Friday, December 31, 2004

Week plus 1

I forgot to mention that yesterday I had some of the best food since I have been here. This morning was not... Yesterday I had broiled chicken with buttered noodles and corn. Man put a lil bread in my hand and I would have been set. This morning I had eggs that tasted like powder, oatmeal that tasted like mush, and French toast that tasted like a piece of toast. Lunch wasn't any better so today I have had my fill of bad food. I have been trying to stockpile some things from the mess hall (i.e. soda, juice, cereal) so that when I get my own room finally then I would have a few day worth of rations in case I wish to stay where I am.

Oh ya and yesterday was one of those days where I wished I could have ordered a pizza and just watched a movie. I envy those that have been here, because even though I didn't get out much when I wanted or needed to I could if only for a couple of hours. I am beginning to feel the burn of a one world society. Although I did have a real good morning 2 days ago with a little help from Jack. Anyway I can't wait for E to send me my package I am egar to receive things that would make life a lil bit easier especially with all this time on my hands. I think I have found out where the courts are and I'm going to try and get over there when I get some time. Since that is my only workout I am fastly becoming lazy and out of shape.

I look forward to my wife's call everyday and it sometimes makes the day go by better when I have spoken with her in the morning. I can't imagine the strain I have put on her and all the responsability of doing all that needs done while I am over here. And on top of that she is willing to do what I ask in respect to sending me things that I have forgotten. Being here has made me a bit more calm than I am use to. I was shooting ball yesterday and a powerful sense of serenity came over me and I shot better than I even have. I couldn't miss and it was like I finally understood what it took for 2 seconds. My form was great my motion perfect and my arch was high and well rounded. Sorry was in a zone for a minute.

Anyway I look up to the stars every night looking for Orions Belt. As long as I can see it I feel refreshed and set anew. I find it funny how a childhood lesson from school has turned into a tool for a calm spirit. I will leave for today, but remember to post and remember that I love you. especially you Mrs. Dub. Without you I wouldn't have the strength to endure and with you I will.

Love and Peace

Thursday, December 30, 2004

As My First week comes to an end

What do you know I survived my first week in Baghdad. Contrary to most peoples belief it really isnt that bad over here. Better yet it isn't as bad as the news makes it out to be anyway. I think I heard my first mortar round the other day although it was far away it was very loud and it shook the walls. Now mind you I'm in a trailer that is similar to that of a single wide. I miss my wife dearly and have come to enjoy the smallest of times with her. I don't find myself getting upset over trivial things as much anymore. Not to say that wont be back to normal when I get back :). At any rate I love you all and will keep you informed of my situation.

Love always,

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Tuesday the 28th

Just so everyone knows I am alive and well. I have gotten use to the time change now and have been going to bed at a regular time. Which for me is strange, because I have never been a day person. Man the flys here are everywhere you are. I mean in the bathroom in the livingroom in the switchroom (where I work). I need a constant can of Raid for these lil vermon. Thw weather he very much like Texas. A tad bit cool, but not constant. Cold at night and sometimes gets a lil warmer in the day.

Short and simple
I'm Alive and Well


Just Another Monday

As my week comes to an end I find myself wanting to do more than I'm able to. When I was in Dallas I had a routine and I followed it regularly. I mean you could set your watch by me. Now I find there is more time in the day (or at least it feel that way) thank when I was unemployed. I think I am just about caught up with sleep. I have been drinking so much water than I have to get up several times to use the bathroom. Which means putting on my shoes or at least my socks, because I don't dare walk on this floor barefoot. Speaking of bathrooms the river next to Baghdad was used as their very own sewage dump. The water is so polluted you could get sick just by lookin at it for to long.

