Friday, February 04, 2005

Going Crazy....!!!

I could never live in a Co-Op. I don't like other peoples habits and I am often reminded of my own as being problematic. And that is fine if you can pick up a dish and move on, but that isn't the case here. I spend more time with some of these people than most men spend with their wives (now me personally I like spending time with my wife). Now I know that I can sometimes, for lack of a better word, make a complaint about most things under the sun. But being here has made me appreciate so much that I wake up every morning thanking GOD for every lil thing I can think of. Humidity, now living in Texas and Illinois who would have thought that humidity is something I would thank GOD for, but now I do. Now I have never complained about bathes and showers I love water sports, but believe it or not I appreciate them even more.

Most importantly my Wife

Now when ever I dated I always looked for things to be done a certain way to my liking, and mostly this comes from your mother or if you are a woman your father. So anyway the bar was pretty high to say the least and I have come to appreciate the fact that I can have something done the way I like, and probably even better than I like, with little input from myself. This isn't the only thing that I appreciate about my lovely wife, but it is one worth mentioning.

I only suggest to the people back home to stop waiting till you don't have something to appreciate it. When you get in your car to go to work just say to yourself "Man I love the fact that I can drive to work", or even "Man it feels good to have a job...!!" Now I know I have always been a thankful person regardless to what it is, but I have only begun to understand the value of appreciation. And so I will close saying this, there is nothing in this world that I appreciate more than one I can always look to and smile. You are my inspiration, my motivation, and most importantly my appreciation. You are my better half and that is a literal statement. I love you E more than you will ever know. (post phone convo)

Love Always,
K to tha D to tha U to tha B

Baby Baby

P.S. I hate Flies..............Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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