Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day

Well I was trying to post a picture this evening, but it hasn't been acting right. So Happy Love Day (IE Valentine's Day). I am fully aware that Valentine's Day is just the Mans continued effort to get us good hard working people to spend our dollars on the businesses that they own. Oh well I'm a fool for love what can I say and Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays. Well actually they are all my favorite, but this holiday is one (IMHO) of great intimacy between ones mate. And unfortunately Since I have been married I haven't had the pleasure of spending one single Valentine's with my wife. Every single time I have been away on work well next year (GOD willing) I will spend my first valentine's with what will be my wife of 3 and a half years...

WOW who would of thunk it.

Not I nor Mrs. Dubs for that matter (assumption). But all in all if it were not for my greatest love in this world (Mrs. Dub) and along with a few others here and there I wouldn't be the man I am today, nor would I have been to the places I have been, or even met my wife for that matter. I would like to thank to men that unbeknownst to them have have the greatest impact on my adult life as far as manhood goes. They are My uncle FL C-man (Mr. CINI) and my uncle DT. I can not express enough how you two are an inspiration to my daily walk and I owe you more than you can ever know. From one man to another I love you. To the great woman of my life (other than my lovely wife) you know who you are and I love you all. Take care and have a Happy Valentine's Day.

Love Always
KJPRW III (he he)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good night. It's always nice to see you, I got the picture in my e-mail.
Love, me in the atl