Monday, January 31, 2005

Don't Worry Far from Danger

I won't waste my time telling you not to watch the news, because well your gonna do it anyway. I will tell you this much the attacks are 3 times greater than they have ever been since I have been here. Fortunately for me I am no where near any of the attacks. I hear them as usual, but I am far from any action what-so-ever. I know it is human nature to worry especially considering the situation being so turbulent and what not. I'm not going to beat around the bush and tell you mistruths to keep you at ease. Thats what your Prayers are for, asking GOD for inner peace is the only suggestion I have. I will however answer any questions you have, but if it can in anyway worry someone further I ask that you email me directly. Simply put and just FYI, but I have a lot of things to deal with here, and as harsh as it may be I cant deal with any personal problems state side. I say that, because the situation her on the complex is just as turbulent as anything going on in Baghdad (minus the bombs, shootings and executions although exceptions can be made J/K). There are a lot of people her tied to one community and have to rely on one another for everything under the sun. On a personal note as you pray for me (If you Pray for me) pray for my own inner peace, because I personally need all the help I can get....

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Full Balanced Meal

Well today is the 30th and I only have one more day of 3rd, as of the first I will be working from 4-12. I actually look forward to the new change it seems that sleep is not the easiest thing to get in the day in a co-op such as this one. I really can't complain, because I'm usually not on the receiving end, but rather the one waking someone up. Don't get me wrong I am a little perturbed, but all is well, right as rain some would say.

The chow halls were closed today after breakfast this morning and won't be open again until the 1st or the second. I didn't mind much, because for the past couple of weeks I have been stockpiling food from the PX (Post Exchange). Basically a Walgreens or what Walmart would look like if one was here in Baghdad. Not a bad selection to be honest one thing is for sure they have a lot of DVD's. Which is understandable, because the troops have to stay entertained some how.

At any rate this gave me a chance to try a MRE (Meal Ready-to-Eat) which is a basic military ration. They actually have a very large selection of items and from what I understand will last longer than Twinkies (which is said to be 200 years). I had Meal # 2 of 34 which happens to be boneless porkchop with noodles in Jamaican sauce, crackers, cinnamon apples (I really didn't know until I opened the package honest), a package of jalapeno cheese, and a vanilla milkshake. In all honesty I was surprised how good the meal was. The meal also had a heating pack and all you had to do is add water and 10-15 minutes later your eating out of a foil bag. Interesting enough is that it also came with tobasco sauce, chiclets gum and sugar. Tonight I will be having Meal # 5 which is Grilled chicken, but enuf about my exciting life tell me about yours and leave out what you had for dinner it makes me miss home more than you know.

Haiku # 1

Love em and leave em
not my philosophy, but someone's
I will agree to disagree


Friday, January 28, 2005

Long Night Ahead (Continued)

First off I would like to thank Redliterice for your post it is good to read that someone other than my family is getting some benefit from my rambling. I don't know how long its going to take to get this place back together, but it will be a lot longer than the news, president or anyone else is saying. I'll tell you this much I won't be unemployed any time soon that's for sure. And what kind of infrastructure do you make portable..?! None that's correct.

There is death and poverty and destruction and civil unrest, but statistically the death rate isn't any higher than being in the states its all just a roll of the dice 7 and 11 you win snake eyes, bye bye. Don't by any means take that as its a stroll in the park here, cause its not. I mean for the first week I was here we had to wear our kevlar (body armor) to the DFAC (mess hall) for every meal or they wouldn't let you in. Then its open your jacket, no bags what-so-ever. Even the military had to leave there bags outside the DFAC. The rules change from day to day that is pretty much the only constant.

I posted a couple of days ago about our Iraqi counterparts not going to vote and in all honesty it kinda made me upset. We have had hundreds Die for the sake of THEIR democracy and they aren't even going to vote. Now I will admit that this whole "Pride In Country" is a new thing for me. I spent the majority of my years being pissed off at the Judicial system, and the tyrants that run the country that I didn't stop to think it is still our country. I have a new saying, and being here only solidifies my belief, that I fully support our troops no matter where they are, nor what they are sent to do. They don't have a choice in the matter when they are called they must leave and they must fight for the sake of what is our country regardless of their own personal beliefs.

At any rate I'm rambling so I'll cut it short I'm sure I will have more to say before the night is done.

GOD Bless,
One Love

Oh ya Aunt Ka Ka I got the Flu Shot before I left the states so I have a little protection oh and my Purrell, Better than Soap and Water...!

Thank GOD for Bittorrent

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Long Night Ahead

Well this will be a short post, because most likely I will post again before the day is done. One of our guys went to the Green Zone today and will be there for a week or 2 (the one that's always on the news). That leaves us with 3 guys and three shifts so we are good for the most part. Nope not the case, there is a possible flu bug going around here which started with our manager (idiot), and then went to the mid-shift switch tech (4-12) and then our day shift guy (8-4). Well the mid-shift guy came in for the day guy and stayed till 7pm which leaves me with the rest of his 5 hours my 8 then however long I can last in the morning so these guys can get some rest. Point in case (Case in Point however you like it!!) I will be up for a long time oh ya but luckily my next day off is Friday..... The 25th of March....

