Monday, January 03, 2005

Shoot Em Up Cowboy...

Boy Did I have a time yesterday...!! We went to the shooting as a part of our qualification to carry arms. I have never shot before and although I always wanted to it was much different than I expected. I go into everything I do (or at least I try) knowing that I can do it and do it well even if it's my first time. I have excellent hand eye coordination and as long as I have been playing games and as well as I have been doing then I fully expected to hit the mark every time dead on. There is a lot more to it that has nothing to do with shooting at all. As a matter of fact the shooting portion is small if you take in to consideration, proper instruction of handling the firearm safely, reloading, aiming and concentration.

I learned a great deal and could spend all day talking about it. One I was happy to go and had to try really hard not to smile some times (like a kid in the candy store yada yada). Suffice to say I did well for my first time and was told I could really be good with practice, but I didn't do as well as I thought I would. For one you see the target and you looking at it without a weapon and you think "Oh that's not that far". Then you zero in (aim) on the target behind the gun and the target seems a mile away. It's amazing how much difference there is when staring from behind a weapon. I shot several different guns and all in all it was a lesson if anything. I have learned gun safety and although I enjoyed myself and can't wait to go again, I truly realize and understand that what I am handling is a method off death and one thing is true, I definitely don't take it lightly like I did the day before yesterday.

I have done so much in such a short time and I thank GOD for the experience. I have traveled abroad to 3 different countries and cultures. I have seen a garage 4 stories high with nothing but bicycles (Over 4000 of them). I have seen the sun rise over Kuwait Bay in the Persian Gulf. I rode a C-130 military cargo plane to Baghdad airport. I have seen first hand the damage we have done as well as the terror and destruction Suddam has maintained for such a long time. I have seen Chinook transport helicopters, Apache Gunships (also a helicopter), Hummers, and Abrams battle tanks. Things I have seen all my life in simulations and video games and have always wanted to see first hand. And on top of that I have the distinct pleasure of working beside our armed forces.

In short I am blessed
I love you Mrs. Dub


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