Saturday, February 12, 2005

A Day to Remember....

I would like to take the time to tell you even though I am for the most part safe. I am privy to information and events that most people don't care to know. This has brought about a rationalization that I would like to express to the utmost. DO NOT TAKE UNNECESSARY RISK...!! Don't go ten miles over the speed limit just so that you can get to work on time. By no means put yourself at risk any more than the world has already put upon this world. I would hate to come from this time in my life unharmed (GOD WILLING) to find one of my loved ones not with us anymore (GOD FORBID), because of a silly accident that could have been prevented. Don't do your makeup in the car or talk on the cell phone the entire time of the trip. I know it has been common place to do these things and to multi-task, but concentrate on what is important and don't take unnecessary risk.

GOD has taught me very valuable lessons in my time here that I don't think I would have been able to appreciate if I wasn't here. How many times have you or someone you know been in a car accident and lived to tell it. And you or they said to themselves I will never speed again. I know I have with just close calls so I know someone that reads this has been through something worse and said the same, but haven't followed up with what they said. I'm here to tell you that you live and breath only because the almighty says you can. Please don't take that for granted.

Being here has been the biggest experience in my life and it has made me appreciate things so much. I would like to continue to appreciate all of my friends and loved ones as well. With that off my chest and I only have one request. Go slower take your time the world isn't going to end based on how fast or how quick YOU or I can be.

TIME is but a measurement by which we follow
Endless in its bounty we aim to conquer
Knowing it can never be over taken or out done
With knowledge in hand it does nothing for the desire
Running against the wind, thoughts of victory
Flying over the the clouds to the ends of the Earth
Always thinking I can do better, go further
The result always the same
Time WILL catch up with you
So use it wisely and enjoy it while it last
Don't compete with something that is out of our league
You will be destined for failure every TIME.

Be safe and be prayerful loved ones,


Anonymous said...

i will be safe as i am a very careful stay safe too.we love you lots.

Anonymous said...