Sunday, January 02, 2005

First Day of the New Year

Well I want to thank all of those that have posted and have wished me well. I can always be conversed with via messenger service (aol and msn). I have to be honest and say I wasn't really upset about being away from home. I thought I would be in the dumps and be real depressed. When I was in Cali I would always be depressed and wanting to spend time with my future wife. Not that I don't want to be home, but I feel a purpose is being served with me here and it makes things not so hard to deal with.

Nothing can replace time nor can anything replace the joy I get when I'm with my wife. Just like I knew it was meant to be that I marry E. I feel right being here now, and I have to admit that I have never had uncertainty in my life. I may have felt uncertain, but I truly believe that everything I have done either has been right or wrong no in between. Be it my first relationship in Texas or the present and forever one (the first feeling wrong from day one, and the present feeling right from day 1). I love you E and know in my heart that all will come to pass just as I told you from the beginning. I just didn't know that I had to do so much to get there. Me being here has probably been the biggest spiritual and emotional awakening I have ever had in my life.

I know my biggest faults and I believe that I am coming to terms with them. I have realized what life is and its not here for me its back home in Dallas, in Peoria, in Springfield, in California, in Atlanta, in Memphis and where ever else there is someone I love or someone that loves me. Most importantly is Dallas and let no one forget it especially not you Mrs. Dub. You are my home more than anything else in this world. I once wrote a poem called home is where the heart is. I have come to understand that it doesn't have to be a place, sometimes it can be a person. I am mostly at home when I am with my wife where ever that may be.

Love always

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