Thursday, September 01, 2005

Shooting Star...

As I have mentioned on several occasions I have love for the stars. Well last night for the first time in my life I can actually say I have seen a shooting star. I was a little surprised at first and wasn’t sure if I was dreaming it up, but then I saw another one plain as day this evening. Of course I made my wishes like a kid making a wish when they a tooth and tuck it under their pillow. At first I wasn’t too sure what to wish about, but then I have never been about wishing I pretty much stick to hope and prayer. At this point in my life the only thing I can really wish for is a long life and a chance to make it out of here unscathed. As many of you already know things have been getting a little out of control here and the end is no where in sight. We had some incoming this morning and this afternoon and the frequency is becoming greater again like it was when I first got here. It still isn’t as bad my first few months, but that isn’t to say that it won’t.

I can remember when this war began and where I was and what I was doing at the time. I was in Chicago working for EXI doing a job for Cingular. I can remember talking to people about what was going on and I can recall saying there is no way on GOD’s green Earth that Bush would go to war unprovoked. Not only that, but also without the support of the United Nations he couldn’t possibly be that stupid. Boy was I wrong… He was that stupid and he is that stupid. No one can deny that Saddam was an evil man and that he needed to be taken care of, but why wasn’t it done 10 years earlier? Why after a decade are we picking up the pieces where Bush Sr. left off? The funny thing is I didn’t mean to get on this subject it just happens it is where the writing took me. At times I will write about a subject that is on my mind and some times I have nothing to say and I have to force myself to write something, and then there are times like now where all I have is a thought (shooting star) and it turns into a 2 page biography.

I am not here to support Bush; I am not even here to support a regime change. Although I believe in the good of helping those less fortunate than myself I am not here for the sake of the Iraqi people. Doing this something for this country was never a factor when making a decision. I did it initially to support my family and myself among other reasons. One of those reasons was to support MY military not because they are our military, but because they are our brothers and sisters, mothers and daughters, fathers and sons. Since then it has evolved to something more. I support my country and not those fat, tie wearing, increase our income because we feel like it, but the common folks such as my family and the many other family’s just like mine and especially for those that have family over here. Today was supposed to be a special day, like my father before me, but it isn’t. So far as of August 31st 2005 there has been 1,879 Americans military deaths. Not only that, but most of the deaths have been young men in their twenties. Of those 1879 deaths only 140 are from the “actual” war on Iraq. This leaves 1479 lives claimed from May 1st 2003 till today. Contractor deaths from the same time period are anywhere from 250-270, with 41 deaths as of march of this year. That is of 25-35,000 contractors working in Iraq at this time. Although these numbers are increasing and in no way pleasant the death toll on Iraqi civilians is even higher. There has been an estimated 24,495-27,705 civilian deaths during this same time period.

These numbers may seem frightening and I know everyone wants us to come home, but imagine what it would be like if we left now. There wouldn’t be a safe person in all of Iraq. This country would fall into a state of civil war that would make ours look like a family picnic. Mass murder in the streets, beheading on a regular basis, it would be genocide. Since we took the only thing keeping this country together we have no choice to finish the job. I will stay here for as long as I can stand it by choice, because of those that have no choice. I love my family more than my own life, so I can think of no greater sacrifice than to be there for those that can’t be with their family.

One Love



Theresa said...

Sometimes you knock my socks off, Darlin'. This is one of those times.

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