I see wondrous things and then I see a highway with no traffic and no lights that actually work. Everything is dark here the moon and the stars are your only night lights in this dim region. I don't mind it all too much, but I wonder if I can do this for such a long Period of time. A lot of the guys over here stay for 6 months before going on leave and then only stay gone for a couple of weeks before coming back. I look forward to coming home, but dread the long travel. If I could have someone drag me from plane to plane and take care of all my luggage that would be fine with me. Well today was lets just say boring and long as far as descriptions go. I look for a more interesting day as far as being more productive and feeling like I accomplished something. The one good thing that happened today was that I drove to breakfast as well as dinner today. I think I'm getting the hang of the area, but its still a little tricky, because besides not being able to see the streets at night, but I also have to watch out for the large potholes and uneven road.

Down and waiting for my pick me up
caffeine doesn't do it for me only a lil E
can put me where I need to be
No drug, no drink no artificial sweeteners
Just a lil lady with my heart in her hand
A gentle touch and the know how to hold it

I Have come along way in a short time
but I still have along way to go
To the journey ahead I welcome you
Just don't forget no matter what
I have to get back home to my Joy
The sunrise in my day and my Orange moon.


Monday, December 27, 2004

Week Coming to an End

First off I'd like to make a comment based on my wife's comment: "Look for your gift when your care package arrives."

The only thing I CARE to see is you so unless you plan on packing yourself in a crate it will just be another PACKAGE.

Mic has asked me to be a little more detailed in my bolg. Well this is very hard to do, cause I have to watch what I say given the situation. But I will try none the less. I live and work in a complex that is about half the size of a Walmart parking lot. With a total of about 30 individuals living, sleeping, eating, working, bathing, and anything else you can think of in this one complex. Now I work in the switch which is 20 feet from the main building and is only about the size of a small trailer. Its only enough room for 2 people (comfortably). The living quarters are Transportation trailers like you see on the back of semi-trucks. Only that are about half the size and are furnished with drywall and electricity. The restroom and shower is also made from these wonderful conX's (what they call them don't ask me what it means I haven't asked yet). Although we can eat here and sometimes do we generally eat in the mess hall with the GI's.

Now I can tell you for me that I am honored to be able to dine with those that defend our country and have no choice to be here, because for them its a way of life, its their job. Now the food isn't all that bad and there is always Pizza Hut and Burger King if I get tired of the regular routine. The mess hall is basically a buffet line with pretty much the same thing everyday. There are exceptions from time to time, but not often enough. The basic food that are a daily routine are as follows: burgers, hot dogs, grilled cheese, potato wedges, and Philly cheese steak. Not exactly what you call a balanced meal. There is a salad bar and ice cream bar, but of the 2 which one do you think I visit more often...

Well I'd like to thank the 3 people that posted on my blog on Christmas it meant a lot to me under the circumstances.

Just another day in Baghdad Love ya.


Mic Takes Big Chin Pic

Me and Mic with my Big Chin Posted by Hello

I am NOT Camera Shy

Me And Mic having Camera Fun Posted by Hello

Saturday, December 25, 2004

I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would be in another country away from my wife for Christmas. But here I am 9 time zones away mid afternoon, and she is barely waking up for the Christmas Day. I am well aware of my choice to be here, but it was with the proposed Idea that I would be here a month from now. With that being said I'm sorry for some of my poor choices Erica and for not spending the multitude of my time with you for my last days in the States.

One other thing and I won't mention it again. I am very aware of those that were against me coming here and I acknowledge that. This blog's #1 goal is to keep you informed of my situation and aware of my safety. However it is also possible for those that wish to post your comments and or email me if only to say hello. I am 7235 miles from Dallas Texas and it is a comfort as well as a joy to read what people are saying. So take a lil time out of your schedule if you please and drop me a line and in return I will do the same. If you have a microphone and or webcam then you can also show your face and talk to me. I am in the process of getting a mic as well as a webcam so that I too can show my wonderful face to all my loved ones. At any rate what joy it would be to have postings from my loved ones for Christmas. Would probably be one of the best gifts I have ever had.

Not too much going on here really, but a little rain. I had a nice Christmas Lunch with the troops today. I had turkey, a little ham, some mashed potatoes, and sweet potatoes and in all honesty it wasn't bad. Santa came took pictures with some people and handed out candy canes. The overall feeling I got in the room wasn't one of sorrow like I expected. Actually most of the troops seemed in good spirit and in return put me in good spirit. A couple of generals came in and shook hands and took pictures with the troops as well.

