Sunday, August 21, 2005

Should I be offended...?

Well I am back to work and back on third shift which is 3pm to 11pm central (in case you were wondering) I had a real good time back home, but now I am back at my temporary home away from home. When I got here I didn't have the same feeling like I did the last time I was on break. When I got back I almost felt like I didn't leave at all. Now there is two things in regards to this that bother me. One is if I am getting use to this place now then what will it be like when I leave for good. The second is if I felt like I never left then it is going to make the next break seem forever away. I bought my ticket so that my return would be on the 15th of December. It has been brought to my attention that I will not be able to take my break for Christmas. No I really don't care to be told what I can and can not do, but considering the fact that it is still so far away I bit my tongue and just shook my head. I will tell you this though there is nothing in this world keeping from coming home for Christmas...!!! As GOD is my witness... I spent one Christmas here and wasn't a very happy camper, not only that but I didn't have to be here although they said I did. I ended up sitting here for no reason and we were under lockdown almost the entire time. When the time comes I will make my case, but trust you me unless they want to keep me as an employee they won't make an issue about me going home for the holiday, if they do, guess what oh well... C-Ya

On to another subject.

So the puppies were 2 weeks old when I left and now they will be 7 weeks tomorrow. So I found out yesterday that 5 of them have been given away already and there are only 3 left. James told me the names of the pups when we going over to see them, but I was a little Leary at first and you will soon know why. So once I got there we found the pups hiding under John's (the guy taking care of the momma dog) living connex. So John went over the names and yet again they were exactly as James had told me. Now here is where the disbelief came from, the one with a little gotee growing in was named after me. Now should I be offended that they named a dog after me of should I take it as a compliment and leave well enough alone. He is a cute little scruffy guy I must admit, but still... I have no plans on saying anything to anyone about it, but I am curious what people think. Anyway I am hoping that I get to take care of the little tyke it would definitely bring some joy to this sorrow land.

Dog named after me now that's a new one...

K out

Ha my first offspring, guess that makes him the 4th


Anonymous said...

that is a compliment to have a puppy named after you.take good care of you.gma

K-Dub said...

Gma - its good to see you back on again. I enjoyed the time we spent together although I could have made a better effort to have done more.

Mic - Lately I have been just flowing with my writing and some times I get caught in a loop, but thats what I have you for to help me improve... :)

Theresa said...

The puppy-naming thing is definitely a compliment. It means they were thinking about you during your break. Besides, puppies are adorable ... you're adorable ... it's all very logical.

I definitely hope things work out for Christmas.