Thursday, September 29, 2005

And It Just Gets Better...


So Ray the wonderful manager has yet again given instructions to me via third party... Now I have seen several people leave this place and never has there been anyone to leave so quickly than Jason. The other brother that wasn’t too bright as far as his course of action toward the work environment. Well they sent him home on the drop of the dime do not pass go straight to the plane and leave...!! Well now after that we have had several people threaten of managers and even get into physical brawls with one and no actions were taken against them. Well the intel I received was that Ray asked another employee to find out about temporary housing on post away from the MCI complex. Simply put a tent and a cot for this Blackman and right away. Now considering that NONE of my Caucasian counterparts were asked to do the same thing why is it asked for me...? One person would drink an entire bottle of Jim Beam every night while having at the very least a dozen loaded weapons in his hooch. Not to mention grenades, mortars, and quite possibly a land mind or two, I wasn’t going to snoop around to find out… Now if that isn’t personal and discriminatory then I do not know what is... Well I have a lot of stuff to pack and I am no where near being done so I guess his little deportation will have to wait…!!!


OMG and it keeps on... So now I get a wake up at 8am with 2 guys that are supposed to help me pack my stuff. LOL

Again not something and one has ever had happen in my entire time here, so yet again the discrimination continues even AFTER I have been let go... MAN if something good doesn't come about I will be very surprised... BTW if anyone just so happens to have any connections with media personnel and somehow they happened to find a certain website I wouldn't mind at all. Something I may look into myself, hum...

I will update regularly now while the idiocy continues...!!


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