Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Just Another Monday

As my week comes to an end I find myself wanting to do more than I'm able to. When I was in Dallas I had a routine and I followed it regularly. I mean you could set your watch by me. Now I find there is more time in the day (or at least it feel that way) thank when I was unemployed. I think I am just about caught up with sleep. I have been drinking so much water than I have to get up several times to use the bathroom. Which means putting on my shoes or at least my socks, because I don't dare walk on this floor barefoot. Speaking of bathrooms the river next to Baghdad was used as their very own sewage dump. The water is so polluted you could get sick just by lookin at it for to long.

I see wondrous things and then I see a highway with no traffic and no lights that actually work. Everything is dark here the moon and the stars are your only night lights in this dim region. I don't mind it all too much, but I wonder if I can do this for such a long Period of time. A lot of the guys over here stay for 6 months before going on leave and then only stay gone for a couple of weeks before coming back. I look forward to coming home, but dread the long travel. If I could have someone drag me from plane to plane and take care of all my luggage that would be fine with me. Well today was lets just say boring and long as far as descriptions go. I look for a more interesting day as far as being more productive and feeling like I accomplished something. The one good thing that happened today was that I drove to breakfast as well as dinner today. I think I'm getting the hang of the area, but its still a little tricky, because besides not being able to see the streets at night, but I also have to watch out for the large potholes and uneven road.

Down and waiting for my pick me up
caffeine doesn't do it for me only a lil E
can put me where I need to be
No drug, no drink no artificial sweeteners
Just a lil lady with my heart in her hand
A gentle touch and the know how to hold it

I Have come along way in a short time
but I still have along way to go
To the journey ahead I welcome you
Just don't forget no matter what
I have to get back home to my Joy
The sunrise in my day and my Orange moon.


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