Talk to ya later

Still Here

I just heard some disturbing news which in light of my situation really burns me. My cousin Bri happens to be a freshman at my old highschool. She just informed me (as well as my Grandma) that a kid brought a gun to the school and tried to shoot another kid 3 times. Now Bri told me that she was 2 feet away when it happened and that she was very scared. Now what buens me is that I am Iraq, 7000 miles from home, in a the middle of a holy war (ya right) and my lil cousin has to worry about getting shot back in the States and in school no less. There are many things that I don't share for a great many reasons, but mainly not to put any more fear in you that the News has already. So for my sake I hope everyone is taking extra precautions in there everyday lives, because one thing I have realized that it is very easy to die because of a mistake. The funny thing is (not funny ha ha) that a large portion of cilivian deaths here are because of accidents and not insurgent attacks. So please be careful when driving to work, driving to school, driving to school from work, or even walking home. I plan on making it home in one peace with GOD watching over me. Please don't take any extra risks I would like to see EVERYONE well and in good spirits when I get back. OK I good now just needed to get that off my chest. To answer your question Uncle Dt I haven't really played the Box all that much since I have been here I have been watching more TV via the wonderful world of Bittorrent. I am always slow to try something new nowadays because you have to worry about viruses so much now. But with this wonderful thing I am able to watch all my favorite shows in the states just a few days later than the rest of you. Secondly the food here actually isn't too bad, burgers and corndogs every day if we wish. Lots of canned fruits and plenty of Pepsi. Well stay safe and prayerful and all will be well with the world, well at least back home anyway.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Anne Frank Museum

Anne Frank Museum
Posted by Hello

This post is for my Aunt Cini,
I unfortunately paid 40 dollars for 2 rolls of firm to get developed, because I didn't have my camera at the time.But thanks be to my Lovely wife for sending it to me after I forgot it back in Dallas. One thing is for sure whether I come home tomorrow, or at the end of the year (minus breaks every 3 months) what I have seen here will always be a valued experience that GOD has blessed me with. Now about Anne Frank, after carefully reviewing my pictures once again I remembered what one was. The building where all the people are going in to is the Anne Frank Museum, but the actual house is in the center of the picture with the black doors. I can actually remember reading the story about Anne Frank in school. There you have it another site seen and logged in the memory banks. I will have to go to Amsterdam for more than a layover and see the city up close and visit the museum.


6 Weeks Gone Can You Believe It

Today makes six weeks that I have been in Iraq. Well it will be 6 weeks at 5pm out time which is still half a day away for me. 5 more days on 3rd shift then I go to 2nd shift for 2 weeks then I will be back on days after that for the rest of the month. The elections are coming up and we will be on lock down for the next week or so. The road from the Baghdad Airport to the city will be closed and the airport itself will be closed for a few days as well. I asked our Iraqi counterparts if they were going to vote and they said no we value our life to much for that. And if any of you read the blog that I posted a link to you will read the same with her. I cant say that I blame them really I always try to put myself in there shoes just so I can get an understanding of what they are feeling. It is amazing that as a whole that these people are still remaining involved in any kind of legitimate government at all. This place often reminds me of Juarez, Mexico. I didn't spend a lot of time there, but what I did see was in my opinion was chaotic and unruly.

Not sure that you know this, but it is believed to be said that Iraq has the second largest oil reserve in the world. Now that being the case you would think that this country and everyone in would benefit (or at least could) from the production. We are rated #12 and still only make up 1/5 of what Iraq has. And it is also said that there are large pools of oil yet to be touched. Progress is slow I know and unfortunately the fact that we have to cover our backside in the process only makes the progress even slower. Just to give you some perspective it would be like China trying to rebuild Dallas after they bombed us to the stone ages. How much would you expect them to do and would you trust them to do it. If another country came to the stated and started a new government I'm afraid the results would be the same maybe worse. Stay away from the TV unless watching football or CSI, or Stargate SG1, or Star Trek Enterprise (let me stop while I'm ahead), I think you get it. If not email me and I'll give you a weekly lineup of what to watch and we can converse about the episodes (but only after I've watched them).

You know I often wonder to myself what is the point of being a day ahead if you are always a day behind. Ponder on that one for a minute.

Love always,

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Now That is a Storm Posted by Hello

Everything Orange Posted by Hello

Monday, January 24, 2005

Orange Something Posted by Hello

Wow that's all I can say


Well ok ... There was a sand storm today and it was a sight to behold. Not as bad as I have seen in pictures, but it was amazing. Its still going on somewhat right now, but since its dark you really cant tell. There was this orange haze that just sat there in the air. It reminded me of any Scifi movie where the clouds were coming for some reason that wasn't normal. You know like the end of the world, or the bad guy was on his way something to that effect. At any rate you could only see half the distance that you could normally see. I have been told it can get so bad that you can barely see 3 feet in front of you. I have pictures and what you will find unique is that everything looks like I was using sepia (almost black and white but with an orange tint), or better yet it looks like the movie "Pitch Black" with Vin Diessel when they were on the onrange sun side (you have to watch the movie).

I thought it was completely stunning. To behold something I have never before that swallowed all the visible color and made it its own. You could actually feel the sand, but it felt more like a think fog that you may feel back in the states. Or better yet like a room full of smokers, but doesn't make you wanna gag (J/K Grandma). But seriously it was a sight to behold and I will share it with you. The funny thing is you could even smell it, kind of like the smell of the sand at the beach. The smell is still lingering in the air right now.

Got my second box from my lovely wife and I was very glad I did. I wasn't so fortunate to get a lovely letter like the last time, but hey I'M SURE I will get one the next time....! Anyway I received some Sunkist Fruit Gems which happen to be one of my favorite candies. My darling with sent 5 boxes of these sweet morsels and I have almost tapped out one box already. Not completely on my own, I always want someone to taste the goodness that Sunkist makes. Isn't that right babe... hehe

Well that pretty much my day in a nut shell with the exception of me teying to get a little sleep before my shift starts in 4 hours. Have a good day peeps and keep on keeping on. Thank you for the messages BTW I appreciate them very much. Oh ya and BTW Cini you reminded me of what one of my pictures were about that I haven't posted yet. I will get into that a lil later today.

Til later


Sunday, January 23, 2005

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Morning Haze Posted by Hello

By this picture it sorta looks like a suburbs. But alas it is not and most likely never will. This was actually taken Friday morning not that it matters much to me I work everyday and have to ask my wife what day of the week is it.

Did you Say Rain.... In Baghdad...?!?!...

Rain Fall Posted by Hello
Yes 90% chance of rain with no where to go but out. We actually had a weather report for snow the other day. They say it hasn't snowed here in 20 years.

