Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The Desk That "K" Built...Oh Happy Day

First off I would like to say thank you for the calls I received from M-Town today. It was uplifting and very much appreciated. I look forward to communiques state side as do most people that are over here. It makes the days easier when someone takes the time to contact you to see how you are and express their concern for your safe return. The interesting thing is that the people I hear from most are NOT the ones I thought it would be. I won't lie and say that I'm not disappointed, but it doesn't matter that isn't something I need dwell on while I am here I have more important things to worry about. Thank you GP for the calls today it means more than you will ever know.

The easiest way to get in touch with me is by email or via MSN Messenger. I have included the links to MSN Messenger for your easy access if you do not already have the program. (Moms and G-ma you dont need this FYI)

If you want a hotmail email account and wish to IM me (Instant Message) then click this link: MSN Messenger with New Hotmail Email

If you wish to use your already exsisting email accout then click here: MSN Messenger with exsisting Email

Just follow the instructions and you will be on your way. Send me your email address and I will forward you my screen name so that we may converse.

OK now the weather here tonight is wonderful. I can't see the stars, but its 60 degrees out so I can live with out for tonight. I haven't been such a interesting place with such a drastic change in weather from one day to the next. Oh wait yes I have it called Dallas TX and Peoria IL. On thing is for sure that neither place has in common with here and that's the summer. I am told that it can get up to 150 degrees in the shade at times. Right now is suppose to be the rainy season, but it has only rained a few times since I have been here. Everyone here believes it going to make the summer worse as a result of the faltering winter. Not something I look forward to, but at least weight will be the least of my problems...

I had to move again from where I was staying which makes 2 moves from the day I got here. The first move was rushed and I wasn't too pleased to say the least. This one was actually a slow move to bigger quarters and I have to say that I am very pleased. There was a shelf that the previous tenet left behind that took up a lot of space. Not only did it take up too much space, but there wasn't a desk either (12 pound laptop a desk is a must). So I took it apart and rebuilt it to accommodate my needs. I took some pictures to show my wonderful accomplishment. I have always loved working with my hands (especially now that I'm married lol) just not something I got to do very often. The funniest thing is I can remember trying to take everything in the house apart and my moms yellin at me and tellin me to stop taking things apart. I mean alarm clocks, electronic toys, VHS tapes, VCR's you name it. Basically anything I could get my hands on not to mention Lego's. I won't take you down memory lane today it would take too long and besides I need to save some stuff for my book (lol). Anyway below are a few pictures from my new domicile and "The Desk That K Built".

Have a good afternoon my loved ones


To my Wife of 2 and a half years (goin on 40)

You are the light shining bright within me
the eternal flame that can not be put out

Love Always in this life time and the next

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