After the meal I came back and started to do what will be my main job for my stay. Simply to monitor the switch for my shift and put out any fires (virtual not real ones) that may come up during my shift. The future expansion that is projected is colossal. At present we have around 20 people in our camp and I am told that number will double within 6 months. I also got to drive the Bobcat today during our inventory. That one more thing I can check off my list babe (Drive forklift check). Well thats pretty much my day for today we are going to go to dinner now so drop me a line send an email say hello.

Love comin from Baghdad.
Love ya

Christmas in Baghdad 2004 Posted by Hello

Day 2 In IRAQ

OK let me start off by saying that if I frightened anyone with my last post I apologize I didn't mean to. I thought everyone was clear what I was doing and what might happen along the way. Let me say this to help comfort some people. Our complex has never been under attack, and no one within the group I am with has ever been hurt, harmed or maimed. The people that are attacking the US forces and the Iraqi people are NOT from Iraq.

Several of the people I have meet over the past week have been in Iraq for at least 6 months if not more. Contrary to belief there are a large number of African American (blacks) here. Of the 4 roommates I had in Kuwait 2 were black (That's half just so you know). And as a matter of fact most of them have families as well. I would like to take this time to thank those that supported me from the beginning regardless of their own motives and feelings. Especially my wife, to whom I would not have gone if she gave the word. The one thing that sticks with me that she said was; regardless if she wanted to say "no don't go", she couldn't bring herself to keep me from doing what SHE knew in her heart was what I wanted to do. Personally I don't think I even could have been that selfless if she asked me to. Just another thing that I admire and love about my wife.

Things have been very interesting, but I am sooooo tired so I will have to set aside some time tomorrow to post the things I have seen and done.


I love you all,

Thursday, December 23, 2004


Well they told us to expect the worst on our flight to Baghdad. Put our Kevlar (vest) on the seats and put our helmets on. Beware the RPG's and small arms fire, but noting came. As a matter of fact it was a very quiet evening. And now I am safe and sound at the Complex which is also where I will be working.The flight on the C-130 (Military Plane) was amazing. I am so tired I can barely stay awake. Until tomorrow my fam until tomorrow.

Love for life,

Under Way Shortly

Well the time has come for me to leave this wonderful beauty that GOD has created. I am very thankful that he has given me the opportunity to see such a wondrous place. Today I travel north to my intended destination. For safety reasons I will not discuss the time nor the means of which I will travel. Since this is a public website anyone can have access and read the information. Its scary to think someone would intentionally try to do harm to someone, but it happens. I love you all and I post again when I'm able.

Peace to the Middle East
At Least While I'm There


Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Day 3 in Kuwait No sign of Baghdad

Well I haven't updated my page like I had expected to, but I am now. Kuwait is stunning and definitely a place I would like to visit under different circumstances. Just being here has been well worth the trip thus far. I have met a lot of interesting people and I am sure I will meet a lot more. The villa where I am staying is amazing for safety reasons I will leave some details out. The view is like something out of a postcard only I am on the postcard. I have been on a crazy sleep schedule so I was up at 2am (which is 5pm Central). So I got online checked some emails and just chilled. I watched a lil TV which in itself is amusing. I ended up watching a movie, chatting with my uncle and my Lovely wife.

I ended up getting on the roof and taking some beautiful pictures of the sunrise today. After that I went and had breakfast which was amazing. The buffets here are as grand as they are in Vegas, but the service is 10 times better. By the time I finished 10 seconds later they are cleaning up my plate. When I walk away to get another plate of food I return to a refolded napkin as well as a fresh glass of OJ. I mean it like they are standing right behind you waiting for you to finish something. Checked on the necessary documents that I'm waiting on which has not come in as of yet and went back to the room.

I was going to take a nap and ended up sleeping the whole day. So I got up called the Wifey and went to dinner. So here I am now talkin to the Mrs. And updating my page for today. I'm still not use to the time change. It's Thursday here and its just barely Wednesday afternoon back home.

