG1, or Star Trek Enterprise (let me stop while I'm ahead), I think you get it. If not email me and I'll give you a weekly lineup of what to watch and we can converse about the episodes (but only after I've watched them).

You know I often wonder to myself what is the point of being a day ahead if you are always a day behind. Ponder on that one for a minute.

Love always,

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