Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Legal Debacle

I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but the second brother to get here has been let go. He got into an altercation with another guy and he pushed him down to the ground. Well the other guy didn't do anything to retaliate (not physically anyway) he just went to the management staff and told them of the incident. Well that night the brother, also know as J, started braggin about the confrontation to everyone at the fire barrel and well the next morning he was packing his bags.

He had exploded one other time in from of the guys before this situation arose, because one of the guys called him boy. This cat is from DC and from what I can gather he is trying (or was I should say) show everyone that he was the big dog on campus. I honestly didn't care for him too much, because one he had a big mouth, and secondly because I'm not to sure he knew how to tell the truth. Every time he opened his mouth something new came out and that's just talking about the same thing. I never made my feelings know, because I think he would have started the "I'm gonna check you game" and I don't play very well. We have a saying back in Dallas " Don't Talk About It, Be About It." Which simply put means let your actions speak for themselves, your mouth has no place. I try to live by that, by not braggin about my skills, or eluding to the fact that I am better than anyone else, now the key word there is try. Sometimes when the blood gets to flowin so does the ego.

The very next day The manager of my contracting company called me and asked my feelings on the situation and mentioned the fact that he would be seriously looking into it. Next thing you know J has filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the lead company for racial discrimination. Now day before yesterday the manager from the states that threw the big party took the remaining 3 brothers to lunch and wanted to see where we stand. Well all of us for the most part agreed that J made the mistake of bringing his "Hood self" to Iraq and it got the better of him (along with the guy that instigated the confrontation, because he is still here and J is not). Well we went about our business and then the next day the manager from the states called me in to ask me something. Apparently the manager of our contracting company is spear heading the lawsuit or is working with J on it while they still have 20 employees on their payroll here in Iraq. Not only that but stated in the letter that we mentioned constant racial comments to management and they went ignored.

Well sufficed to say I was Pissed off beyond comparison. How is it you use my name, and he by slandering me, to push your issue that I have no vested interest nor anything to do with. I never said anything to anyone about agreeing with the actions of J, or that I felt uncomfortable due to racial discrimination. My name is apart of something I wish not to be apart of and is a lie within itself. Well I told the manager that what was written was a lie and that I had nothing to do with what they are talking about, but now I feel slided and wonder if it is necessary for me to take action against my contract company for the slander. The manager from the states advised us to let him take care of it, but I wonder if he will have our best interest at heart or his company's..?!?!


Anonymous said...

Hey K
Read your post about your situation. First, of all get doucmentation, put down everything that was said to you. Keep your cool. Ask the manager for a sit down if you don't trust him bring a witness to the meeting. Take notes the entire time make him think that you are writing down everything he is saying. Ask him point blank what action he plans to take.Be sure to speak clearly AND TO THE POINT.
Don't be afraid to ask for what you want from him and the company. I know you can handle yourself you were taught well how to survive. Sometimes the ememy is within. Do not let them break you son!
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Hi Kenley,

You know I'm off on Tuesday, so I am just catching up on the blog.

You have begun your documentation of events by writing the information on your blog. I don't know how many people you work with know about your blog. But, as long as your are honest, the facts will speak for themselves. You don't have to worry about what others say about you. If anything becomes of this, you will be able to speak truth for yourself at that time. But I'm learning that everything must be documented. So, from this point on keep your own journal and make specific references and don't speak in generalities.

Just a few more weeks and you'll be home. We all look forward to that.

Love, Meeeee