I want to say hello and I love you to my grandparents: Grams, Grandma Betty, Grandpa Don and Grandpa Wade. I know you aren't very pleased with my decision to be here, but I am alive and well and plan on staying that way. Just remember just like when I was in Dallas the same applies here, GOD is with me. I know this more now than ever before in my life. I was walking this evening and I looked into the stars and saw the one constellation that I have memorized (Orions Belt). To me I kinda took that as GOD tellin me no matter where you are I am here to watch over you. I can remember this constellation since I was a little boy. I don't know why it is this one I can remember and point out at the drop of the dime, but it brings a calm to me whenever I see it. I have been looking at the stars for 2 decades now and I will always look up no matter where I am. Even at almost 30 I still look up to you the Heart and blood of our family. I do what I can to take care of my family as well as you have and if given the opportunity and the means you as well. Remember that I am the sum of all of you (the good and the bad ha ha). I have always wanted to travel and when I was at my lowest point GOD saw fit for me to move to Dallas. Then he went a step further and blessed me with a job that paid for all my travel and I explored the country happily. Then I was blessed with a wonderful, intelligent, beautiful, loving woman that enjoys travel as well. Then I was laid off and then this position came up for me to travel the World and yet again on their dime. GOD has saw fit to give me the desires of my heart and I will thank him Daily and many times within the day. I will take care, because I have a blood line to continue and by GOD I will do that isn't that right my LOVE... hehe

My love extends to all that wish it
Be joyful and happy my return will be soon


Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Day 5 (Day 2 in Kuwait City)

OK I got about 3-4 hours of sleep and I in no way feel 100%, but Im ready for the day. I took a tour Yesterday in Amsterdam and didn't talk about it. Well I was tired as I have ever been in a long while, but I didn't want to miss out on the city. So I thought the best thing to do was a bus tour, you know keep warm see all the sights while someone else drives. Well first off the land is very beautiful and the houses are very home like, not flashy like we Americans are use to. Not to say they didn't have a hefty price on them, they just weren't overdone.

So out first stop was at a farm that made cheese and clogs. Which was kinda interesting, because come to find out people started making clogs because they couldn't afford shoes, so they made their own. The farm was family owned and run since the beginning many years ago, just commericalized a bit now (gift shop). Now the clogs have a deeper meaning to the people now or did anyway, but when a man is going to marry he has to hand craft a pair of clogs, with their family design, for his future wife. Well anyway they had this smoked cheese that we got to try and it was the best. It kinda tasted like smoke sausage, because it is prepared the same way.

Next we drove around downtown and went thru small streets and saw a few sights, but what was more a mazing to me was how people on bikes shared the roads with the cars. I mean they come up to the stop lights right next to us ride in the middle of the street and they even have their own 4 story parking garage for BICYCLES. The tour guide said that there were over 4000 bikes on this garage and it looked like it too. I took a picture or 2, because I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. And there were more bikes in this city than there were cars or even people... The tour guide said that there were 600,000 bikes in the city with a population of 700,000 plus. And every year there are 800,000 bikes stolen. I think he was joking, but I couldn't tell...

So lastly we got to go window shopping and boy was it a sight to see. I had read about it even seen it on TV, but nothing compares to actually seeing it in person. The thing that was really interesting was how the locals just ride their bikes and drive around it like it wasn't there. I didn't see anything I really wanted, besides I have all Im gonna buy for the rest of my life lol just messin.

To my lovely wife I love you and look forward to talkin to you again today.

My heart is sorrow without you.
Which is all the more reason for me to come home.
And definitely something I look forward to.

I love you Erica


Day 4 Kuwait City, Kuwait

It is 3:20am and I am in Kuwait right now. I still haven't gotten nervous about being where I am. I have to admit that I am a bit surprised. By this time I figured that some nervousness would have set in by now. None the less I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow gotta find a place to play basketball :) . No really I have to start my orientation tomorrow I believe and from what I can gather it is an all day event. I think I will be flying out to Baghdad on Wednesday.

