Friday, December 17, 2004

93 Days and counting

This is a first for me so bare with me. I have been unemployed for 8 months and it has been the longest time I have not worked in my 29 years of life. I have a lovely wife of 2 and half years and haven't been able to take care of her the way that I wish, being unemployed and what not (besides I love spending money). Well not so long ago I was given an offer to take a job overseas that would be very lucrative. Unfortunately it happens to be the one location that is the least desired. It seemed to me to be a blessing and it happened to come at the right time. So basically my blog is talking about my time in Iraq.

Today is December the 17th and its 3:38am I am currently in Virginia and I need to get some sleep. I have orientation at 8am and I haven't the slightest Idea what to expect. To my wife ,whom I can't live without, the weather is nice and the sun is high. No time for good byes only see ya in a bit. Missing you already and I haven't even left the country yet. The Idea for the blog came to me after my uncle Maynard called with some advice on what not to do and what he would like to see me do while I was away. He said that he wanted me to keep a journal and write everyday for two reasons I believe. One writing is a passion of mine and he wants me to practice so that I can get better. Secondly I think he wants me to remember these days which could be a turning point in my life. Well since I'll be writing why not make it a blog.

To my family that I love dearly I can only say this. I have heard your words more than you will ever know and they burn within me everyday. This isnt something I have to do for you its something I have to do for myself. I believe this is what I was meant to do and by God I hope I can do it right. I will think dream and wonder about you always, but don't worry you haven't gotten rid of me yet :).

Keep it real I'll see ya


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