Sunday, February 27, 2005

Party Over Here...

The head manager for the project has been here in Baghdad for the past 2 weeks give or take and he decided to put a team building yesterday. So all the employee's got together with the exception of a few, that arrived here today. In all we had about 50 people give or take and it wasn't to bad to be honest. I ended up callin it quits at about 9:30, but they carried on til 2am or so I am told. They started off by making some frozen drinks or actually really cold drink, because they couldn't freeze to well with all the alcohol and what not. Then they started in with the BBQ and a couple of Iraqi dishes. One was a big fish the size of a serving plate like the one you use for the turkey during Christmas or Thanks Giving only bigger. Then there was this lamb dish with 2 different kinds of rice and the rice had a very unusual, but good, taste that I couldn't really identify. I thought maybe it was cinnamon, but was told later that it was nutmeg. Well after the speeches from the managers and the constant country, they distributed Iraqi dinars (money) to everyone for a Texas Hold'em Poker tournament. I don't really care for cards, nor am I really any good, but since it wasn't our money I went along with it. I didn't last too long maybe 5 or 6 hands before I was out of money. I ended up winning one had on a fluke and didn't even know it, but hey it was all in good fun. So after that I was pretty much done and I'm not too big on drinking like some of my brethren are. I went to my room laid it down and watched a lil tv before heading into dream land. I could hear them every once in a while and in seems like they enjoyed themselves. The winner of the poker game received 250 bucks, 100 for second and 50 for third. We took a group picture that I will try to post in the next couple of days. Well thats it in a nutshell, holla at ya tomorrow.


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