Saturday, October 08, 2005

Back up Again...!!

Well I had a moment of weakness and although my situation has not changed the fact that I am back in the good ole USA has put me in a much better mood. Despite the fact I am still running into adversity I am still much better off than I was even yesterday. This will be the first time I have mentioned it, but if you haven’t noticed early on I spoke very highly of the woman in my life, but I make no mention about her nowadays. There are many reasons, but to make a long story short we are in the process of divorce. This has been a long time coming, but I never gave up hope that it would work out; until I realized that it wasn’t what it should have been to begin with. All I can say is we are better off with the decision that I have made as far as dissolving our marriage.

With that being said I want to again thank all of those that have been so very supportive of my journey despite the fact it was against their wishes that I went in the first place. I was talking with the first Generation (me being Kenley the third) yesterday and I mentioned to him how if you read my blog from the beginning to the present you can see how much I have grown as a person. His comment to me was a shock and it a smile to my face, and he simply said: “I don’t have to read anything to see that you have grown as a person, I can see that just in our conversation and how I carry myself today versus how you did before.” He mentioned the fact that he was pleased with how I have grown and I made a joke saying it only took 10 months in Iraq to do it… LOL

Life has a funny way of playing tricks on you and just as soon as you have the game licked you find out you are now three steps behind rather than 2 like you thought before. Now although I am three steps behind I am a much more rational person and the lessons I have learned makes it that much easier to deal with. I remember how I felt when I first got to Iraq and how lonely I was and how I felt so unsupported by my family and my wife. I soon realized that it wasn’t anyone’s place to support me on the decision that I made it was my decision not theirs…! I reached deep into myself and found that strength that I once had not so long ago and was able to endure my time without the help of anyone. I was feeling the same a couple of days ago on my last post as I was in the beginning and the fact that I realized that allowed me to snap back much faster. I did have help from my loved ones and friends as well and that made a big difference as well. I am not saying that the support I received wasn’t helpful to my survival quiet the contrary it was. The emails and comments on my blog and numerous phone calls from aunts and uncles as well as friends, brothers and sisters. My mom started her own blog and although we never really talked about my endeavors she always told me she was proud of the man I became and that helped a lot. Not to mention the dearest friend that I met through my blog as well as hers Theresa. Theresa you have made a big difference and you came in my life at the best of times. As the saying goes GOD doesn’t come when you call, but he is always on time. Simply put when I needed support not when I just wanted it because I was feeling sorry for myself it was there and in abundance.

I am truly sorry that things didn’t work out between me and Miss Newton, but I learned a great many lessons from my unsuccessful marriage. I say that because I do not think it was a failure, I was able to learn a great many things about myself and about being with a woman in that type of relationship. Fortunately it will make me more cognizant of what I am looking for and what I am willing to sacrifice and also will make me a better husband the next time around.

Well folks although the journey hasn’t ended I am home and it’s good to be back…

GOD has smiled at me and I smile back... :)

I love you all

Kenley Royce Wade III

(Don’t have to hide anymore I am home…)

Kenley Means The Kings Meadow in Old English

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

A Good Guy Down...

Every since last night I started to get real down about my situation. I tried to dismiss the random thoughts that were racing in my head, but without the support I have had recently I have found that my weakness is taking over. I begin to think of those that I have met and how my heart aches thinking that I will no longer be with my brothers. To think that I set out to support those that support us and now I feel full of pity and useless. I decided to take a couple of days in Dubai thinking that it would do me some good and at first it did, but I have worn out that good and now linger on utter sadness. I hate feeling like this and for some reason I can’t shake it no matter what I try to do.

So I check out my hotel not wanting to sit there and dwell on the negative and hoping I can just go to the airport and find a quiet corner and chill maybe listen to some music. I get to the airport and go to the reservation desk hoping I can change my ticket which I had originally scheduled my return for the 15th of December. The usual I will just ignore you even though you are standing in front of me obviously wanting help routine was in full effect. I am finally asked if I can be helped and I explain what I am trying to do. He gives me the number for the airline that my ticket has been purchased for. I call and again explain what I need to do. The representative asks for my name and he finds my flight details, he quickly tells me my flight has been rescheduled for today and asked if I had a fax number. I told him I could ask the gentleman that originally helped me at the ticketing desk and I gave him the information. I asked how much I owed and he said nothing you are all taken care of. In the mist of what I am going through to hear that was the relief that I needed right then… I smiled got off the phone and sat close to the desk waiting for them to fax my travel itinerary.

I plugged in my earphones and was tried to pass the time by listening to some music, well the effect was one that I could have lived without. I began to think about the military personnel that I supported and how I would do anything to help them and found it honorable to be in the position I was in. Just seconds passed when I started to get chocked up with emotion and it was hard to hold it in. Even now just typing about it has got my eyes a little watery and I am doing everything in my power to hold back how I feel. I do not like to believe I fail in anything, but my immediate withdrawal from Iraq has got me feeling just like that. 2 and a half months is all I had left and I would have been home again with an overwhelming feeling of success in the eye of danger. Although I know a great many people are very supportive and relieved that I am coming home I can’t shake how I am feeling. This will have been the hardest thing I have had to write since I have been in Iraq and I can’t help but feel alone. All I wanted to do was support my family, my loved ones, and my country with honor and dignity and now I am reduced to an unwanted, discarded employee as if there was something I did to deserve being removed from my position.

As I hold back the tears and continue with my train of thought I yearn to be back with my coworkers and in the middle of a war that is neither our concern nor our focus. Please do not confuse my feelings with having grown use to the environment or even the income that I acquired in these last 10 months. Money has never been a driving force for me to do what I want to do even though it has helped I despise money and what the problems it has caused me over the years. The way I am feeling now is like I have loved and lost completely. I have felt this way before and it can be so overwhelming that I can think about anything else but it. My throat has a lump lodged in it and my heart aches like never before and I find it hard to breathe my nose is runny and it is taking every ounce of my being to keep from crying out. I can only say I am truly glad I am in public because I wouldn’t be able to control it otherwise nor would I have wanted to. With all that is going on in my life to be dealt this blow has truly affected me more than I thought it would. Please forgive the rant, but I had to write how I felt and although I have had to stop several times to regain my composure I can feel good about letting those that are concerned about me know where I am right now. Please bear with me and just continue to pray and be supportive, but just give me time to come to terms. Please do not email me asking if I am ok and, I don’t do it often, but for this post I will be turning off the comments.

My Moment of Silence

My mind floods with thoughts joys and pains all alike
Successes and failures, trials and tribulations
I hold back the feeling of spite knowing that it's not right
Weakness sets in and tears fill my eyes but do not fall
To think that speaking out against one I do not like
Has brought me to this unfortunate situation
Hours will pass as I sit here awaiting my flight
I look at my phone, but who would understand who do I call
A feeling of dread is beginning to overwhelm me
A sensation that maybe I am somewhat to blame
I look inside for strength just to get through today
Trying to occupy my thoughts with idle things to do
My vision seems blurred and I can no longer see
I never wanted acknowledgment for what I did, wasn’t looking for fame
Didn’t care what people thought didn’t want to hear what they had to say
I just wanted to do the right thing; I wanted someone to see to

My concerns and feelings about what was where we were
To take to heart the things we are put through daily
Understand that we are giving our best under undue pressure
And for that I am forced to depart with a heavy heart
I maybe down for the moment, but not out that’s for sure
When I regroup, and in time I will, they will be no maybe
Someone will have to come to terms, and my thoughts will be the measure
No longer where I was in my mindset like I was from the start
Wounded, but still moving forward just as before
Just, yet again, something for me to move past
Short of breath and an ache in my chest
Just like if there was something important I have lost
No longer going to sit here and take it anymore
I will do all that I can to make my words ring out and last
All I can do, like I always do, is give it my best
GOD willing I will do it no matter what the cost…

Please pray for my strength...

I love you...


Sunday, October 02, 2005

On My Way Out....

Well I still do not have a ticket at the moment, but I should be leaving today. I have given myself a couple of days in Dubai to change my ticket and to rest a bit before I head home. My phone will work over there, but since I am no longer employed and the charges are $2.49 per minute I ask that you call me sparingly. I will continue to update my blog and I will still have access to email so fill free to contact me via email. I am actually glad to be coming home I wasn't sure I could make it for another 2 and a half months... My biggest disappointment about leaving is not fulfilling my duty to my servicemen and women. I said that I would do a year just like those in the military for the sake of supporting them. Well I fell shy a bit and that bothers me more than not having a job or source of income. Everything happens or a reason and what comes around goes around. This is not the end of my journey, but just a new chapter with a sudden twist. I have a book to write, troops to support and a great many people to visit. I encourage everyone to take the time and support your troops not because they are our military, but because they are our friends, family and loved ones. We are their crutch while they are away and believe me when I say they need your support. From my time over here I have noticed that most of them (between 8 and 9 out of 10) do not want to be here. Show your support and remind them of how special they really are...

I will talk to you later

Love Always


I will talk to you later

Love Always


Friday, September 30, 2005

Again and Again...

