Saturday, December 18, 2004

Leaving DC for Amsterdam

Well I am about to check out of the hotel in a few minutes and I have to make my post for the day now. 91 days and counting that is how long I have til I return. I am starting to get a lil nervous to be completely honest. I got a call from my Grams a few minutes ago and she wished me well and prayed for me over the phone. I know she is very worried about my travels, because when I told her I was leaving she began to cry. When I left P-town (Peoria, IL) I spent the rest of the day with my mother and my Grandparents. We went to get something to eat, because my plane was delayed, and it was probably some of the best time that I spent there while visiting. When I get back from Iraq I would like my wife and I to spend a weekend there.

Well I could ramble for hours right now, but I have to get going so farwell for now my friends and family. Remember don't worry about me, Pray for me, and expect my return.

Love always,


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