Sunday, December 19, 2004

Definitely my last day in America

Well there will not be any missing flights today I can guarantee you that. Well to all my family and friends it has been a wonderful 29 years and I plan for another 29 plus. I really don't have much to say today except do not worry it will only stress you out. Don't watch the news it will only upset you. Just remember one thing that nothing can keep me from my loved ones. I'll let you know how you can get in touch with me, but in the mean time you can email me.

Love in my heart where fear does not reside
Passion and success where failure has no place
I will always endure with my wife by my side
I willingly meet my challenges face to face
I welcome them like the coming tide

Let the new chapter in our lives begin

I love you Erica and that will never change
You are my one strength that I can not live without
and it is that strength that will get me thru

And most importantly let GOD watch over all of us close and far.

Keep it real
Love is not an option
Its a necessity


1 comment:

Suzy Parish said...

Just wanted you to know I will hold you and your wife in my prayers...I just read your blog this morning. God bless you and keep you and may His face shine upon you.