Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Another Disappointment

Something happened before I left to come over here, but I stand by my actions as well as what I said. My father and I had a falling out and every time we got on the phone he ends up hangin up. I have probably grown the most in my adult life in the past 5 years give or take a year. And one thing is for certain I don't have time to play the "guess what I'm thinking" game. Most men have had this problem with woman, at least I know I have. Well it happens to be something that my father likes to play as well. I have a deep appreciation for details and elaboration. I tell people to tell it to me like I'm dumb. One if you explain it in a respectful way, but are very detailed then you leave little room for misunderstanding. Well my disappointment is actually a continuance of some time now where I have lost the belief that my father is a superman. Which is fine because you begin to look at him as a man and not someone with super powers or that can do anything. I have grown past my childlike admiration for him and see him for what he is a man with flaws. Everybody has them, but the measure of a man is determined by the (IMHO) ability to correct and modify those flaws and admit weakness when it shows. I am never to proud for anything anymore and if I need something I will ask. The then becomes when people tell you to open up or tell me what's wrong they tend to ignore what you are saying. To every man that may read this foolish pride resides in all creatures, male and female you ability to see that and overcome it is what makes you a better person not the lack there of. I'm not to proud to ask, but I will not do it continue to do it while it falls on deaf ears. Be aware of your mistakes and you will make less of them. I have come to the thought that everyone should wake up and say what did I do wrong today and how can I make it right. Anyway rant over to make a long story short I have been in IRAQ the deadliest place on earth for 9 weeks and I have yet to hear from my father.

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