Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Outcome Better than Expected

Well I would have actually suggested that you watch the news yesterday, because it was actually a good sight for once. They had cameras all over the country at the polls to see the reaction of the people. I will admit to you that this past November was the first time I have ever voted. And basically the only true answer I can give is I never thought that my vote really counted. But what I have come to realize (with help from none other than Mrs. Dubs) is that as an African American the fight for the right to vote was so much that on that premise alone I should vote. There were other factors of course that helped sway me, but most of it was the Mrs. Afterward I had a genuine good feeling about what I did regardless of the outcome. I was proud of my right to vote and that I was able to without a battle or baton. So with the history of a people on my shoulders and the fate of the world in my hands (not really) I will not falter again. So when our Iraqi counterparts said they weren't going to vote I was upset. Because it isn't as if they fought for the right as many Americans have over the centuries. We picked the battle for them and at present are policing there country for them. Now I'm not agreeing that we went about this the right way, but unfortunately we are here now and to leave would bring this country to civil war. So do not take voting lightly and make sure you take the time to do so. I'm not saying to vote for everything under the sun, but at the very least every four years 1 day out of your time.

Sorry to go off on a tangent, but at any rate it was a joy to see Iraqi people happy about the vote on yesterday and rejoicing in the streets. And I do commend the Armed forces for the efforts in securing their safety so that they would have the chance to vote without the fear of death. See one of the smartest things that they did ,since I have been here anyway, was impose a vehicle restriction in the areas of voting. Well that put a big damper in the insurgents plans and as a result the voting polls were filled and people were safe. Geraldo even brought his tired butt out and did some real reporting for once. But hey not everyone is all bad all the time right....

Remember Voting is a Honor and a privilege
and isn't something that should be taken lightly


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there, again. I think my other message was missed. I did ok with the ice storm, had to work, stayed at the hospital overnight only one night. I think you must be getting off work as I am going in now. Let me know if that is the case and I can call sometime after 1400 EST. Love you, Dr. Pepper