Beauty In Baghdad

The Nights Sky Posted by Hello
Taken with my digital camera that has done me a great service. I would say that I rival that of Mic. lol

Cool Night, Rainy Day

Again I am amazed by the weather he in Iraq. Current temperature is 44 degrees with winds up to 10-15 miles an hour. Our thermometer says the same as what's online, but personally I think its a lot more windy than that. But hey I'm not gonna argue with the Weather Channel. I have some great pictures of the moon from tonight. My goal while I am here for the most part is to find some beauty in all this madness. I think that if I can focus more on the good of what is going on rather than the bad it will make my time pass by a lil smoother. To answer a couple of questions that have been asked of late, no I have not heard the booms.... And in all honesty I would like you to take your focus away from that style of thinking. I can not stress enough how the News is making things much worse than it really is. I urge you NOT to watch the news in regards to Iraq unless absolutely necessary and trust me when it becomes necessary I plan to be flying over the Atlantic half way home.

Anyway I want to talk about what I learned before I came to IRAQ. I learned the the average Iraqi family only lives on one dollar a day. That cellular service was banned by Saddam and the penalty if caught with a cell phone was death. Saddam didn't think of his people as people at all, but more like stray dogs to be dealt with. I find the mood here to be very grim and I pray for understanding of this situation. One thing is for certain my time here has made me appreciate everything about my life in the states. From running water to electricity and even the ability to drive down the street without having to dodge bullets and bombs (haven't had to personally). I have been reading a blog from a girl that lives here in Baghdad. I am amazed at what her and her family is able to go through on a regular basis. I will include a link to her site at the bottom of my post so that you may read what she has to say. But for now I will leave you with a quote from her site.

Riverbend: "It's amazing how as things get worse, you begin to require less and less. We have a saying for that in Iraq, "Ili yishoof il mawt, yirdha bil iskhooneh." Which means, "If you see death, you settle for a fever." We've given up on democracy, security and even electricity. Just bring back the water."

On a lighter note I want to thank Nastalgia (lol) for giving me employment when the rest of the city forgot about me. I was humbled by the work I had to do and also came closer to an understanding of the saying by any means necessary. That doesn't just apply to the defense of ones family, but it also implies that it is important for a man to do what ever it takes to make his family thrive. Which again makes my decision to come here easier than most would think. I have been blessed and I am continuously being blessed and will not forget that no matter what. A lot of people say that I am brave for being here, but some times it has nothing to do with bravery, but more with necessity. I was brought up to never fail so when I was faced with a compromising position of failure I truly believed I had no other choice. I only gave one person the power of attorney over me. Not to be a burden, but as a show of good faith and saying "I know I'm not doing all that I can, but I want to and I am trying. I know what I am doing isn't good enough so this is my plan do you approve?"

Only my One True Love, My GOD Send, my continuous blessing could have kept me from coming here. I know this was a heavy burden for you I didn't mean for it to be. As a matter of fact I was sure you would simply say don't go its not worth it and we would try a lil bit harder to make ends meet. But because GOD blessed you with a giving spirit you gave me the chance to do what I really and truly wanted to do on what some might say was "My Next Big Adventure" (several people said that actually). That is why I plan on giving you the moon the stars, the sky and that lays before us. The funny thing is all you ask for is peace. Sorry to go off on a tangent, but anyway Nastalgia (lol) even though I wasn't gettin paid a whole lot it helped a great deal. And in light of what I have seen here things could have been worse. A dollar a day versus 8 an hour isn't too bad at all. I often think about that Custodial Engineering (janitor basically) job that I held for a couple of months. We have a young Iraqi that comes here everyday (with the exception of Friday Muslim holy day) to clean up after us dirty Americans. To come here with risk of life and to witness what amenities we have at our disposal when he himself may not even have running water back home. 15 dollars a day is his pay for slaving over us while any one of us her make that amount in less than 5 minutes (less than that even). So thank you very much for you kind generosity and I look forward to repaying a debt. That goes for you as well uncle DT, because if it wasn't for you and your generosity I wouldn't be where I am today. I owe you more than I owe anyone (with the exception of Mrs. Dubs). For the past ten years all that I have learned and gained and even lost were lessons learned and only possible by the giving of your house, food, transportation and conversation (didn't mean for those last 2 to rhyme). To those I owe debts to you will be rewarded more than you can ever know I will see to it.

For now I give my love as collateral till I see you again in 2 months. :) (coming to the midway pint of this journey)

A giving spirit is a life debt that lasts forever
Like roots of an Oak tree they stretch long and far
Blessing everything it touches into the debts of ones soul
Changing the face of the Earth by just being kind
Molding others to mend others and to bless others
I feel as if I will be in debt for a life time to a great many souls.
For that I am grateful and more importantly Blessed.
For as long as I am in debt I give of my spirit freely.

Take care peeps,
Love you

BTW (By The Way for those that aren't aware) Check out Riverbends Weblog it is very good reading, probably better than my I would even say. Just click here BAGHDAD BURNING.


Saturday, January 22, 2005

A Good Day

Well I find myself to be in good spirits today despit the fact that Im away from all that I know and love. Im happy for 2 reasons: One is because I feel like Im accomplishing something even if it doesnt always seem that way here. And secondly I received some comments on my blog today. Now I know the main goal in my blog is to keep you updated, but every time I read a post other than my own it makes me feel good. I have never been away for the holidays if I could help it and I was a lil upset that I didnt get any comments from my loved ones wishing me a happy holiday. But no need to cry over it whats done is done and well I spoke to my wife and that matters most. To that point somes this one which is I received a response from my Uncle DT today. Let me tell you that E and I will be there for the 9th and I look forward to coming. I just hope you dont have the mishaps that I did the night before my wedding. We can only wait and see...

On another note I was able to see the Moon and the Stars for only a short time this evening. Some times therw is so much dust and sand in the air that you can see a ring around the moon. Its actually very beautiful to see all things considered. I am so amazed some times thinking about where I am and what is going on. I am standing in the general Area where it all began. Some could learn to apprciate things more, because thats whats it is here for us to appreciate not take for granted.


Friday, January 21, 2005

Free Parking For Non-Motorist

When I was in Amsterdam I saw many interesting things, but I have to admit the most interesting was all the bicycles that I saw. Not only that but all the walks of life riding them as well. The tour guide said that Amsterdam has 600,000 bikes in the city and 800,000 reported bike thefts a year. I believe he was joking about the thefts, but this parking deck is free for bike riders to help promote a clean way of transportation. There are over 4000 bikes in this four story deck. Man hate to be the guy on top looking for his bike.

