Sunday, February 27, 2005

Here and Gone Tomorrow

I have been actually really busy for the past few days. One of the brothers was sent home a few days ago so they asked me to fill in for him till they could find a replacement. I didn't mind all too much it wasn't as if I was taking his job he made a stupid mistake and gave it up. His Bad...!! Well suffice to say that has since changed yet again and now I am back on second shift till I go home probably which is actually only 3 and a half weeks. Man my 90 days in Iraq is almost over and then a new chapter will begin once more when I return. I have learned a great deal and look forward to my time here till the very last day. I havae met some very interesting people and have gotten along with most of them. Few of them I would call friends in the states, but here I call them brothers. Becasue thats what they are and they are millions of people could care less about their family, but they still tolerate then and do the right thing most of the time. I can only imagine what the next 90 days will be like, at least I have an idea of what to look for when I return. Listen to me I sound as if Im leaving tomorrow. I will try to get some pictures up as soon as I can the photo program hasn't been working the last few times I tried.

Till then Hasta manana.



Anonymous said...

You sound pretty good. Just talked to Mom, she was so excited that you called her (she didn't know you could do that!). I've had a very busy and stressful weekend. But, they ARE trying to work things out so that I will be off in April. I have to find my own coverage this time; I think they may not have wanted to bother. I have three days covered, now the hard part is finding someone for the weekend.

What I learned through this is that PRAYER WORKS. It's always good when you experience that fact, it builds confidence in God. Your Mom made a good statement that people sometimes let each other down and so it is hard to depend on them or get your strength from them. The Bible, however, assures us that God is not far off from each one of us and that he is the Hearer of Prayer. Acts 17:26, 27 says: " And he made out of one man every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth and he decreed the set limits of the dwelling of men, for them to seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although he is not far off from each one of us."

Anonymous said...

Hey Ken,
Just a note to say hello. I read your last post and feel that you are steadily understanding life. But, I want to say to you don't change who you are because man is of flesh and will disappoint you sometimes. But in the end all of us can only depend on the truths we see in ourselves.
It is God's plan that motivates us. Like I told you there is a reason why you are in Iraq. Your presence there will not only impact you but others around you.
God chose this course for you while you were in your mothers womb.
So don't worry about who is for you or against you. Just know that you were chosen by God to do his will. If he is for you it doesn't matter if the whole world is against you. Stay Alert and Stay Ken.
Love ya

K-Dub said...

Luke and Jazz way woof..?!? O K

Well I thank you for your words of incouragement it is always good to get any type of positive communication. Yes this by far has been the longest 90 days of my life with the exception of when I wasn't working for 90 days. Coincidently that will be around the same time I will be heading back to Iraq. I have 23 more days and that is it I should be somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean or at least closer to it than I am now.