Friday, December 31, 2004

Week plus 1

I forgot to mention that yesterday I had some of the best food since I have been here. This morning was not... Yesterday I had broiled chicken with buttered noodles and corn. Man put a lil bread in my hand and I would have been set. This morning I had eggs that tasted like powder, oatmeal that tasted like mush, and French toast that tasted like a piece of toast. Lunch wasn't any better so today I have had my fill of bad food. I have been trying to stockpile some things from the mess hall (i.e. soda, juice, cereal) so that when I get my own room finally then I would have a few day worth of rations in case I wish to stay where I am.

Oh ya and yesterday was one of those days where I wished I could have ordered a pizza and just watched a movie. I envy those that have been here, because even though I didn't get out much when I wanted or needed to I could if only for a couple of hours. I am beginning to feel the burn of a one world society. Although I did have a real good morning 2 days ago with a little help from Jack. Anyway I can't wait for E to send me my package I am egar to receive things that would make life a lil bit easier especially with all this time on my hands. I think I have found out where the courts are and I'm going to try and get over there when I get some time. Since that is my only workout I am fastly becoming lazy and out of shape.

I look forward to my wife's call everyday and it sometimes makes the day go by better when I have spoken with her in the morning. I can't imagine the strain I have put on her and all the responsability of doing all that needs done while I am over here. And on top of that she is willing to do what I ask in respect to sending me things that I have forgotten. Being here has made me a bit more calm than I am use to. I was shooting ball yesterday and a powerful sense of serenity came over me and I shot better than I even have. I couldn't miss and it was like I finally understood what it took for 2 seconds. My form was great my motion perfect and my arch was high and well rounded. Sorry was in a zone for a minute.

Anyway I look up to the stars every night looking for Orions Belt. As long as I can see it I feel refreshed and set anew. I find it funny how a childhood lesson from school has turned into a tool for a calm spirit. I will leave for today, but remember to post and remember that I love you. especially you Mrs. Dub. Without you I wouldn't have the strength to endure and with you I will.

Love and Peace

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