Bike Parking Deck Posted by Hello

Meeting at Noon Today

The tour Guide said that this was a conference bike for those really serious businessmen.... Ya Right haha

Conference Bike Posted by Hello

This Ole Church

This is suppose to be one of the oldest and most revered churches in all of Holland. Which is why it is in the Red Light District for all the sinners to go after they have a good evening :) LOL

Red Light District Church Posted by Hello

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

"28 Days Later"

Well it has now been exactly four weeks since my arrival to Baghdad. I have to admit that this experience has been one of the greatest in my life time and it is just beginning. I can't imagine what the almighty has in store for me. I have the pleasure of being apart of the ONLY American based cellular company in the Middle East at this time. Not only that but it feels real good working again. I haven't always been the most dedicated employee, but I have always wanted to work. My lovely wife can tell you from experience that my mood is different when I have a steady income coming in. Well that has gone and I am working on one mood for all occasions bad or good. One thing that GOD has opened my eyes to is the fact that we have it good even when we don't. And by that I mean look at it from another Countries perspective and you will definitely learn humility. I keep saying over and over again that I will never complain about the American goods, and services again (might not stop me from getting upset with the waiters, But its a start).

So take a Journey with me and see what I have seen in this world. The beauty in what GOD (Allah, Jehovah, Jesus, Zeus, Buddha or whatever your believe) has made.

The dormant state of hatred has halted
and only Love exist in this vessel
Blessed is he that has found Love
and forever shall it remain true with me
Take time to embrace GOD and his wonders
and be amazed by the power he possesses
From ash to ash, and dust to dust
We will return from whence we came
Only to return again with the hopes of renewal
Blessed is he that has found Love

May GOD Bless me till my Last breath
Till that Day I return to the Earth, From whence I came

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The Desk That "K" Built...Oh Happy Day

First off I would like to say thank you for the calls I received from M-Town today. It was uplifting and very much appreciated. I look forward to communiques state side as do most people that are over here. It makes the days easier when someone takes the time to contact you to see how you are and express their concern for your safe return. The interesting thing is that the people I hear from most are NOT the ones I thought it would be. I won't lie and say that I'm not disappointed, but it doesn't matter that isn't something I need dwell on while I am here I have more important things to worry about. Thank you GP for the calls today it means more than you will ever know.

The easiest way to get in touch with me is by email or via MSN Messenger. I have included the links to MSN Messenger for your easy access if you do not already have the program. (Moms and G-ma you dont need this FYI)

If you want a hotmail email account and wish to IM me (Instant Message) then click this link: MSN Messenger with New Hotmail Email

If you wish to use your already exsisting email accout then click here: MSN Messenger with exsisting Email

Just follow the instructions and you will be on your way. Send me your email address and I will forward you my screen name so that we may converse.

OK now the weather here tonight is wonderful. I can't see the stars, but its 60 degrees out so I can live with out for tonight. I haven't been such a interesting place with such a drastic change in weather from one day to the next. Oh wait yes I have it called Dallas TX and Peoria IL. On thing is for sure that neither place has in common with here and that's the summer. I am told that it can get up to 150 degrees in the shade at times. Right now is suppose to be the rainy season, but it has only rained a few times since I have been here. Everyone here believes it going to make the summer worse as a result of the faltering winter. Not something I look forward to, but at least weight will be the least of my problems...

I had to move again from where I was staying which makes 2 moves from the day I got here. The first move was rushed and I wasn't too pleased to say the least. This one was actually a slow move to bigger quarters and I have to say that I am very pleased. There was a shelf that the previous tenet left behind that took up a lot of space. Not only did it take up too much space, but there wasn't a desk either (12 pound laptop a desk is a must). So I took it apart and rebuilt it to accommodate my needs. I took some pictures to show my wonderful accomplishment. I have always loved working with my hands (especially now that I'm married lol) just not something I got to do very often. The funniest thing is I can remember trying to take everything in the house apart and my moms yellin at me and tellin me to stop taking things apart. I mean alarm clocks, electronic toys, VHS tapes, VCR's you name it. Basically anything I could get my hands on not to mention Lego's. I won't take you down memory lane today it would take too long and besides I need to save some stuff for my book (lol). Anyway below are a few pictures from my new domicile and "The Desk That K Built".

Have a good afternoon my loved ones


To my Wife of 2 and a half years (goin on 40)

You are the light shining bright within me
the eternal flame that can not be put out

Love Always in this life time and the next

My Room

The room is narrow, but its twice as long as the room I had before. see the desk that my laptop is currently on... not exactly the size I was wishing for...

Desk and Bed Posted by Hello

My Desk

Not bad if I say so myself. The shelf on the left was apart of the original product. I started from the right and connected the desk to the shelf on the left no need to take it all apart.

The Rebuild Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Who Said You Can't Teach An Old Dog New Tricks...

Yaaaaaaaa Alright I got my Gramps and G-ma on the box today and they were able to chat with me and visit my website. Isn't technology great...!! Now I just have to get Grams (Weezy) set up and we will be on the ball... I am very proud of my grandparents for taking the time to try something very foreign to them just to be able to communicate with me a lil bit more regular. Now although I knew they would love the MSNTV I knew it would be a task in getting them to use it, but for only having it for one day I think they have made great strides. A great day today it will be (Yoda voice).

On another note I talked to my Girls yesterday ( my Godmothers Daughters)and I was very happy to do so. At any time I am able to talk to my loved ones or read a message from them it brings a smile to my face so KEEP SENDING THEM! And for those that have not posted DO SO!

We are going to the gun range later today I will take pictures of the event and post them tomorrow. Don't worry I won't shoot myself or more importantly anyone else for that matter.