Yet again another update…

So Dhaie returned from R&R last night he is the other manager with MCI that is a native born Iraqi, but moved to Switzerland years ago. Well earlier that evening before Dhaie made it back I asked Ray for the reason for my termination and the performance review, that was done a few months back, he told me that the reason would be discussed on the 6th in Richardson where a meeting is to be held to address my concerns as well as explain my termination. He then said as far as the performance review goes Dhaie has it and I could get it from him once he arrived. So when I saw Dhaie I asked him about it and he said that he gave it to Ray and Curt and he no longer has it. Yet again another example of the poor leadership and managing skills or Mr. Ray and his continuing effort to push things off on everyone else clearing himself of any wrong or reliability. As of 10:30am I still do not have the performance review and Dhaie has been to my room 4 times already…!

James (the last brother) told me yesterday that I was supposed to leave the camp, and another guy was going to square me away lodging. What I thought he meant was I was going to the other camp away from the “Sensitive Equipment”, but actually later I found out about them moving me to temporary housing. So after my wake up this morning I made a few calls informing those that I called of the new information about my deportation. Well shortly after 9am this morning Dhaie the other manager that just recently returned from R & R as of last night told me that Ray informed me that I had 24 hours to leave the premises. I told Dhaie that Ray said no such thing to me whatsoever and that would be impossible considering the fact that I have a lot of stuff to pack. Dhaie said well Ray told me he told you, and I again told him he said no such thing to me. He asked me to give him a time that I would be done and then asked if I needed any help he could get a couple of guys over here. He started to explain that it was a “NEW POLICY” with the State Department that when someone is terminated they only have 24 hours to pack and they have to leave do to security issues. He said if it was up to him he didn’t care if I stayed till y flight leaves on Monday, but that it was out of his hands. I asked him when did this policy take effect and he said he didn’t know he was just informed about it 15 minutes ago. I told him I would be ok and I should be done some time this afternoon and he said ok and left. He left and came back 45 minutes or so and said “Ray said that he told James to tell me” (the other brother). I told him yes he did and that it would be impossible because I would not be down with my packing. Dhaie said that Ray wanted me finished by 2 this afternoon and he wasn’t going to give me any more time than that and if I needed help that it would be supplied. So now I have a little under 3 and ½ hours to get all my stuff packed and them I will be deported to the base to await exile from Iraq.

The more he does the better I feel about my chances of having a good case against MCI for discrimination and unsafe work practices. I find it utterly amazing how this new rule just seemed to go into effect the day I was terminated, yet no mention of it has been conveyed to us via email of in the one of the daily meeting we have. I am curious to know if this is actually etched in stone or just another ploy to get me out of here. Whatever the case may be only when it has been a minority have they been so quick to remove us from the country. When I think back to all those that were released and quit, not one of the Caucasians released from work was asked to leave the camp, nor was it a requirement that depart the country immediately. So with that being said one can only assume that no matter when this sp called policy took effect its implementation began with me, but seems all too common with past minority departures…!!

Very interesting if you ask me...


Thursday, September 29, 2005

And It Just Gets Better...


So Ray the wonderful manager has yet again given instructions to me via third party... Now I have seen several people leave this place and never has there been anyone to leave so quickly than Jason. The other brother that wasn’t too bright as far as his course of action toward the work environment. Well they sent him home on the drop of the dime do not pass go straight to the plane and leave...!! Well now after that we have had several people threaten of managers and even get into physical brawls with one and no actions were taken against them. Well the intel I received was that Ray asked another employee to find out about temporary housing on post away from the MCI complex. Simply put a tent and a cot for this Blackman and right away. Now considering that NONE of my Caucasian counterparts were asked to do the same thing why is it asked for me...? One person would drink an entire bottle of Jim Beam every night while having at the very least a dozen loaded weapons in his hooch. Not to mention grenades, mortars, and quite possibly a land mind or two, I wasn’t going to snoop around to find out… Now if that isn’t personal and discriminatory then I do not know what is... Well I have a lot of stuff to pack and I am no where near being done so I guess his little deportation will have to wait…!!!


OMG and it keeps on... So now I get a wake up at 8am with 2 guys that are supposed to help me pack my stuff. LOL

Again not something and one has ever had happen in my entire time here, so yet again the discrimination continues even AFTER I have been let go... MAN if something good doesn't come about I will be very surprised... BTW if anyone just so happens to have any connections with media personnel and somehow they happened to find a certain website I wouldn't mind at all. Something I may look into myself, hum...

I will update regularly now while the idiocy continues...!!


And so it Ends...

Talk about a ripple effect....!!!

How ironic that one week after I send my email my services are no longer needed with MCI...

That right I have been terminated for standing up for myself and for what I believed to be a more important concern other than my employment. Although everyone that reads this web journal is probably pleased and although I assumed this was going to happen and even though I was fed up with being here under these circumstances, this was not the way I wanted it to play out. When it rains it pours and that is a fact.

Well I plan on fighting this tooth and nail this is not over for me and if they want my termination it will cost them… The media will be next to know what is going on over here, I mean if a guy can shoot himself in the foot and get rehired I sure in the heck better get what I deserve….!!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Response...

OK so as you know I haven’t been on the best speaking terms with my manager and my email did have a ripple effect. So my managers boss emailed me on Monday and I about laughed my head off, this was the title of the email.


Now I don’t know about you, but I think this is kinda contradictory, but that’s just me. If something is Personal then I can do with it as I please right or does it have to be private, well anyway it’s a load of mess. I don’t expect anything to come out of it just like nothing has come out of anything here since I have arrived. Well that isn’t totally true he won’t be making anymore empty threats in regards to my employment as long as I am here that’s for sure.

MCI and eKohs takes your concerns very seriously and will jointly with the assistance of MCI’s human resources department investigate your concerns and statements.

Now that doesn’t really make me feel better, and the reason is because the only time I have had a cordial conversation with Curt was when the other brother got fired for showing his butt, that was in February/March.

Someone will contact you very soon to set up a time we can meet with you.

That must be figuratively speaking, because I know they aren’t going to send a human resources person to Iraq just for one brother’s accusations and we do not have one on hand at the moment. See I know all they are doing is pacifying me and I am fine with that, because that is all I am doing as well. I sent that email to secure my employment till I said I was ready to go not someone else and definitely not someone with a personal grudge against me. I am the master of my destiny (well me and GOD) and no one will take from me so long as I have a mind of my own and a mouth to back it up. See I just love it when someone thinks they are better than you or smarter than you, because they get sloppy and lazy and let their guard down and that is when you show then (Pardon me for saying so) I am not just another dumb nigga….!!!

As I read your memo, many things seem to run together. In an effort to save everyone's time and to thoroughly understand every detail, please be prepared to expand on each statement so we fully understand the issues.

I will say this much, although my email was fueled mostly in part by emotion, there is no way in this world or the next that I wasn’t clear about the problems we face (and with my Auntie Ka Ka's help it will soon be unmistakably clear). Now I understand that they may want further details and something a little more specific, but please do not tell me you don’t get the gist of what I am saying… now this isn’t the first, nor will it be the last, time I have been treated like black idiot, and I am not saying that his motives are racial in any way, prejudice and condescending yes but not racial he isn’t that smart…

To the dumb black folk everywhere that put up with peoples mess…



Monday, September 26, 2005

Home Again...

OK I know I have been out of pocket for some time, well 8 days to be exact, but all is well and I am once again safe and sound back at BIAP (Baghdad International AirPort). I was away on a mission and as you know from the last time I try to keep it quiet till I get back, not just for the sake of my family, because I generally don't have a lot of good things to talk about, but also for my safety and those I was traveling with. Things are really getting out of hand out here and I am really trying hard not to let it get to me, but it is hard to do, I mean I am only human. I had seriously thought about staying until March or April of next year, but I am beginning to think that they may be pushing it a bit. Lord knows that I thank him everyday for what he has done in my life and the many, many blessing he has bestowed upon me. I am forever grateful for the experience and the chance to enrich my life and I am constantly thinking to myself "how in the world can I ever repay him...?"

I CAN'T...

What he has given me in my short thirty years is more than I could pay back in 100 lifetimes. I will never in a million years ever say anything other than I am blessed to be alive right now. Death, destruction and mayhem is all around me and though it all I still live. It reminds me of a time when I loss my uncle (my stepmothers brother) and he was only 19 at the time. I had nothing going for me I had no job, I wasn’t a bad kid (and yes I was a kid at 19) but I had made some stupid decisions and it cost me. Well he had a good job going for him and had three children and everybody loved him. Well he was on the wrong side of the law as well, only he was on the side that got you killed, and despite my many warnings to my father they never manifested themselves until he was arrested for having a shotgun in his trunk. Two years later he is gunned down in front of his girlfriend’s house. I can remember sitting on the back pew of the church and asking GOD why did he let that happen to him when there were so many that relied on him. There were going to be three more fatherless children in a world where one is too many. Why when he was doing something with his life did he have to die, why not me...!!!

It took a while, but I finally got my answer....

I have things that need to be done and although I am not the father of children now I will be one day... There has been a few other times where I have thought GOD had forsaken me and I am sure many have, but once I realized that he is not to blame for my own mistakes I really had no one else to blame. So I sucked it up, became a man and took my mistakes for what they really were, a life lesson.

