Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Day 3 in Kuwait No sign of Baghdad

Well I haven't updated my page like I had expected to, but I am now. Kuwait is stunning and definitely a place I would like to visit under different circumstances. Just being here has been well worth the trip thus far. I have met a lot of interesting people and I am sure I will meet a lot more. The villa where I am staying is amazing for safety reasons I will leave some details out. The view is like something out of a postcard only I am on the postcard. I have been on a crazy sleep schedule so I was up at 2am (which is 5pm Central). So I got online checked some emails and just chilled. I watched a lil TV which in itself is amusing. I ended up watching a movie, chatting with my uncle and my Lovely wife.

I ended up getting on the roof and taking some beautiful pictures of the sunrise today. After that I went and had breakfast which was amazing. The buffets here are as grand as they are in Vegas, but the service is 10 times better. By the time I finished 10 seconds later they are cleaning up my plate. When I walk away to get another plate of food I return to a refolded napkin as well as a fresh glass of OJ. I mean it like they are standing right behind you waiting for you to finish something. Checked on the necessary documents that I'm waiting on which has not come in as of yet and went back to the room.

I was going to take a nap and ended up sleeping the whole day. So I got up called the Wifey and went to dinner. So here I am now talkin to the Mrs. And updating my page for today. I'm still not use to the time change. It's Thursday here and its just barely Wednesday afternoon back home.

I want to say hello and I love you to my grandparents: Grams, Grandma Betty, Grandpa Don and Grandpa Wade. I know you aren't very pleased with my decision to be here, but I am alive and well and plan on staying that way. Just remember just like when I was in Dallas the same applies here, GOD is with me. I know this more now than ever before in my life. I was walking this evening and I looked into the stars and saw the one constellation that I have memorized (Orions Belt). To me I kinda took that as GOD tellin me no matter where you are I am here to watch over you. I can remember this constellation since I was a little boy. I don't know why it is this one I can remember and point out at the drop of the dime, but it brings a calm to me whenever I see it. I have been looking at the stars for 2 decades now and I will always look up no matter where I am. Even at almost 30 I still look up to you the Heart and blood of our family. I do what I can to take care of my family as well as you have and if given the opportunity and the means you as well. Remember that I am the sum of all of you (the good and the bad ha ha). I have always wanted to travel and when I was at my lowest point GOD saw fit for me to move to Dallas. Then he went a step further and blessed me with a job that paid for all my travel and I explored the country happily. Then I was blessed with a wonderful, intelligent, beautiful, loving woman that enjoys travel as well. Then I was laid off and then this position came up for me to travel the World and yet again on their dime. GOD has saw fit to give me the desires of my heart and I will thank him Daily and many times within the day. I will take care, because I have a blood line to continue and by GOD I will do that isn't that right my LOVE... hehe

My love extends to all that wish it
Be joyful and happy my return will be soon


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