I have been stocking up on food from the PX, because due to the elections we maybe on a lockdown. Which means we cant leave the complex even to get chow. When I first got here we were on a semi-lockdown state. We could leave the complex for chow, but it was mandatory that we wear our helmets and vest. Which I didn't have a problem with it, but it was just heavy lugin that thing around. I won't ever complain about having it or wearing it I am fortunate and blessed to be secure. The funny thing is it reminds me of my basketball days at Ole Woody. Wearing that weight jacket in Bball practice for hours at a time (felt that way anyway). I actually thought about using my vest in a workout. Like riding a bike to the nearest mess hall or basketball courts (in the same area). Would be a great workout. Will have to test it out one day and see how well I can do. The nearest mess hall is on Striker Army base which isn't far at all, but with the way they are routing the roads it makes the distance like 2-3 miles. That would be a 4-6 mile ride round trip and after some ball or a hefty meal I might not want to ride back.

I found another person here doing a blog about Iraq, but I think they live here. I'm not sure, but the blog has been in existence for 2 or more years. I emailed her, because in all honesty I was inspired by her blog and had a few questions. I am finally getting a more permanent place to stay tomorrow and with a lot more room as well. I had a disagreement with the manager the other day and it didn't go so well. But after some wise council with my darling wife (not really J/K she is what keeps me grounded). I was able to talk to him and smooth things out and then the next day I got the new crib (that's ebonics for house for those that don't know isn't that right Aunt Ka Ka he he). The funny thing is my wife made SEVERAL references to my Aunt KaKa and her coolheadedness. Well I am working on it, but its a process. I'm better than I use to be and I think all can account for that, but I'm still working on it.

Also yesterday I did something I have wanted to do since I got here and it made a guys day. Abdul and I were on our way to breakfast as we always do in the morning. We have 2 checkpoints that we MUST go through in order to get to the mess hall. Well we come in pretty regular so the guards for the most part know us by face. So when we got to the first checkpoint the guard was also the same guard that was joking around with Abdul the night before when they went to dinner (I was asleep). Well anyway the guy came up to the car and said "man this morning is starting out bad already". That wasn't good because it was 6:5:00am and he still had the whole day ahead of him. Well I asked the guy where he was from (which I already knew by the accent) and he said New York. So then I took my phone out and said "here make some calls I'll be back in an hour. He looked at me and was like are you serious, and I said ya I'll be by to pick it up in an hour or so. So he said thanks man you are the greatest and we went to breakfast. On our way back we could see the guy was still on the phone. So he was hanging up as we got to him and he had a big grin on his face. He came to the car and thank me and told me he owed me big time and gave Abdul a hug and a kiss on his cheek. Now that is why I like to see a guys day made good by a simple gesture for a short period of one hour. So Abdul said "no more Simon says right" and the guy said "no way man you are good from here on out, I love you guys your the best". I didn't really understand the last part til Abdul explained to me that last night when they came to the checkpoint (they work 12 hour shifts) the guy made (as a joke) Abdul get out and do Simon says. They had a couple of laughs and drove off. So now here we are full circle and the guy was starting his next shift after just being there 13 hours prior, and his day already started out bad. Gave him a phone, he made some calls and all was renewed in his day.

The giving spirit can have a profound effect on ones mood and attitude so be sure to give a lil something each day and you will be surprised what will happen. I plan on maintaining my giving spirit (as I always have) with the hopes that I can help someone's day a little brighter.

Be the light in someone's eyes for a moment
and watch them shine for the rest of the day

Love and Peace
ESPECIALLY to the middle East
At least While I am here...


Saturday, January 15, 2005

Alas It has Ended

Well after much time setting up my Gramps got a lil upset with the thing and walked away. But it was fun while it lasted. I look forward to many conversations in the future once they get use to the thing. My Moms and cousin Bri will most likely have to go over there and help them get use to it. As a matter of fact my Moms just IM me and said she will probably go over there tonight. So I may end up chating with them in a bit. I like the little msn thing its interesting, and you can use it with exsisting email accounts and internet services. I will have to look into it more for the house or for other individuals (hint hint E).

Love ya Peeps

Friday, January 14, 2005

Its Friday And I Am Happy

So in my on going effort to get people to read my blog and post a comment I purchased a MSNTV unit for my grandparents (on my mothers side). Now this was a big step for them considering the fact that they had a DVD player for 6 months before they hooked it up. So I spent about an hour on the phone with my Gramps getting them set up and now Im talking to them via the Internet with MSN Messenger. I will update you in the progress it is slow going at the moment....

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Another Day in Pictures

I happened to take my camera to the mess hall today and we decided to take a detour to Slayer Army Base. It just so happened that the road back was blocked and we had to go around the base and an artificial lake that surrounded one of Saddam's Palaces. I was glad that we did I was able to get some great pictures and see some wonderful sites. This country is full of wonders and I am learning also has a very rich history. Well enjoy the pictures and tell me what you think.

Love and what not.


One of Many

This happens to be one of a hundred or so Palaces that Saddam has built in the past ten years.

Saddam's Palace Posted by Hello

Not A Tank Anymore

This also one of many in this war torn country. I have seen many destroyed and rusty tanks since I have been here, and I'm sure I will see many more.

Old Tank Posted by Hello

Muslim Mosque

This is a muslim Temple that is now apart of one of the many army bases in the area.

Muslim Mosque Posted by Hello

The Cave

This is an entrance to a play area built for Saddam's Grandkids. This is just ONE entrance of a very big cave like structure that goes for about half a block.

Saddam's Playpen Posted by Hello

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Officially 3 weeks in IRAQ

I think I am finally ready for the night shift... I went to sleep at 2pm and got up at 7 for some stupid meeting and then went back to sleep at 10-11:30. So I shouldn't be to bad off this evening like I was yesterday. Man in all my mental preparations for the coming here 30 degree weather wasn't a thought in my mind. But hey it gets cold in the desert as well. Not so bad tonight like it was the past 2 nights, but its still a lil nippy. Thank you very much E for the hoodies they are coming in real handy, I particularly like the Black one (wink ).

