Saturday, July 16, 2005

A Wake Up

All I have left now is to pack, go to sleep, wake up and fly home.

The more time you spend in Iraq the more you look forward to coming home, but on an upside the time goes by faster. Last time I spend 91 days in Iraq (despite the name), but this time I was a little short (but who's counting 86 days). Although my break will be small, it is much needed. Depending on the need for my return I may stay a little longer, but I have yet decided.

Anyway I'll get back to the long story day after tomorrow when I am waiting for my next flight.



Theresa said...

Hooray for you!!!
When you get home, turn to the north and wave toward Iowa.
Have a great trip!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that you can post pictures with your comments! Hope you have a safe and restful trip hope. Call when you are in P-town. Call Grams too.

Luv ya

Anonymous said...

I am really tired. I usually review my comments before I send them... Let me start again right about here...Hope you have a safe and restful trip HOME....

Once again, luv ya!