As a boy growing up you look up to the men in your life and say to yourself I cant wait to be just like them, but what you soon find out is being a man is not only hard work, but you never fully stop becoming a man. At almost thirty I am more man than I was last year, and 10 times the man I thought I was. Age has nothing to do with being a man and if most boys knew that it take a lot of life lessons and many more years that just 18 to be a respectable man. Like I said a few weeks ago, "The more I know, the more I realize the less I know..." Like I can remember when my aunt's and my Grams told me to note everything I do, cause you never know when you are going to need it. How true they are and although I haven’t done it in the most conventional way as my aunt's Ka Ka and Cine would have liked, the internet is an amazing thing. My Website has been a logbook for all the things that have been going on with me, personally, work related and just everyday life. Because of this wonderful tool I have a leg to stand on if I ever need to fall back on it in response to the last post I made.

Thank you for helping me to become the man I am... Each and everyone of you that played your part the list is long so I wont go into details, but you know who you are and just as I have a debt to GOD, I also carry with it my debt to you...

Love is a powerful thing....

I am so glad I have that power within me...


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

OK I AM FED UP....!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK I am tired as hell of talking about my idiot manager, so I email him his bosses as well as a few co-workers that share the same views as me. I will no longer keep my mouth shut while this dumb blankty blank (for my sensitive readers) risks my, and my co-workers lives. So read my frustration and be looking for me soon if this doesnt go the way it should...

Leave it to the fates of those in charge and this will die soon, if justice has it's part then I will still be here for a while longer anyway and he will be on the way out...

Love to all


To Whom It May Concern:

It has come to my attention that my welfare is not in consideration under our current management staff, more specifically Ray Litchfield. Since my arrival here whenever I have voiced my opinion or concerns I have been threatened to be removed from my position several times. In my first 2 weeks in Iraq I was threatened at least 3-4 times, because of a difference of opinion. Since then I choose not to relay my concerns any longer, because they fell on deaf ears. Since that time I was given a less than perfect review, but more specifically an issue was brought up that I do not voice my concerns or issues to management (I wonder why). We are constantly reminded that we are in a warzone, but Ray Litchfield felt it was necessary to make jokes that I felt inappropriate especially since we just had one of our workers return from an IED attack where he witnessed 3 people die instantly and one later due to wounds from the blast. Not only did I find this joke distasteful, but also inappropriate since it was during our company meeting. I have constantly come under discrimination on several occasions and definitely feel that Ray is harboring some ill will toward me and I have documented every occasion where this has been the case. I was once asked if I felt there was decisions racially motivated and my reply was no, but that pertained to a specific situation, and since then my view has seriously changed.

I also have a concern for his decision making as far as jobs that are to be completed. I was sent to Habbanayiah with the understanding as well as words from his mouth that I was coming to replace the APG’s. He stated that he sent me an email stating this information as well, but when I received the email he gave specifics on replacing satellite equipment which I am neither trainer nor familiar with the equipment. I also was sent an email detailing my travel arrangements and was told that I needed to travel to Washington (IZ landing pad) in order to catch that flight. I myself not my manager in charge of the mission’s here in Iraq arranged my travel, not only that upon getting to the IZ I thought it important to see if adequate room and board was set aside for us as well. When I contacted our point of contact, he was not aware that we were coming and no arrangements had been made for us. I then spoke with our POC and he phoned ahead and secured our bedding. Ironically our POC was in Baghdad and just so happen he was flying back to Habbanayiah as well on the same flight. This was convenient for us since he was also the base commander. I was instructed to also bring a test phone in order to trouble shoot some current issues with the service in the area, Ray was informed that the test phone was being housed by management after arriving in Habbanayiah I was asked if I had the rest phone and I told him no, and he asked why not which ironically is the same question I had for him. Since the phones have been secured by management I was under the impression that he would get the phone for me, but he was under the impression that I was going to search his office or his counterparts room in search of something that I wasn’t, nor anyone else for that matter, sure where to look.

After completion of my assignment here I was given yet another task to perform, which was relayed to me not by my manager, but by my co-worker in Baghdad. I am not clear why it is difficult for someone to tell the person that he wants the work to be done rather than tell someone to tell them. This has been a constant issue that has reoccurred over and again during my entire time in Iraq. After working many hours with my support personnel in Richardson during his nighttime hours, we completed the task that I was sent to do. When I called to give Ray an update he then asked my about another piece of satellite equipment that yet again I am not familiar with or trained on. I informed of the status and he asked why it wasn’t working. I reminded him that I was what HE said I was here to do and he said well you were supposed to work on the other equipment as well. I asked how was I supposed to know that if he, The Manager, did not tell me this. His answer was simply that my support person was supposed to tell me. I stated that he is not the manager and it wasn’t his job, that if there is something that Ray wanted done that he needs to tell me specifically and not leave it up to someone else that has spent the entire night helping fix another problem not associated with the task I was sent here to fix. He said I sent you up there to fix everything that is not working, not just the APG’s, which I might add is up and fully operational mainly in part to my support personnel in Richardson (MANY Thanks to you), despite the fact that I am not trained on the equipment not familiar with it, and not a certified technician of such equipment. Not to mention the fact that Ray also sent the satellite technician to another location to install APG’s, which yet again that person is not at all familiar with such equipment. After voicing my concerns that it is HIS duty to tell me what I am and what I am not supposed to do not my support personnel, he gave yet again another idle threat, that If I didn’t like it he would secure my travel home yet again reasserting my belief of a person issue, and discriminatory attitude toward me. If I am going to be sent home for voicing my earnest feeling and concerns then so-be-it, however my work performance is not in question. I have never refused task before me, and I have always completed them as well despite the lack of preparation and information from the operations side of things.

I have no problem trying my best at no matter what it is I do, however I do not care for someone that is so blind to the obvious, and doesn’t care who he sends to do a job so far as it gets done to his liking, via being informed by a third party to do such work. I am not alone in my feelings toward our current manager Ray Litchfield, but I will be the first to voice my concern aloud. I am no longer capable of holding my tongue while someone makes decisions with my life and the lives of my coworkers with no regard for our lives. I respect a manger that leads by example not one that leads with his mouth. I also have the greatest respect for someone that is willing to accept blame for the problems in our camp rather than blaming everyone else and clearing himself of any wrong doing. I am requesting that this matter be looked into, before it becomes a bigger issue or worse yet before someone loses their life…

Humbly yours,
Kenley Royce Wade

Monday, September 19, 2005

All Is Well

I will be out of contact for a few days, but don't worry all is well. Now when I say all is well I mean that and do not send me emails asking me if I am ok. There will be times when communication will not be 100%, but that doesn't me we have been overran or that something blew up. It just means that I am somewhere that I can not make or receive calls and in most cases will not have access to internet. This just so happens to be one of those times. I will keep you updated on my progress when I can, but in the mean time just know that I am well and constantly thinking of you, my family and friends. My most precious commodity is the love I share and all though I am far from sight and almost half a day ahead, my love is constant and is just as strong here as it is if I were sitting next to you.

One Life to Live, One Love to Give...



Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A Moment of Silence

Today has been a sad day for the people of Iraq. Today and for the past few days there has been several attacks all throughout Baghdad. Several attacks on PSD teams (Private Security Details) on the main highway coming from and going to downtown Baghdad. Today was no different, well actually it was the attacks were more intense and a lot deadlier. A suicide bomber went to a heavily populated area were the Local people come in search of work. reminiscent of the ones we have back home especially construction, landscaping, and field work or farm hands. Well the insurgent came to this location in a van and called out to the people stating he needed workers and once they were near he ignited the bomb killing 106 souls and wounding twice as many. The Iraqi people have suffered so much under the tyranny and even after he is gone they die by the thousands. I agree that terrorism must at all cost be destroyed from the face of the earth, but I do not agree with the tactics currently in place. At any rate so for today I am going to turn off the comments as a sign of respect, kind of like a moment of silence like the title suggest. I am in good spirits and doing fine, I love you all and thank you so much for your continued support despite your desires for me not to be here...

Humbly yours,


GOD Bless

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Working Out Is Hard To Do....

You know it is actually quite funny, some times I will not write something, because I haven’t come up with the appropriate title that fits the topic of the day. This has been the case for that past few days, because I have had more than enough to talk about as you will soon find out.

Me and one of the guys from our security team (Marty) have become good friends over our time here together. We have similar interest, but more importantly we both like to play basketball. Well I have been struggling to get a routine down as far as getting back in shape, and Marty is an Marine reservist and has been working out for the past couple of months. Well he has been edging me on to go with him so we could work out together since our mutual friend (Patty), and his workout partner, is no longer here with us here in Iraq. He was fortunate enough to get a good job back home and is doing well from last I heard from him.

So I took him up on his offer this past Friday and have been getting my butt kicked ever since. He has this 5 day work out plan that isn’t for the faint of heart, but I can already feel a difference only after 3 days. The first day was back, and something else, and although I was drained by the time we left I wasn’t too sore the next day. Day 2 was arms and abs and that was another story all together. I am still aching after all most 36 hours and in some cases can’t fully stretch out like I would like, or like I was able to just a day earlier. After all the lifting we did we finished it off with 150 squats. So today was day three (legs and lower back) and he warned me that it would be a tough one. Well after the first exercise I was drained and didn’t think I would be able to finish the rest of the workout, but I pressed on none the less. Well I made it thru the next exercise and got to the third one and began to get queasy. Now he kept telling me that it was weakness coming out of me and urged me to push on, and then he told me to do 2 sets rather than 3. I wasn’t going to cheat myself out of a good workout so I decided to finish the 3rd set. Well half way into the last set I started to feel worse and wasn’t able to hold it down any further. Suffice to say I was embarrassed, but I wasn’t gonna go out like that. Fortunately I brought an extra shirt, so I went to the car got it and continued my routine.

