Friday, February 25, 2005

A City In Waste

The other day I got a real taste of reality for what life in IRAQ is. We went to a small living establishment within the BIAP area (Baghdad international AirPort). It was a really rundown area with cookie cutter houses and fences made out of tin and bamboo. The problem wasn't the houses and how run down they were or that the slightest wind could knock down their fence that really bothered me. It was the fact that they let their children play in the street without supervision. When we left the area there was a little boy (he was so cute) that was on a tricycle right on the corner of the yard just inches away from the street. I will say this though the children looked very happy in this area, but it doesn't take much for a child to be happy. A little love and an imagination goes a long way with kids(hint hint)... I am thankful for the chance to see what I have seen, but it has had its price. Although I have gained much I have lost just as well. Its is a funny thing what a life experience can do to a person if they are willing to except the consequences.

I am...


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