Some times I wake up and can't really believe that Im here in Baghdad. I mean its like a dream and its the same thing everyday. I think part of that has to do with the fact that I'm never see the terrible things that are going on so it seems so surreal to me. I haven't been watching the new so I know less of whats going on than when I did in the states. Well sorta I have the events unfolding as they happen, but the news is a lot more detailed than the information we are getting.

I bought a 29inch TV and DVD player to help pass the time. The only problem is since we have such close quarters I'm not as able to enjoy it the way it was meant to. I miss my family and friends a lot. I am talking to my Niece NiNi via IM right now and it is really good to hear from her. She keeps putting the smiley faces on the message and they are funny. I cant get them to paste so I cant show you, but they are funny. I have my camera (thanks again to my lovely wife) so you should see a lot more pictures in the coming weeks. I would really like for everyone to take the time to email me or post a comment when you get a chance. Again helps pass the time and in a way makes me feel safe and supported (even if you are against me coming here). I have work to do (not really( so I'm gonna talk to all you lovely peeps later.

One Love


Monday, January 10, 2005

I Got Paid Today....!!! Ya

Only here for a short time and at the expense of not being able to spend the holidays with my family. Not my ideal situation, but as the title says I received my first check for the short time that I have been here and I was able to pay off 3 credit cards as well as a few other bills, buy myself a TV and DVD player for my room and a very nice gift for the Mrs. Man I have to admit it feels REAL good having more than 20 bucks in my account. Since I have been with E I have been taught how to manage my money better and I have been doing quite well. Before I got paid I had 17 dollars in my account. And this isn't the first time I have been down this low. I have had nothing but 80 cents in my account and still didn't bounce a check. As a matter of fact I spent the whole year of 2004 and didn't bounce a check. Well I did in December, but there were a lot of factors involved and it was out of my control.

I got up at 3:30 - 4 this afternoon so I'm doing better as far as my time goes I should be completely set for nights in a day or so. Its a big process going from days to nights for those that don't know. You either have to force yourself to sleep or stay up all night as late as you can so that you are so tired that you pass out (that's what I do anyway). As a matter of fact I was falling asleep in our meeting this morning, because I had been up since noon the day before. I took some cardboard and taped it up to the window so the SUN (as great as GOD made it) isn't disturbing my sleep. I am a little sleepy now, but I should be ok. I'm going to try to stay up til at least noon or so then I will sleep most of the afternoon and I wont be so tired at night.

Every once in a while I hear a boom or something similar off in the distance, but tonight was the first time I heard so much in one night. There were multiple mortar attacks off in the distance, but the the blasts are so powerful you can hear and feel them as if they were right across the street. Then or course you hear the artillery return fire to the locations that the mortars came from. My co-worker (who happens to be from Texas and lives within just 15-20 minutes from Me and E and also has a daughter-in-law that works for the same company the Mrs. Dub works for) called to see if I was OK with all the shelling going on and then later stopped by to check on me as well. He is a sweet, dirty, ole man and reminds me of my Grampa D1. They have very similar traits and it makes me like him a lil more because of it. Speaking of which Grandma and Gramps you will be receiving something in the mail in a couple of days. Be sure and call me before you open it. I'm pretty much on the same schedule as you with me working nights and all so you wont be calling at a bad time.

I am 9 hours ahead of you guys and gals back in the states, but here is a easy way to remember what time it is here. Just subtract 3 hours and change the pm to am or vice versa if its the morning and there you have it. Baghdad time based on K-Dubs simple math for dummies (J/K trying to make it sound like those books you always see). For me its the opposite I add 3 hours as an example it 3am here which means its 6pm Central time. Well I'm gonna sign off I starting to drift so I'm gonna take a walk in the brisk air.

Love ya peeps,
Love you Mrs. Dub,

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Graveyard Shift

Well tonight I start the midnight shift and I am ill prepared. The only thing you have to prepare for on 3rd shift is sleep. For the past 7 years I have mostly worked nights and the one thing that I have tried to do is sleep til I have to work. Because the longer you are up before your shift starts the more tired you will be by the end of that shift. I tried to stay up til 7 or 8 in the morning but only made it to 3 or 4am. Then I was awake by 11:30 for 2 reasons: One I have no shade for my window so the SUN was shining in my eyes the whole time and secondly everyone else is on days and they really don't have too much respect for the day sleepers. Its not that they are intentionally being rude, but they aren't doing anything to keep from making to much noise.

So I will be tired as can be before its all said and done. Especially since I haven't been able to get back to sleep before my shift. I received my care package from the Mrs. Today and I am very happy. Its a joy to have someone in your life that know you well enough to give what you need and want. Don't hesitate to send me something if you want I wont mind at all. Just get the address from Mrs. Dub or Grams or my Moms as a matter of fact Mic has it as well. Well I talk to ya later loved ones.

All will be right with the world when everyone wakes up and realizes that what they are doing is there WILL and not that of ALMIGHTY GOD

Open your mind to the possibility of being wrong and your eyes will see
what is right more often and more frequently than you do now

Submit to those that are worthy of respect and you in turn will become
just that... Worthy of respect....

Love Always

Saturday, January 08, 2005

A Shout Out to All My Peeps

I would like to take this time right now to talk about what I have learned from those I love. I'm just gonna start it out with my Aunt Ka Ka (LoL). The most logical IMHO of all my family members. From her I learn the ability to stay calm under any circumstance(even if I don't always apply it). From my uncle Mic I learned the art of talent and how important it is to practice. From my aunt Cine I, Hum let me think a minute, no there is something, oh ya Business sense from her I learn that its there you just have to apply(lol). From my aunt D I learned that you are never to old to do what you want( I.E. getting DL almost 15 years after your suspose to :). From my uncle Don2 I learned what not to do.. He he Just kiddin no actually I learned the importance of staying close to those you love as he does. No one ask to see me more than he does and for that I am thankful. From my uncle Ty I learned probably the most from, but the one that sticks out is having a personal relationship with everyone, even your children.