After that I was more motivated than ever, so I pressed on full speed as hard as I could and finished everything that was put in front of me. My legs were mush by the time we left and I was having a hard time walking. My legs were dead and I was feeling the pain that’s for sure. This workout is probably the best thing I have done since I have been here in Iraq. I feel so much better only after a few days and the results that will soon follow will definitely put me in a better mood as well. By the time I come home I will have my new winter coat and a sunnier disposition to go along with it… haha

Love to All
All to Love


Saturday, September 10, 2005

The Ugly, Big Ole Spider

Big Ole Spider Posted by Picasa

I finally got around to posting this creature that was trying to get free rent from me. As you can see he is not something you would want hanging around your door jam. I will have you know that this one is actually small compared to how big they can get, from what I have read. This is a common spider here in Iraq and although they aren’t large in numbers, well do I think you get my point. Winter here is right around the corner and I am actually looking forward to it. The cool air, the star filled skies with UAV’s watching over us. Another interesting moment to look forward to in Baghdad.



Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly...

Once again excuse me for my movie reference, but it is a good title and relevant to my situation. Well you may be wondering what is good about my situation and we can get to that later. The bad is the continuous misrepresentation of our current management team or at this moment just one manager. We have had constant intel that the insurgents are gearing up for attacks in secure areas. They have supposedly started a new travel policy that will reduce traffic in the area. It's a simple odds and evens, on odd number days only cars with license plates that end with an odd number are allowed on the roads, and on even day's even number license plates. This is actually a very good idea, but the only problem is this could potentially result in a lot more death trying to implement this idea. The Iraqi police would be the enforcers of this new rule/law, and if I am correct this would result in a great number of losses and potentially a lot of people quitting the police force.

The ugly would be the 3 inch spider that was in my room that I had to kill. Yes the infamous camel spider made its way into my room the other day (pictures to follow). This spider from hat I have read can grow up to 12 inches long and travel up to 10mph. Please don't be mad at me, but I would rather take a bullet than suffer the wrath of this thing. I wasn't able to find out a lot about it, but I wasn't going to find out by volunteering myself as a test dummy. I just hopwasn'twasnt the runt in the family, because I then I would have some problems... Sufficed to say I didn't sleep all that well that night...

The good would be everything I have learned, the people I have met and the countries I have seen because of my journeys. If I had not taken this job, I would have possibly never traveled to Dubai U.A.E., Amman Jordan, Amsterdam Netherlands, London England, Kuwait Kuwait, and Baghdad Iraq. Not to mention the other countries I will see before I leave. Now I haven't spent any lengthy about of time in any of these places like I would have liked to, but in my eyes that just makes coming back that much more interesting. I have learned a lot about myself and what I believe in, which I was middle of the road so to speak before my travels began. Most importantly is the amazing support I have received and continue to receive from family, friends and loved ones. BTW ma, I expect something from you within three weeks no ands ifs or buts about it.

Love Always my peeps...


Saturday, September 03, 2005

Junior, Isn't He Cute...

Junior Posted by Picasa

Rather than give you more grim updates from Baghdad I decided to bring a little happiness to my blog. Although it isn't my intention I believe I have posted a lot of negativity on my website. Unfortunately there is more grim than good in this country, but we can talk about that later. This is Junior and although I don't see any resemblance the guys at the camp said otherwise. Part of our security detail is from Nepal and they don’t wear their shoes in their room. Well the story is that lil K likes to go around at 6 in the morning snatching shoes from outside people’s doors. I don't get the benefit of seeing this, but it brings a smile to my face none the less. It's really funny how a pup can brighten up your day with his playful banter and shenanigans. Not a care in the world other than getting a little workout while someone chases you around, because you wanted something to play with.



Thursday, September 01, 2005

Shooting Star...

As I have mentioned on several occasions I have love for the stars. Well last night for the first time in my life I can actually say I have seen a shooting star. I was a little surprised at first and wasn’t sure if I was dreaming it up, but then I saw another one plain as day this evening. Of course I made my wishes like a kid making a wish when they a tooth and tuck it under their pillow. At first I wasn’t too sure what to wish about, but then I have never been about wishing I pretty much stick to hope and prayer. At this point in my life the only thing I can really wish for is a long life and a chance to make it out of here unscathed. As many of you already know things have been getting a little out of control here and the end is no where in sight. We had some incoming this morning and this afternoon and the frequency is becoming greater again like it was when I first got here. It still isn’t as bad my first few months, but that isn’t to say that it won’t.

I can remember when this war began and where I was and what I was doing at the time. I was in Chicago working for EXI doing a job for Cingular. I can remember talking to people about what was going on and I can recall saying there is no way on GOD’s green Earth that Bush would go to war unprovoked. Not only that, but also without the support of the United Nations he couldn’t possibly be that stupid. Boy was I wrong… He was that stupid and he is that stupid. No one can deny that Saddam was an evil man and that he needed to be taken care of, but why wasn’t it done 10 years earlier? Why after a decade are we picking up the pieces where Bush Sr. left off? The funny thing is I didn’t mean to get on this subject it just happens it is where the writing took me. At times I will write about a subject that is on my mind and some times I have nothing to say and I have to force myself to write something, and then there are times like now where all I have is a thought (shooting star) and it turns into a 2 page biography.

I am not here to support Bush; I am not even here to support a regime change. Although I believe in the good of helping those less fortunate than myself I am not here for the sake of the Iraqi people. Doing this something for this country was never a factor when making a decision. I did it initially to support my family and myself among other reasons. One of those reasons was to support MY military not because they are our military, but because they are our brothers and sisters, mothers and daughters, fathers and sons. Since then it has evolved to something more. I support my country and not those fat, tie wearing, increase our income because we feel like it, but the common folks such as my family and the many other family’s just like mine and especially for those that have family over here. Today was supposed to be a special day, like my father before me, but it isn’t. So far as of August 31st 2005 there has been 1,879 Americans military deaths. Not only that, but most of the deaths have been young men in their twenties. Of those 1879 deaths only 140 are from the “actual” war on Iraq. This leaves 1479 lives claimed from May 1st 2003 till today. Contractor deaths from the same time period are anywhere from 250-270, with 41 deaths as of march of this year. That is of 25-35,000 contractors working in Iraq at this time. Although these numbers are increasing and in no way pleasant the death toll on Iraqi civilians is even higher. There has been an estimated 24,495-27,705 civilian deaths during this same time period.

These numbers may seem frightening and I know everyone wants us to come home, but imagine what it would be like if we left now. There wouldn’t be a safe person in all of Iraq. This country would fall into a state of civil war that would make ours look like a family picnic. Mass murder in the streets, beheading on a regular basis, it would be genocide. Since we took the only thing keeping this country together we have no choice to finish the job. I will stay here for as long as I can stand it by choice, because of those that have no choice. I love my family more than my own life, so I can think of no greater sacrifice than to be there for those that can’t be with their family.

One Love


Pre- Iraq Pic

Me Before Iraq Posted by Picasa

This was me about 3 months before I came to Iraq. Before I came over I had gained a few pounds on the last job I worked. When I got laid off in April/May of 2004 I had a lot of time on my hands. I applied for literally hundres of jobs for a month straight and then after that I just kinda gave up. I would still look here and there as per your requirement for unemployment. So I decided to use my time off to get back in shape. I went from 205lbs to 225lbs between September of 2003 and February of 2004. So June I went on a health kick and worked out 5-6 days a week around 4 hours a day. I dropped down to about 193 within 3 months and was in the best shape of my adult life. Suffice to say I am no longer trim and tight like I was a year ago, but I have every pplan to get back there thats for sure...

Me Now With Chubby Cheeks

Me Now..!! Posted by Picasa

My moms perfers me with a fatter face and more hair on my head. Mothers are so loving arent they to the point where they still want you to look like that chubby little baby they use to raise...

Mom your a sweetheart

I'm still cutting my hair tho...

The cheeks, we will discuss later... LOL

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Dag Nabbit I'm Hungry...!

Well due to the very real threat that we have in my current locale in this world and due to the overwhelming response to my last outing I have decided not to go out unless well equipped if you catch my drift. So I have listen to everyone and have not gone out since the last time, but that leaves me hungry for my entire shift. I usually eat lunch at 11:30 and then go to bed some time between 2-4pm. There a meeting at 5:30 that I am suppose to attend so that means waking up to go to this stupid meeting and which can last up to an hour talking about the same thing we just talked about the day before. So then I have the task of TRYING to go back to sleep, because anyone that has worked nights knows that if you don't get enough sleep it makes the day last longer. Not only that, but you find yourself working harder at staying awake than trying to work hard...

So to continue with the story we have an abundance of MRE's and if you have ever had a MRE after a while they begin to taste the same. So tonight I was really hungry, but I didn't want to eat another MRE. Well I didn't eat another, not the meal anyway. I took the crackers and some cheese from one of the packs and had my little snack. Sadly it has lasted me the entire night of my shift. So now all I have to do is wait another 4 hours till lunch time...

