Friday, December 17, 2004

Day 1 Fort Belvoir, VA

I guess technically it would be day 2 since I flew here yesterday, but oh well. So after 2 and a half hours of sleep I go to the lobby to meet with someone from MCI in order to get processed at Ft. Belvoir. It didn't take very long as a matter of fact only about 2 hours all together. They had to take a lil blood and check my forms fill out some more forms and take a picture wait here now go there. Ill be on my way tomorrow evening so I have pretty much a day and a half to kill.

Man I had to go thru a lot to get processed as far as shots, birth certificate, passport, physicals, dental check up, AIDS test and a slew of many other things. All in all it was worth it, well maybe not yet but in a month or so it will be. If I ever get sick I think I have grounds for a lawsuit. I have to thank Erica (wifey), because without her half or even all of it wouldn't have gotten done. I also have to thank my mother for getting records from my hometown (not to be confused with my HOME which is Dallas or better yet Irving) despite the fact it was against her wishes. Well I have some time to kill lets see what Virginia has to offer me...!!

Peace to the Middle East
At least while I'm there


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