Now on to the grandparents the life's blood of our family (IMO). From my Grams I learned the importance of washing my hands. And boy you don't know how I wish I had a sink in my room right now. As a matter of fact this place could use a kindred spirit like my Grams. The world would be a much better place. From my Grampa with the glasses (which I continue to learn from) the importance of good communication skills (smile). A joke and a truth all together I have acquired a long wind because of this fine gentleman. From my Grampa D1 I learned hard work and a soft heart go hand in hand. Also outward appearances don't speak for the man inside. I always said that he was one of the most intelligent men I have ever know (other than myself lol). And on to my Grandma Bet, I hold this one close, because what I have come to find is a lot of my traits I have come from her. What I take from her the most is I am always right....!!

My parents are mostly responsible for who I am as a whole. Not all traits I have are good, but I take the good with the bad its just as important to me. From the Pops I was taught to never give up even if you are on you hands and knees keep trying it will eventually work itself out. Now this has proven to be very valuable in the past and to this day it remains true. My future always seems brighter knowing that no matter what it is I can do it, failure is not an option. From my darling mother I take with me the importance of Love and affection. I may not have always had three square meals a day, but love has carried me through the toughest times in my life and is doing so right now....

Last but not least by any means my Wife Mrs. Dub. I have learned more from this individual than I have from any teacher, or any book in all my years on this Earth. Most importantly I have learned that there is someone for me in this universe and she reminds me of that fact everyday. We may have had our ups and downs and not exactly where I would prefer them (he he). But I stand strong, because of the knowledge that I have gained and will continue to gain for a lifetime to come. With this person I could take forever so I will leave like so. I have learned the reality of my fantasy's are only possible with the help of my wife.

May GOD Bless us all
To be continued


Friday, January 07, 2005

Friday Night in Baghdad

Well not much has been going on (for me anyway) which is the reason I havent posted. Our newcomer, J, went to the IZ (green zone) which is what the news is always talking about. I am at the Airport 6 miles away from Baghdad proper. He was very amazed by the whole trip and said it was a real eye opener. He said it definitly puts things in perspective.

I might be getting my Blackhawk flight sooner than I thought. Maybe even as soon as next week. I will find out more after this weekend. I start 3rd shift on Sunday night so I will be up during your afternoon / evening back in the states so email me, or hit me on the IM. Lots of love my peeps.

All my love to you E,

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Not The Only Brother Here

Well the Black population just got a boost here at our complex. Got a brother from DC just dropped in yesterday. He is 35, married and use to work at Nextel in the DC Area. He hoops and that is definitely a good thing, because I think I am putting on some weight. I also sent in a couple of resumes' of a friend of mine and his buddy to the company that hired me. I am told that they should get them processed and shipped out here in a month or 2. So we will be representin the AA (African American) society as a whole.

Now the next paragraph I am going to stress the importance (yet again) that what you see on TV is NOT a true representation of our situation. Please take what your see and hear (terrible tragedies that they are) with a grain of salt. I will not lie to you it is like The Wild West over here. But I am not a cowboy or a gunslinger and I don't plan on gettin into any gunfights. I will do everything that is necessary to stay safe. I did not come here as a target I came here as person looking to make a difference where I can. I guess you can say I'm putting my stamp on the world (Iraq that is).

The reason I bring this up is, because the elections are coming up and things are getting worse. Unfortunately (fortunately for me) the focus of the terrorist attacks have been on the Iraqi people. So the focus has shifted from the U.S. to the people trying to make something of their desert land. And it will be this way for the next month or so. And after that things should calm down drastically. I will be in my little cubby hole from home to work from point A to B. If you are dreadfully concerned you can contact my wife and she can update you if I have not. That's if you are pulling your hair out and just gotta talk to someone, but please don't call her everyday asking "Have you talk to K today". Don't annoy her she is just as worried as you are with me being over here.

So with that being said Goodnite I love you sleep well and don't worry bout me I'm holdin it down.

I love you E.


Wednesday, January 05, 2005

2 Weeks Under My Belt

I have found out that this web journal can sometimes be a vent for my frustration when I don't have someone (or something) to vent to. At present I am very frustrated about our living arrangements. 2 more guys showed up today at a moments notice and everything was thrown in disarray. In all honesty I am a lil tired of hearing how things use to be and I'm lucky this and should've been here last year. CRAP that's then this is now and a manager, no excuse me, a CAPABLE manager should lead by example. What I have found out through my marriage is that just because I am the husband doesn't make me the man nor the leader. I have to lead by example before I can gain any kinda of respect. And only when I have shown the ability to lead intelligently will people be willing to follow knowing that their best interest is mine as well.

I have had my fair share of bad managers especially those that try to micro manage before they have the manage part down. See I remember my second manager at Best Buy and I use to think he was too hard on me and I thought he was prejudice. He would always have me do the hardest work and he would have me do jobs that should have been done by his immediate supervisor. Well my hours were picking up I ever had more hours than the supervisor and I was a part time employee. The work wasn't to difficult, but if I didn't do something the way he wanted it done, even if I thought of a better way to do it, he would get upset.

He turned out to be one of the best managers I EVER had in my life and I tell you why. I finally got tired of being his example so I kinda got an attitude one day and asked why he always made me do everything, there where plenty of other guys just standing around doing nothing. Again I had a bit of an attitude when I said this so he pulled me to the back and let me have it. He told me that he new I was young and immature and there was a reason why he relied on me more than all of the other guys including his next in command. I asked him if he had a problem with me because I was black (because he was white) and if that was the problem. He explained that even though I was immature and a little lazy I had a good head on my shoulders, I was smart, and when he asked me to do something he knew it was in very capable hands. Then he went on to explain that if he asked me to do something and I didn't do it right then he would come down on me, because I was better than that.

suffice to say from that day forward we got much closer and I worked my butt off for him, because I knew I was his #1 employee even if I wasn't getting the pay. He was also a man that would lead by example, he would never ask you to do something because it was beneath him or because he was to good for the job (unlike my previous manager before he took over). I was so caught up in the whole black white think that I didn't even realize that He relied on me, because I was good at what I did. Didn't matter if it was sweeping, mopping, getting a TV down from the stock or selling somebody a VCR I was the one to go to.