Love ya


Monday, August 29, 2005

Orion Has Returned...

The dumb managers continue, but I am not going to even start on that.

For those that do not know I have a fondness for the constellation Orions Belt. Well it has been on summer break and I haven't been to happy about that, but just the other day I saw him just before day break. I was happy to see my starlit friend there in the sky. I often think back to days past when I look up to the sky and the stars above. Back when I use to climb on the roof attached to my room and stare up at the stars. I know I'm not that old, but that seems forever ago. I am forever amazed at how simple life was back then. Nothing else mattered except the next game of basketball, or kickball or freeze tag. There weren't any wars or terrorist, or insurgents at least there wasn't on our block and growing up that's all that mattered was your block, your neighborhood, your small little speck on this world.

When did it start getting so complicated...? I can't really remember when the change happened. When the world started to affect me in ways I can't explain. Politics, religion, hate, love, greed, trust, poverty, equality, all apart of the complication of getting older or better yet more mature. Why is it we let these things affect us so much, for some they rule their lives like a drug. I still don't know at 30 (almost) what I want to do with my life which in a sense makes me feel younger, but I don't have the luxury of procrastinating as far as making a decision. When did it matter that you choice a career or a lifestyle that you wanted and why. Hunger must be setting in I better get something to eat... :)


Saturday, August 27, 2005

My Evening STARe

As I look into the nights sky at the half moon in the darkness above
I wonder what doom is going to befall this land tomorrow
All the gloom in this world can only be conquered by prayers and love
Somewhere a fathers cries out, and a mother’s tears fall in sorrow
I look in the mirror and smile thinking of all the good in my life
My family, my friends, and loved ones and all the memories we’ve shared
I can’t imagine where I would be if it weren’t for the hard times and strife
No telling what kind of man I would have been if I wouldn’t have dared
To be more than they said I would to challenge those that were against me
To rise up again and again, against all odds, opposition on my back
My life has been a book and I share it openly for all the world to see
No matter who or what you are I have thwarted every single attack
I have overcome, I have endured I have survived everything thrown my way
GOD’s sword, my shied, his word has always been there for my protection
My strength has been tested time and again, but to this day I have yet to sway
So much can be seen when I look back upon my reflection
That is me… simply a grain of sand on a never ending beach
I will not falter, that you can believe with your hearts, I am perseverance
Lord knows my life has been a lesson, for other to learn and reach
For that place that seems so far away like in a dream, or trance
All you have to do is believe in what you see when you look in the mirror…

ken \KEN\ noun 1 a : the range of vision b : sight, view *2 : the range of perception, understanding, or knowledge. Means "strong, healthy" in Japanese

An interesting word that I found... Huh I like that...


Love and Peace

Friday, August 26, 2005

The Bad Get Worse

Now here I am warning all those back home not to watch the news, because things are "Reportedly" going to get worse, well even though the security manager informed our management that it isn't wise to travel they decide to send a few guys to the field anyway. Now the area they were traveling to is the IZ, or Green Zone whatever they call it nowadays. So at the risk of lives it was more important to get the job done. Now because it is ill advised to travel that is by car, air travel is unaffected by what is going on right now. So with that being said why is it that we send twelve people into danger by highways, when we can send the 4 that have to get the job done by airway safely.

That's the question isn't it...

Did I ever tell you that it was told to me by a fellow co-worker that one of the managers stated that some casualities are considered and expected, and in some cases acceptable...

I am getting very tiresome with these decisions and recklessness or better yet reckless decisions...

Peace be unto me....


Thursday, August 25, 2005

From Toilets 2 Towers...

Now I don't think I could beat it into anyone any more than I all ready have about the idiots running this place. Well the next story I have to tell will blow you away. I would say the one thing that is most important about having LN's work for an American based company getting paid by OUR tax dollars is that they at least speak and read English. Now under normal circumstances the need for this may not apply, but given that our job is to support the US Armed Forces then I would say it does. Now I do not have any problems with those that work with us, they are just trying to survive the best way they know how, my problem is still with our management. Now I may not fully feel comfortable having so many LN’s and especially on such short notice, but there isn’t much I can do about that.

Not so long ago we had 2 tower guys (that are no longer with us) that were local nationals and they did an ok job from what their American counterparts said. The problem was that neither one was fluent in English which means that a lot of what was instructed to them has to be done by an interpreter. I use to work with interpreters when I worked at AT&T (which seems so long ago). The one thing you have to watch out for is the small subtle differences in the 2 languages. My point of saying that is simply out an instruction can be completely misinterpreted if the one relaying the message isn’t clear himself. The problem here was that both of the tower guys hired not only couldn’t read or write English or even speak it well, but they couldn’t read or write in Arabic either. In case you are wondering Arabic is the language spoken in the Middle East. Still do not have a problem with that, because they were hard workers, but their level of standards would never make it in a commercial environment.

My point of bringing this up wasn’t in any way to do harm to Local Iraqi’s they are only playing the hand they were dealt and doing it admirably on top of that. I brought it up to show the continued idiotic decisions made by those that take our tax dollars and waste it on the good of the company not the good of the country. The sad part of all of this is I haven’t even gotten to my point. Mohammed (Our custodial engineer) is a bright young man about the age of 19. As far as I know he has no father that he speaks of, he is Muslim with a Catholic girlfriend, and has a fixation with physical gratification (layman’s terms that’s sex). Now Mohammed as I have mentioned in the past makes $15 a day which adds up to a wonderful $360 a month bringing his annual salary to just under 5 grand a year. Now this is actually a very good salary for an Iraqi national. Now as far as I have been told the “LN technicians” are getting $40 a day, or just under $13,000 a year. I could be mistaken in the numbers, but I fairly certain that I am not. Well our kind hearted hard working janitor has received a promotion while I was away on break. He is now our local national tower hand, from custodial engineer to telecommunication engineer. Not exactly the kinda of transition you would see in the commercial world, at least not any I have ever worked before now.

I have found it increasingly difficult to continue to deal with this place when there is nothing but donkeys running the show. I swear to ALMIGHTY GOD if there was someone I could talk to I would, because this mess is getting out of control. I worry less about bombs and more about the complete ignorance of our managers and that can have a dangerous affect especially given my location. I am not much of a manager nor have I ever really wanted to be, but as I have said before monkeys could run this place better…

Keep hope alive…

Maybe we will get a chimp for a new manager…

Doubtful they are too smart to come here…


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Another Day Another Dollar

I have never trusted the decision making abilities of my employers, but that goes without saying. Any time you think it is more important to get a job done on a daily basis rather than care about the welfare of your employees then your incompetence speaks for itself. So like I have mentioned in the past we have a new multimillion dollar camp site (not worth a dime) that is the topic of discussion for most of the meeting I was at yesterday.

So now sergeant major calls me up out of dead sleep to attend the meeting the day before so apparently it more important for me to be at the meeting than it is to get sufficient rest for the next days work. The meeting is at 5:30pm and my shift starts at midnight. I treat it like I would if my shift were at 8 in the morning, so I stay up after I get off and go to bed between 3-4pm which just so happens to be 8 hours before my shift begins. Now if you have ever worked third shift no matter how easy the job may be you are aware of how difficult it is to stay awake if you do not have a good days rest. So yesterday I set my alarm 5 minutes before the time of the meeting. I wake up and go to the common area and they are still having a meeting with the LN's (local nationals). Their meeting is running into our time and I have only had about an hour and half of sleep. By the time they get done it is past 6pm and we still have to wait for everyone to get in and sit down. Kurt (who happens to be the manager of all things Iraq) works in Dallas but has been in Baghdad for a few weeks trying to get thing straightened out. He goes into his topics in regards to the new camp site and what the old site is going to be used for and so on and so on. Now it is almost 7pm and I am getting restless, because I am only going to get 4 more hours of sleep before my shift starts. Finally we end and he mentions doing the same thing again tomorrow which was last night. Well suffice to say I didn't bother waking up for the meting last night, the sacrifice of sleep for the stupid meeting wasn't worth it.

Here is my issue at the moment. The living conditions suck big time here I wouldn't ask someone I hate to live like this, which is irrelevant because I hate no one but you get my point. Well the old camp is where everyone has to go to work everyday it is where the equipment resides at the moment. The cost associated with moving the equipment within a timely manor is probably between 2-5 million and weeks of work. Now the other day I mentioned how dark it is at night and unsafe one can feel traveling to and from such a short distance. Well they want all of us to move to the new camp and travel back and forth to work which means someone traveling at night alone to work at midnight and the person on duty till midnight going back to camp by themselves. Why would you have us move when the place we are moving from is where we have to go when we go to work? Not only that if something happens with the equipment, those key individuals that might be needed have to travel which means that the equipment failure will last longer than if they were just 100 feet away like they are now.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid...