I met some very interesting individuals on my flights yesterday and am quite glad I met them. On my first flight I met a guy from India going to school at Georgetown. The other was a Brit and his name was Danny. He was visiting his girlfriend in Kuwait who in return was visiting her father. All in a long and hard day and I await Some reall good sleep in the marrow.

One Love
Love One


Monday, December 20, 2004

Man Am I Tired

Well its 7:30am Eastern time but its 1:30pm in Amsterdam. I took a tour today of the city and it was beautiful. You would actually would love it Erica it kinda looks like Italy. On the tour we went to a cheese and clog farm. They made both in the same spot not my first choice of food and clothing shops. It is amazing how the cars share the roads with bicycles. The way they drive it amazing that there isn't a hundred deaths a day. But hey what works for them doesn't work for everybody. Well I am tired as hell and really don't have much to update. I appreciate the replys from my friends, but most importantly I appreciate my wifes reply more than anything. I always thought that a man had to be a pillar, but what I have found (but not without a fight I might add) was that my wife is my pillar and without her I would collaspe.

Love and Peace
Peace and Love

Holla at ya

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Definitely my last day in America

Well there will not be any missing flights today I can guarantee you that. Well to all my family and friends it has been a wonderful 29 years and I plan for another 29 plus. I really don't have much to say today except do not worry it will only stress you out. Don't watch the news it will only upset you. Just remember one thing that nothing can keep me from my loved ones. I'll let you know how you can get in touch with me, but in the mean time you can email me.

Love in my heart where fear does not reside
Passion and success where failure has no place
I will always endure with my wife by my side
I willingly meet my challenges face to face
I welcome them like the coming tide

Let the new chapter in our lives begin

I love you Erica and that will never change
You are my one strength that I can not live without
and it is that strength that will get me thru

And most importantly let GOD watch over all of us close and far.

Keep it real
Love is not an option
Its a necessity


The Plane That I Didn't Catch

I was visiting the DC area this afternoon before I caught my flight this evening. Man traffic here is a mess compared to anywhere I have been. Even worse than LA during a Laker game. Well maybe not that bad, but it was bad enuf for me to walk a couple of miles. I didn't check out early like I was expecting to so I only had a couple of hours to walk around.

Anyway I got to see the Lincoln Memorial and I have to say that I rather enjoyed it. Being from Illinois I have a lil pride when it comes to ole Abe. I definitly think a visit to DC is something everyone should do at least once in thier life. The squirrels in the park come right up to you and take food from you hands. I also took a walk down to the Vietnam memorial as well as the World War II memorial. It definitely gave me some perspective for what our armed forces have done and continue to do.

Well anyway after my little walk thru the history of our great nation I headed to the Airport with pleanty of time to catch my flight. Well first off I went the wrong way and ran into some traffic, TRAFFIC on a Saturday... Are you kiddin me... Well anyway after gettnig turned around and heading in the right direction I made it to the car rental place with 50 til flight departure. which you would think is pleanty of time, but this is an international flight. And your suppose to be there 2 hours before departure time. I got to the ticket counter and was told that the gate was closed already. So not only did I miss my flight, but there aren't any more till tomorrow. So I got a room close to the airport and I plan on being there 4 hours before my flight leaves.

So I'll holla at ya in the morrow

Love em or Leave em
But dont do it if your heart ain't in It.


Saturday, December 18, 2004

Leaving DC for Amsterdam

Well I am about to check out of the hotel in a few minutes and I have to make my post for the day now. 91 days and counting that is how long I have til I return. I am starting to get a lil nervous to be completely honest. I got a call from my Grams a few minutes ago and she wished me well and prayed for me over the phone. I know she is very worried about my travels, because when I told her I was leaving she began to cry. When I left P-town (Peoria, IL) I spent the rest of the day with my mother and my Grandparents. We went to get something to eat, because my plane was delayed, and it was probably some of the best time that I spent there while visiting. When I get back from Iraq I would like my wife and I to spend a weekend there.