Which reminds me, one day I was selling a TV to and older couple. I believe he was a little apprehensive about dealing with me (because I was black) and they kinda avoided me a bit. So when all the other associates paid them no attention I moved in and let loose. The TV I showed them was out of stock and they decided to take the floor model (I did some heavy sellin). Well I didn't have any stock handlers to help me get the TV down and everybody else was worthless so I myself took a 35 inch TV, weighing in at about 135 pounds, off of a 3 and half foot shelf onto a sled similar to the ones at Sams. With the hard part done and not a scratch or a dent in the process I took the customer up to the register. Then I took it to the customers car and picked it up by myself again and loaded it in the back of their vehicle. After that I watched as 2, I say again 2, stock handlers scratch the TV while pushing it further in the customers car. Oh man was I hot, oh well that's my flash back for today. Anyway a lesson learned is just that...

I would rather have loved and lost
Than to have never loved at all
But I am fortunate to be loved and return love
and because of that I will never be lost

Love someone today and in return be loved for a lifetime


Tuesday, January 04, 2005

A Feeling of Accomplishment

Since I have gotten here I haven't been able to do too much. The process of getting this job and even the work itself has all been a matter of hurry up and wait. It took a month from the first point of contact to get the paperwork to fill out for the contracting company. 2 more weeks til MCI called and gave me their paperwork. It took me the better part of a month getting all the necessary paperwork completed as well as immunization. Then I was told to sit back relax and enjoy the holidays, because it was suppose to take 4 weeks for my paperwork to be processed. 2 weeks later I was here in Baghdad. But when I got here it was the same thing cant fix it gotta wait.

So last night after my shift during the day I had to fix a site and for the first time since I have been here I was able to actually do what I know how to do. And I was able to score some cool points from one of the bosses back in the states. Now all of you may know that I'm not one to care about what a boss thinks (which is weird since I like to know what PEOPLE think). So it s really strange for me to care that a manager has regard for me and the work I did which was something I use to do day in and day out for almost 3 years straight. Operation and maintenance is what I was brought here to do. But I have to wait for a Congressional hearing and 2 week holding pattern before I can proceed with the one thing I am very capable of doing.

None the less the title for today explains it all I finally have a since of accomplishment after being here for almost 2 weeks. In all honesty that is a long time before feeling useful. I mean imagine what you do at work and just think about the simplest task that you do on a daily bases that most likely takes up no more than an hour of you time and spread that out into a week and tell me what you think. I will have to get use to it or I will drive myself crazy and loose interest isn't that right E. :)

Well I say good morning to you, because that's about the time you will read this.

Love you all, Friends & Family and especially Mrs. Dubs

Oh and to Cine I didn't play with them I just INDULGED a bit. :)


Monday, January 03, 2005

Shoot Em Up Cowboy...

Boy Did I have a time yesterday...!! We went to the shooting as a part of our qualification to carry arms. I have never shot before and although I always wanted to it was much different than I expected. I go into everything I do (or at least I try) knowing that I can do it and do it well even if it's my first time. I have excellent hand eye coordination and as long as I have been playing games and as well as I have been doing then I fully expected to hit the mark every time dead on. There is a lot more to it that has nothing to do with shooting at all. As a matter of fact the shooting portion is small if you take in to consideration, proper instruction of handling the firearm safely, reloading, aiming and concentration.

I learned a great deal and could spend all day talking about it. One I was happy to go and had to try really hard not to smile some times (like a kid in the candy store yada yada). Suffice to say I did well for my first time and was told I could really be good with practice, but I didn't do as well as I thought I would. For one you see the target and you looking at it without a weapon and you think "Oh that's not that far". Then you zero in (aim) on the target behind the gun and the target seems a mile away. It's amazing how much difference there is when staring from behind a weapon. I shot several different guns and all in all it was a lesson if anything. I have learned gun safety and although I enjoyed myself and can't wait to go again, I truly realize and understand that what I am handling is a method off death and one thing is true, I definitely don't take it lightly like I did the day before yesterday.

I have done so much in such a short time and I thank GOD for the experience. I have traveled abroad to 3 different countries and cultures. I have seen a garage 4 stories high with nothing but bicycles (Over 4000 of them). I have seen the sun rise over Kuwait Bay in the Persian Gulf. I rode a C-130 military cargo plane to Baghdad airport. I have seen first hand the damage we have done as well as the terror and destruction Suddam has maintained for such a long time. I have seen Chinook transport helicopters, Apache Gunships (also a helicopter), Hummers, and Abrams battle tanks. Things I have seen all my life in simulations and video games and have always wanted to see first hand. And on top of that I have the distinct pleasure of working beside our armed forces.

In short I am blessed
I love you Mrs. Dub

This is me and my co-worker Abdul. He is in the switch with me for the morning shift which is your evening you get the idea.

Me & Abdul Posted by Hello
Quote "AK-47's for EVERYBODY". Only a few people will get this kinda an inside joke. :D

AK-47 Posted by Hello
The weapon of choice with most police swat teams in the US. A very easy gun to handle.

HK MP-5 Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Now I know I have mentioned this hundreds of time to all that I talk to about my field. Here is our cell tower which connects us to this side of the Globe. And that my Loved ones is it in a nutshell. It could be better, but it could be a helluva lot worse. I'm alive and well and that's what matter the most right.... Enjoy


The Tower Posted by Hello
Which brings me to this picture. Most of our guards are British and where there are brits there is a Pub. This is our British Pub where we can sit back enjoy some music and have a couple of drinks. If you want a clean glass you have to bring your own... lol

Pub Posted by Hello
That is the Guard post with 2 guards armed with AK-47s 24-7. They happen to be from Napal and are good at there job. We have 8 other armed guards that travel with us when we go away from the protected area of the Army base.

Guards Posted by Hello
What would life be in a living room without my Xbox... :)

Xbox Posted by Hello
This is our group living room which is right next to my room in the office building. Ya Iraq isn't known for their great decorative colors and furniture.

Living room Posted by Hello
Is this enuf water for you my dear. This is just for my room for this week (just kidding). But seriously I try to drink a bottle a day which is 1.5 liters. You do the math I'll just post the info.

Water Posted by Hello