So the old camp is going to be used as a training facility for LN's that will eventually take over our jobs. Now I don’t know about you, but I don't feel comfortable about the decision to have someone with absolutely no background, well at least one that can be checked such as in the US, watching over millions and millions of dollars of equipment that is in service for OUR armed forces that was bought and paid for by our tax dollars. This is the same company that said no firearms in your personal living space and one guy did, shot himself in the foot and is still employed by the company after breaking the rule and from what I have been told has a firearm in is room now. The same company that allows and condones the use of alcohol even though the military states that anyone working for the Armed Forces is not allowed to have in times of war. Not only that, but our managers also partake of such banned substances, but we are suppose to follow there every command as if it was a good one to begin with. Our tax dollars are going to these fools and they do not even have our country or the people supporting our country (such as myself) interest in mind. For them its all about the payday which is why they are hiring LN's to do the same job for a fraction of what they pay us, but their cost stays the same...

I hate business at the cost of good people...

Don't get me wrong I am all for building up the Iraqi economy, but not at the expense of the American people...

These are evil times we live in...

One Life to Live One Love to Give...


Monday, August 22, 2005

Do Not Watch The News...!!

As I have said from the beginning do not watch the news it will only bother you more, but more importantly I ask that you at least do not watch it for the nest few days. There isn't anything to worry about on my end I and relatively safe (ponder on that one for a minute), but the Iraqi constitution is going to be ratified tomorrow and it will bring the bugs out of the woodwork. The reports from what I have been told, which is very little, is enough to make your skin crawl, but unfortunately we can take any chances. I hear a lot about what the insurgents claim they are going to do and most times it doesn't, but we have to take every potential threat seriously.

This actually comes at a time where I am feeling more mortal than ever which has increased my awareness, either that or I am becoming more paranoid. I went to midnight chow tonight, because I didn't want to be hungry the entire night like I am most of the time. Now although I am in a protected area it is ill advised to travel alone. Well it isn't like there are a ton of people up at midnight so I had to go on my own. Now I did say we are in a protected area, but I think I have played enough videogames in my life to be able to sneak around in an area where there is no light at all. With that being said what do you think a military trained insurgent could do. Although management allows us to carry weapons on the jobs we go out into the field for, that is not something they take lightly when it comes to the protected area of BIAP. So I grab the only thing remotely close to a weapon, my stainless steel made in the good ole USA Gerber pocket knife. What is this good for against armed insurgents, nothing... But it beats not having anything in my book.

So I hop in the car and get under way trying to get there and back as fast as humanly possible within safe limits. Worse thing I can think about would be to die in a car accident IN IRAQ going to get chow. So I am cautious with my speed especially since there aren't any road reflectors or street lights guiding my path. I get to my destination wash my hands grab a plate and wait in line. The choices aren't exactly what I was looking for, but I should ask myself what in GODS name am I looking for to eat at a military chow hall in the middle of the desert. Nevermind... Anyway I grab some steamed rice, chicken cordon blue, some chicken wings, yams and a slice of pizza (boy how I love my pizza). So I grab a couple Pepsis and head back to the car. I drive a little slower than before a little less tense, my thought process is that I am more than half way there and getting back is the easy part of the trip. No matter where you go in Iraq the return seems so much easier than the initial departure, but in all honesty the danger is pretty much the same. Anyway I got back went to work sat and begin to ponder once more how much longer will I stay here....

The funny thing is I use to always believe that GOD had a plan for me so I couldn't die as long as his plan isn't fulfilled, but now I am beginning to realize my own mortality. See I am a firm believer that the longer you put yourself in danger the greater the chances are you become a statistic. For an example the more you fly the greater your chance you will end up on a plane that will not make it to its intended destination. I think the same applies for being in Baghdad and working under extreme conditions. I take comfort in the fact the the Almighty has covered my tail for these last 7 months, I even glorify it in my conversation. In 7 months time I have never witnessed, or have been apart of any atrocities what-so-ever. I haven't even been shot at (as of yet) and the going saying around here is if you stay here long enough you will be shot at at least once in your time here. I am not sure why this sudden sense of weakness, I am not sure if it is because I just got back from a good break, or if reality of my decisions and the possible effects it will have on others. My Bro said yesterday that he knew I was coming back, because I had things to do and life to live. Until yesterday I was a firm believer in that thought process.

Why now at this point in my life I finally realize the potential I have, but in the same breath I feel weak...

Getting older sucks...

Wisdom sucks...

The more I know the more I realize the less I know...


Sunday, August 21, 2005

Should I be offended...?

Well I am back to work and back on third shift which is 3pm to 11pm central (in case you were wondering) I had a real good time back home, but now I am back at my temporary home away from home. When I got here I didn't have the same feeling like I did the last time I was on break. When I got back I almost felt like I didn't leave at all. Now there is two things in regards to this that bother me. One is if I am getting use to this place now then what will it be like when I leave for good. The second is if I felt like I never left then it is going to make the next break seem forever away. I bought my ticket so that my return would be on the 15th of December. It has been brought to my attention that I will not be able to take my break for Christmas. No I really don't care to be told what I can and can not do, but considering the fact that it is still so far away I bit my tongue and just shook my head. I will tell you this though there is nothing in this world keeping from coming home for Christmas...!!! As GOD is my witness... I spent one Christmas here and wasn't a very happy camper, not only that but I didn't have to be here although they said I did. I ended up sitting here for no reason and we were under lockdown almost the entire time. When the time comes I will make my case, but trust you me unless they want to keep me as an employee they won't make an issue about me going home for the holiday, if they do, guess what oh well... C-Ya

On to another subject.

So the puppies were 2 weeks old when I left and now they will be 7 weeks tomorrow. So I found out yesterday that 5 of them have been given away already and there are only 3 left. James told me the names of the pups when we going over to see them, but I was a little Leary at first and you will soon know why. So once I got there we found the pups hiding under John's (the guy taking care of the momma dog) living connex. So John went over the names and yet again they were exactly as James had told me. Now here is where the disbelief came from, the one with a little gotee growing in was named after me. Now should I be offended that they named a dog after me of should I take it as a compliment and leave well enough alone. He is a cute little scruffy guy I must admit, but still... I have no plans on saying anything to anyone about it, but I am curious what people think. Anyway I am hoping that I get to take care of the little tyke it would definitely bring some joy to this sorrow land.

Dog named after me now that's a new one...

K out

Ha my first offspring, guess that makes him the 4th

Friday, August 19, 2005

Back in B-Town

Well I will admit my time home was good, but as always short. I was glad I stayed longer than I had expected to at first, but I came back to a hail storm yet again. See one of the things about being gone from a job for so long is not knowing if you will still be employed when you get back, but you don't worry about such things cause who wants to work in hell anyway. I can't stand coming back every time to something new and improved. I guess it's all for the better, but why wasn't it just done right the first time you know...

Well a short while ago I wrote about one of the switch techs getting fired, well since then we hired a new one and he too has been fired not even making it for a whole month. So to my surprise the one that was fired 2 or so months ago has been rehired and Scotty who just recently went on break is has resigned or got fired there is always many different stories. Now this is probably his third time or so getting fired from what I have been told. Now I can care less whether or not I get fired cause I have done well for myself and my family has seen the benefit of me working here. Not only that, but I will become a hot commodity (as far as work goes) once I do return to the States. I have had multiple inquiries since I have been over here and it is just a matter of knowing what I want to do in this world.

Well I really don't have much else to say, but once the ball gets rolling again I will post regularly.

I love you all...


Saturday, July 23, 2005

July 23rd "The Wedding"

Well I am back in my hometown and today is the day I get to be the Bestman for my Best friend. I am so very honored and will try my best not to lose the ring... (just kiddin)

Well The weather is humid, but a definite comfort compared to what I have become use to. I will update you later after the wedding has concluded.


Saturday, July 16, 2005

A Wake Up

All I have left now is to pack, go to sleep, wake up and fly home.

The more time you spend in Iraq the more you look forward to coming home, but on an upside the time goes by faster. Last time I spend 91 days in Iraq (despite the name), but this time I was a little short (but who's counting 86 days). Although my break will be small, it is much needed. Depending on the need for my return I may stay a little longer, but I have yet decided.

Anyway I'll get back to the long story day after tomorrow when I am waiting for my next flight.


Thursday, July 14, 2005

Mission North, Day 2, July 6th 2005

We got up at around 8:30 after 2 of our roommates began transporting the SAW's to the car awaiting them in the parking lot. I asked the sarge if he needed any help carrying them to the car and he accepted. So I carried 2 or 3 to the car and then he thanked me and I went back to our lovely accommodations and grabbed my toiletries and went to wash up. After doing so I went to see about getting a flight up to our intended destination. I was informed that the flight this morning (which was already booked) was the only one they had scheduled out today, but that we could make arrangements to take another helo to Tal Afar and then to Al Kasik. The flight wasn't scheduled to leave till around 14:00 so we had some time to kill. I contacted Ray and informed him of our travel plans and told him I would update him when I knew something new.

The Major and Sarge contacted their office as well and they in return called the local contact for them here and scheduled someone to pick us up so we wouldn't have to sit there all day. A young soldier came in a brand new SUV (still had the plastic on the seats) and we threw our things in the back and jumped in. It was a short ride and the scenery was a bit more pleasing that Baghdad, and not as hot as well. There were lots of old trees with lush green leaves and even grass. Not much of that in Baghdad, as a matter of fact I don't think there is any. So our driver was a young girl petite in size, but looked very determined. She didn't talk much other than to answer a few of our questions. We got to the office and left our things in the vehicle and went inside.

