Monday, February 21, 2005

To My Most Dedicated Loved One

I have to admit that I have been in somewhat of a funk and besides not having much to talk about I really haven't had the desire. The place is very draining emotionally and even physically. I have become use to hearing the frequent bombs and explosions and no longer wonder if they are going to land on top of us. I can feel a difference in my mental state and unfortunately it isn't for the better. I can feel that I am losing my grip on whatever good qualities I still possess. Part of that is because I am dealing with this on my own, I'm not getting the support I need so it rests all on my shoulders. I have been here before and it wasn't pretty from what I can recall. A complete shutdown emotionally and a large gaping hole with a desire for fulfillment. I have only one constant that I can depend on from day to day well actually 2. I can depend on disappointment that my cries for assistance go unanswered, but on a positive note I can depend on my grandmother (Boop) to be there to talk to me everyday without question. To think that this person has given so much of themselves only to continue to give on a daily basis is utterly amazing. If I or anyone for that matter had half her dedication life itself would be a breeze.

I love you Grandma Boop (and u 2 Grampa D1)
You Son to the Second degree


GOD Bless to all

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