Friday, August 26, 2005

The Bad Get Worse

Now here I am warning all those back home not to watch the news, because things are "Reportedly" going to get worse, well even though the security manager informed our management that it isn't wise to travel they decide to send a few guys to the field anyway. Now the area they were traveling to is the IZ, or Green Zone whatever they call it nowadays. So at the risk of lives it was more important to get the job done. Now because it is ill advised to travel that is by car, air travel is unaffected by what is going on right now. So with that being said why is it that we send twelve people into danger by highways, when we can send the 4 that have to get the job done by airway safely.

That's the question isn't it...

Did I ever tell you that it was told to me by a fellow co-worker that one of the managers stated that some casualities are considered and expected, and in some cases acceptable...

I am getting very tiresome with these decisions and recklessness or better yet reckless decisions...

Peace be unto me....



Theresa said...

There's no such thing as acceptable casualties ! ! !

K-Dub said...

Theresa - I would have to agree with you, but unfortunately that doesn't change their view on it. Although I doubt they would ever admit to such a thing. Hey I can't stop anyone from taking my blog and sharing it with the world. :)

Moms - I have grown use your language over the years dear nothing to apologize for as a matter of fact I think I would be offended if you would have said something less...