There we met (yet another)an Army first sergeant, a Marine gunnery sergeant and a young airmen (woman). I was only there as an observer so the Major and Master Sarge went into the the gunnery sarge's office and talked for a bit. So I sat there and the first sergeant and the airman would pass jabs. The office was very laid back and the camaraderie was very pleasant to see, not all the formality like I was use to seeing in Baghdad. I had my weapon with me and the first sergeant asked why I (a civilian) was carrying a weapon, where was I going with that thing. Now mind you this is the same place where a suicide bomber came into the US DFAC and killed 22 people including 14 U.S. soldiers and wounded 69 others on the 21st of December just one day before I arrived in Iraq. The attack was considered the deadliest breach of security at a U.S. military base since the Iraq war began. It was later determined that the individual that committed the crime worked in the DFAC for four months before committing the shameful attack. Of course my reason for carrying my weapon had nothing to do with that, I told him that I was going to Al Kasik and his eyes widened and he said good luck.

So I began to converse with the airmen and come to find out Mosul was kinda the hide out spot. Since the attack in December they cracked down in the city and anything that happens around that area is generally far from the city center. The airmen I spoke to was only 20 years old and had been in the service for 2 years now. The airforce deployment is only 4 months unlike the Army's 1 year (and in some cases 18 months or even 2 one year terms). She had a daughter and was stationed in Japan where by her definition she enjoyed a much simpler life. She talked about how her mother called or emailed all the time about attacks that she heard on the news (SOUND FAMILIAR...?!).

She went on to say that a lot of the soldiers there don't even carry a weapon when moving around in the city. There were numerous local restaurants with Iraqi cuisine and even a food court where they served Tex Mex, Burgers, Pizza and something else that escapes me at the moment. They mentioned going to Dahok which is a Turkish/Kurd city and even there they don't carry their weapons. She mentioned that the people there love to see the American Army and welcome them all over the city. Which in a sense is understandable, because if anyone suffered the wrath of Saddam's regime more it was the Kurds. They loved having us in their country and getting rid of Saddam. She went on to talk about how she has a fellow airmen (woman) that was suppose to come with her, but was at the last minute sent to Baghdad. Her fellow airmen tells her all the time how she hates it there and she can't wait to leave. Fortunately for her she only has 2 months left in Iraq of her 4 month stint.

Soon there after the Major came out and mentioned going to lunch with Gunny (the Marine gunnery sergeant). We loaded up the car and went to the "NEW" DFAC which was built after the incident previously mentioned. We parked in the ever so familiar gravel parking lot and walked to the ever so familiar aluminum covered DFAC, but once inside there was nothing familiar about it. This was by far the nicest dining area I have been to in Iraq. Actually even better than some restaurants I have been to back home. They had the main line, a fry cook, a chicken shack, the sandwich bar, salad bar, snack bar, and so on and so on. The food was good the environment was just as pleasing and they even have a memorial for those that lost their lives in the bombing.

After our surprisingly good meal we went back to the office where we decided to take a look around this fine area. They had very nice shops, but nothing unusual just the norm for Iraq until we got to the Rug shop. Now they sell Persian Rugs at just about every single base in Iraq, but this particular shop was a little different. He had the China made clothes that you see at most shops, but he had item such as Nike, Fubu, Abercrombie, Dickie, and the list goes on. Not only did they have the rugs, but they would even pack and ship it home for you. Well the salesman was from turkey, but his english was top notch, not to mention that he also spoke half a dozen other languages as well. He sold me on a rug and I had it sent home, I will not divulge the cost associated with this item, but if you do a search on eBay for silk Persian rug you will see for your self. They served us some tea while the Sarge haggled over the price of a t-shirt. The Major decided he wanted to look at the rugs as well, and boy did he get overwhelmed. The guy that sold me my rug hammered him, I mean this guy could sell life insurance to the dead (LOL). The Major resisted (barely) and we departed to await our helo.

We sat there for a good half hour and while I waited I went to look at the shops that were right in from of the passenger waiting area. There was a shop that would make suits with the shirt, tie and handkerchief for $250. Excellent quality of fabric from what I could tell and the shirt was 100% Turkish silk (they sure do love their silk). There were a few other shops, but I didn't have the time to see them all, so I made a mental note to walk around again on my return trip.

The helo came over the horizon and did it's usual round about to our location. There were more people here than they had spots for, but luckily I was with the Major and I got on the flight, otherwise I would have been stuck in Mosul (not that it was a bad thing) for yet another day or so. When there are more people than can fit on a flight the crew chief is the one that ultimately decides who gets on the bird. Generally they will bump civilians for military personnel especially if there is rank around. Since I was with the major I didn't get the bump, but someone did that for sure. We traveled to Dahok and I was almost amazed at what I saw. There was no sign of bombed out buildings or roads, no trash all over the streets and near housing. Not only that but they had a very well kept highway system, it reminded me of Jordan when I saw it from the helicopter. I was amazed that I was still in Iraq. The city seemed untouched by all that was happening around the area. The pilot began his descent and I started to wonder where in GOD's name was he going to land that thing. They banked to the right a bit and dropped down right in a parking lot just as if he were parking a car, the skill involved was just too much for words. We dropped off a few people and just as easily as we touched down we were in the air just seconds later.

We flew for about 15 minutes before landing again in Tal Afar. We departed the helo and went to see about getting on the next flight to Al Kasik. Unfortunately we were on the last flight out of Tal Afar so it seemed as though we were going to be stuck again. A young army sergeant helped us get to the necessary personnel about getting some type of transportation to Tal Afar. Now what I didn't mention earlier was they had originally discussed getting a convoy to pick us up and take us there. Now convoys are target magnets they might as well have a big target sign on them, because it will never fail, they will be shot at. Fortunately the powers that be decided that it was too late and too dangerous for us to take a convoy and to just stay the night and fly out n the morning. Well they didn't have the luxurious accommodations like our last stop, this time we were fortunate enough to stay in a tent with no power or cooling units. This wasn't too much of a problem, since we were further north it was a bit cooler and there was a nice breeze coming in (ya right).

The Major, Sarge, and myself dropped our things off at the Ritz and decided to head to chow. By this time it was close to 7pm and there wasn't anything around other than desert and a few hills. After chow since we had so much time on our hands I decided to go to the TMC (Medical facilities) and have my eye looked at. I had pretty much ignored it for the most part until we got to Tal Afar. A private signed me in and had me sit on the cot while he got some saline solution. Then he tried to flush it out about 2 or 3 times, but I could still feel poking at me. A few other personnel came in, and one apparently was the lead medical technician, because he started to point out some of the private's mistakes and eventually took over. He got a look at it and decided to take it out with a q-tip dipped in saline. At first he was having me hold my eye open and it was hard to do with someone poking it with a stick (basically). So then he put a numbing agent in my eye and continued and I couldn't feel a thing. It was able to get a portion of it out, but didn't want to try any further and possibly damage my eye. He said that he was going to medivac me back to Mosul so they could take care of it. I informed him of my flight out at 5:30 and he said you going to have to come back this is too serious. He was ready to put me on a bird that night and take me back, but there was something more pressing going on at that moment. He gave me some drops and told me to come back at 7am so he could have another look then he would get me to Mosul within 2 hours.

I went back to the tent and told the Major about them wanting to medivac me back to Mosul (which I just came from). I grabbed my gear and headed to the showers for a much needed scrub down. On the way there I say the Sarge and I told him about them wanting to medivac me in the morning. I called Ray (manager of the year) and told him about my eye and the medics decision to evac me back to Mosul in the morning which would push the job I had to do even further back. So he actually very understanding and didn't mention the job at all, but not that I cared one way or the other. I showered headed back to the Ritz and turned on my MP3 player and just waited for the day to fade to black.

Tomorrow or whenever I get to it... Al Kasik..


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Out of Touch

I am here just haven't been in a writing mood so I'll update you soon enough.

3 Days and a wake up...

Monday, July 11, 2005

Me and Master Sarge

Me and the Sarge Posted by Picasa

Got an email from The Major today with some photos that he took of us while on or glorious trip to northern Iraq. This was heading toward the end of our second day or our 5 day trip. See all the lovely grass and greenery, thats right because there isn't any...

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Mission North, Day 1, July 5nd 2005

DAY 1,

So my shift is from 4pm-midnight and our manager called a day meeting for 9am. Well I generally stay up for a few hours unwinding and get up around noon or so. Well a couple of days before I was instructed that I may have to go up north to fix a site. Well not one person here has worked on the system I was sent to fix, but I am the most qualified since I have worked on an older model of the unit, but the one I worked on was Unix based and the new one is Windows NT based.

Now the first thing when I got up that morning I left my dark dismal room straight into a 3.86e33 ergs/second lightbulb and I felt a sharp tingle in my right eye. At first I thought it was because I didn't give my eyes time to adjust to the light, but after a couple of hours I started to think maybe I got something in my eye. I didn't have the time to find out so I dismissed it and went on with my day.