Well I could ramble for hours right now, but I have to get going so farwell for now my friends and family. Remember don't worry about me, Pray for me, and expect my return.

Love always,


A Picture is worth a Thousand Words Posted by Hello

As The Day Comes To A Close

Well I decided to just chill in the hotel since its a workday (didn't feel like getting stuck in traffic). But I will be going to the Nations Capital tomorrow for a little tourist action. I haven't been to DC since I was a small lil itty bitty boy. I have very few memories of that time, but I do have some. For an example we lived in the not so good part of town and I was hangin out with some older boys (like 5 - 7 I was 2 or 3 at the time). Well they took me, actually I followed them willingly, to this lake close to the apartments. So my mom freaked and was yelling all over the place for me not knowing where I was. So eventually she caught up with me and saw me by the water and snatched me up. I can remember playing with a frog at the time when she got there. That was a fond memory I must admit.

My first flight out goes through Amsterdam tomorrow and I have a 9 hour layover. I checked on the US travel website and found out that I do not need a visa to visit the country if I'm a tourist and the duration is less than 90 days. Which is good, because I thought I had to do a Tom Hanks (The Terminal)for my trip to the Netherlands. Man I have heard good things about Amsterdam it's too bad I'm only going to be there for a few hours. So to all my guys I will take pleanty of pictures so that you can see the wonders that I see lol.

Til manana peeps


Friday, December 17, 2004

Day 1 Fort Belvoir, VA

I guess technically it would be day 2 since I flew here yesterday, but oh well. So after 2 and a half hours of sleep I go to the lobby to meet with someone from MCI in order to get processed at Ft. Belvoir. It didn't take very long as a matter of fact only about 2 hours all together. They had to take a lil blood and check my forms fill out some more forms and take a picture wait here now go there. Ill be on my way tomorrow evening so I have pretty much a day and a half to kill.

Man I had to go thru a lot to get processed as far as shots, birth certificate, passport, physicals, dental check up, AIDS test and a slew of many other things. All in all it was worth it, well maybe not yet but in a month or so it will be. If I ever get sick I think I have grounds for a lawsuit. I have to thank Erica (wifey), because without her half or even all of it wouldn't have gotten done. I also have to thank my mother for getting records from my hometown (not to be confused with my HOME which is Dallas or better yet Irving) despite the fact it was against her wishes. Well I have some time to kill lets see what Virginia has to offer me...!!

Peace to the Middle East
At least while I'm there


A Great Picture Enuf Said Posted by Hello

Me and Erica at Neldra's B-day (old friend of Erica's) Posted by Hello

Me and Erica in Colorado this past September Posted by Hello

93 Days and counting

This is a first for me so bare with me. I have been unemployed for 8 months and it has been the longest time I have not worked in my 29 years of life. I have a lovely wife of 2 and half years and haven't been able to take care of her the way that I wish, being unemployed and what not (besides I love spending money). Well not so long ago I was given an offer to take a job overseas that would be very lucrative. Unfortunately it happens to be the one location that is the least desired. It seemed to me to be a blessing and it happened to come at the right time. So basically my blog is talking about my time in Iraq.

Today is December the 17th and its 3:38am I am currently in Virginia and I need to get some sleep. I have orientation at 8am and I haven't the slightest Idea what to expect. To my wife ,whom I can't live without, the weather is nice and the sun is high. No time for good byes only see ya in a bit. Missing you already and I haven't even left the country yet. The Idea for the blog came to me after my uncle Maynard called with some advice on what not to do and what he would like to see me do while I was away. He said that he wanted me to keep a journal and write everyday for two reasons I believe. One writing is a passion of mine and he wants me to practice so that I can get better. Secondly I think he wants me to remember these days which could be a turning point in my life. Well since I'll be writing why not make it a blog.

To my family that I love dearly I can only say this. I have heard your words more than you will ever know and they burn within me everyday. This isnt something I have to do for you its something I have to do for myself. I believe this is what I was meant to do and by God I hope I can do it right. I will think dream and wonder about you always, but don't worry you haven't gotten rid of me yet :).

Keep it real I'll see ya