Anyway so we had our meeting and I was pulled from it a little early so I could check to see if I was still scheduled on the flight out that day. I went over to the PAX terminal (passenger terminal which ironically the word PAX is Latin for peace) and checked to see if I was manifested. Unfortunately I didn't have my orders that got me to Iraq so I had to come back to the complex and get them. I have never flown out of the PAX terminal since I got to Iraq so I wasn't aware that I needed them, nor was I informed by are great leader the manager of the year (when hell freezes over and we all no that will never happen). After getting my orders I noticed that my dates had expired. I informed Dhiae about my paperwork being out of date and he said just go and see what they say. Well I left a copy with Ray (the great manager*facetious*) so that he could look into it while I was checking on my flight. Got to the counter and found that I was manifested, but that I needed to get my orders up to date before he could let me on the flight. So I went back to the complex and informed Ray and the first thing out of his mouth was why hadn't I got them updated. I'm sorry am I suppose to make sure the equipment is working or keep track or your paperwork for you. Personally I would have expected a good manager to have already had my orders updated accordingly so that this issue would have never happened, but I guess that is asking to much from him.

While he got that taken care of I proceeded to pack my bags for what I was hoping was not going to be a long journey since I was coming home in less than 2 weeks. I didn't have a bag big enough for my clothes and my laptop for what might be 5 days or more so I had to go to the PX and buy one. After doing that I go all my things together and told Ray I didn't have the necessary tools in case I had to take something apart and bring it back. His first comment was why are you telling me this right before your flight, you have known about this for a few days now. I told him the truth I didn't think I was going so I didn't think much about it, and besides we have mentioned the tools to you (or the lack there of that is) months ago. Well he got me a brand new tool kit (that we supposedly didn't have) and I finished packing my things. I went to sign out my weapons and he said you can't take a weapon on a military flight, then I informed him then I wasn't going. Dhiae chimed in and said yes you can, and I mentioned a previous job that one of our mechanics went to do just last week and the fact that he took his weapon. He opened the weapons room I grabbed my side-arm and borrowed a small automatic weapon (the one I had is the third one down from the top) from one of the other guys and put them in the car I was going to be dropped off in. Now I was packed and about to leave, but I still didn't have my updated orders so Ray said just go and when I get them I have someone bring them to you, which for once wasn't a bad idea. Well as soon as we were headed out Ray came to the car and said I got them and he printed them off and I left.

Now while I was in a hurry I actually forgot some key items while traveling in Iraq and that was my body armor and helmet. It just so happens that I was talking to James (the only brother left here and my chauffeur to the PAX, huh... That's funny... I just remembered whenever my grams got in the car while I was driving she would always say: "Home James"... Anyway) and he said something about Dave (the mechanic I mentioned earlier that went on a job a week ago) forgetting his armor and how James had to go back and get it. When he brought it back he called over to Dave to come get it and Dave was acting all uppity like he was too good to get his own armor. That's when I told him I didn't have mine (LOL) he said no problem I'll drop you off and get some from our other camp (less than a mile from the PAX and closer than our complex) and bring it back to you. So I put my stuff in the passenger waiting area and checked in and found out that the flight was delayed due to weather conditions. See our flight was coming from Kuwait and the was a sand storm that was hindering them from flying out. So I found a chair got comfortable and waited. James came back about 15 minutes later with the vest and helmet and I said C-ya and put it with the rest of my stuff.

I had time to kill so I went to the PX and looked for an MP3 player for the long haul ahead and got a little Subway (yes we have Subway in Iraq believe it or not) sandwich and a couple juices and headed back to the passenger waiting area. That's where I met R.J. a brother from Alabama that had been here for 5 months helping train the Iraqi police on investigation techniques. A pretty level headed guy that was very ready to get home and seemed to be pretty grounded. We jabbed for a bit and he asked me about the MP3 player that I bought that he saw me loading music on earlier. That lead us to the subject of music and our similar taste in artist. So I told him of all the new music I had and said "hey if you have a blank disc I will burn you a couple or records". He did have one and so I burned him some music and right about that time he headed off, because his flight wasn't scheduled till 11pm and it was about 6 so he went to kill some time. He gave me his email address and went on his marry way and I sat there waiting to hear about our flight that was suppose to have left 1 hour earlier.

Shortly there after I was talking to another civilian that was going on leave and she asked me where I was going, I told her and she said "Oh that's where he is going and pointed to the Master Sergeant. We shook hands and he introduced me to the Major. They were heading to the exact same place that I was, but for different reasons (obviously). They were actually space A (military for space available not manifested) on a later flight, but it was going the same way that my flight was going. I told them about my flight and the reserved there seat and that is where our journey began together. I don't believe in coincidences so I truly believe that this was suppose to happen this way. Well we sat there for a few hours chatting and waiting and then we got the call for boarding. We got our things together and headed to the ever so popular C-130 waiting for us out back.

We loaded up and this is where I run into one of the most annoying people since I have been in Iraq. See I'm a knowitall and we don't like our own kind, but fortunately I have toned it down over the years so know I a sorta, kinda knowitall. Well if you aren't familiar with a C-130 it isn't a very roomy plane and its not suppose to be its a cargo plane transformed into a troop transport. Well I put my bag in between my legs in front of me and the annoying guy said: "why don't you hang that up there behind you". I looked at him with a evil look that could have cut butter, but I tried it anyway per his request. When I saw that it would be right above another passenger's head and wasn't too sure how to fasten it down properly I said it's too big. He replied that it wasn't and I told him that if he wanted to put his bag up there he was more than welcome to, but I was not, so I pushed it as far under my seat as I could, then he said "oh that's good". I wanted to ring his neck, because the reason he mentioned it was do to our lack of space and this whole time his bag was on the seat next to him... (I hate double standards) Well his breathe also stank and that was getting on my nerves too, but I kept my cool and just relaxed for what was going to be a noisy and long flight.

Well we are all sitting there waiting for take off when they cut the engines. We are now 6 hours past our original take off time and its beginning to look like we might not be getting out of here. So we took out our ear plugs and just sat there sweating. My vest weighs in at about 30 pounds and the helmet another 5 or so (+/-), and there isn't any air conditioning on a C-130. Well it had to be at least 120 on the plane not to mention all our gear so perspiration was at an all time high. Sitting next to me was a kid that I swear was no older than 18, and he was with a sniper detail (special ops) that's where sergeant Knight comes in. He was the kid's NCO (Noncommissioned Officer) and someone I enjoyed immensely. Sgt Knight has been in Iraq for 3 years since 2001 and he is the definition of a soldier. I truly have a great respect for him and men like him, such as the Master Sergeant and the Major that I traveled with. He not only seemed very determined, but also had a sense of humor that lasted the entire time we waited for then to fix the plane. Definitely someone I could get along with and even make be-friend. He is what we would call a lifer, one that does this for the rest of his life, a dying breed actually.

Well we finally got underway and by time it was close to midnight before we left. Sgt Knight didn't have any ear plugs and let me tell you a C-130 isn't the place you want to forget those. Well I bought some BOSE QuietComfort2 headphones a few months back and I wanted to see how they would fair on a C-130. I flipped the switch turning them on and to my surprise they did better than my ear plugs, but not only that I could now listen to music while I sat in the flying sauna. So I handed my ear plugs to Sgt Knight and sat back and listened to the latest of 112 and Anthony Hamilton. I dozed off a couple of times until a sudden jerk of the plane woke me up which lead me to believe we have started our descent. No matter what I wasn't going back to sleep not while they did their combat landing maneuvers. So we landed after many MANY twists, turns, banks and drops.

We departed the plane single file as instructed in the darkest of nights (FYI do not come to Iraq without a flashlight). I grabbed my satellite phone and called to let them know I have made the first leg of my trip. I went to the PAX in Mosul (Yes I was in Mosul) and checked on the next flight to my final destination. I was informed that they only dealt with fixed wing and that I needed to follow the glowsticks to the office that dealt with rotary flights. I followed the dark path watching my step as best I could stopping every once and a while to look at the beautiful sky above full of stars, more than I can ever remember in my almost 30 years of life. I got to the office and was told the first flight out was booked full and there wasn't any space left for myself or the Master Sergeant and the Major.

So we went back to the other office for billeting (lodging) for the three of us. They gave us our room number and we carefully and quietly (it was almost 2am by this time) to our temporary housing. We opened the door to find a room smaller than my room back here at BIAP with 3 bunkbeds. There was only one person in the room so it didn't matter much to us, but just a few minutes later we had 2 more roommates filling us to the brim. The room was about 18" by 6" so once we took off our gear there was barely any room to move around, not to mention our 2 latest additions brought 6 M-249 SAW's with them. Fortunately for us they did fit under the bottom bunk bed not taking away from our already limited space. I laid down fully dressed because we didn't have any bedding and I wasn't sure how left what before me. I felt very sticky and my eye irritation that I had all but forgot about was beginning to bother me. I wasn't going to be able to rest till I at least washed up, so I headed to the showers. I washed my upper body and brushed my teeth and looked in the mirror at my eye. I could see a small particle, not much bigger than the tip of a lead pencil, of something just south of my pupil blending in with my iris (I love giving tid bits). I gently tried to remove t from my eye, but that is one thing I don't care to mess around with which is why I won't wear contacts. I wasn't meant to put things on my eye, or I would have been born with accessories (LOL). I stopped messing with it and headed to bed and looked forward to what would be yet another long day.

Tomorrow Day 2 Mosul (a.k.a. Club Med) not what it use to be...
