Friday, September 30, 2005

Again and Again...

Yet again another update…

So Dhaie returned from R&R last night he is the other manager with MCI that is a native born Iraqi, but moved to Switzerland years ago. Well earlier that evening before Dhaie made it back I asked Ray for the reason for my termination and the performance review, that was done a few months back, he told me that the reason would be discussed on the 6th in Richardson where a meeting is to be held to address my concerns as well as explain my termination. He then said as far as the performance review goes Dhaie has it and I could get it from him once he arrived. So when I saw Dhaie I asked him about it and he said that he gave it to Ray and Curt and he no longer has it. Yet again another example of the poor leadership and managing skills or Mr. Ray and his continuing effort to push things off on everyone else clearing himself of any wrong or reliability. As of 10:30am I still do not have the performance review and Dhaie has been to my room 4 times already…!

James (the last brother) told me yesterday that I was supposed to leave the camp, and another guy was going to square me away lodging. What I thought he meant was I was going to the other camp away from the “Sensitive Equipment”, but actually later I found out about them moving me to temporary housing. So after my wake up this morning I made a few calls informing those that I called of the new information about my deportation. Well shortly after 9am this morning Dhaie the other manager that just recently returned from R & R as of last night told me that Ray informed me that I had 24 hours to leave the premises. I told Dhaie that Ray said no such thing to me whatsoever and that would be impossible considering the fact that I have a lot of stuff to pack. Dhaie said well Ray told me he told you, and I again told him he said no such thing to me. He asked me to give him a time that I would be done and then asked if I needed any help he could get a couple of guys over here. He started to explain that it was a “NEW POLICY” with the State Department that when someone is terminated they only have 24 hours to pack and they have to leave do to security issues. He said if it was up to him he didn’t care if I stayed till y flight leaves on Monday, but that it was out of his hands. I asked him when did this policy take effect and he said he didn’t know he was just informed about it 15 minutes ago. I told him I would be ok and I should be done some time this afternoon and he said ok and left. He left and came back 45 minutes or so and said “Ray said that he told James to tell me” (the other brother). I told him yes he did and that it would be impossible because I would not be down with my packing. Dhaie said that Ray wanted me finished by 2 this afternoon and he wasn’t going to give me any more time than that and if I needed help that it would be supplied. So now I have a little under 3 and ½ hours to get all my stuff packed and them I will be deported to the base to await exile from Iraq.

The more he does the better I feel about my chances of having a good case against MCI for discrimination and unsafe work practices. I find it utterly amazing how this new rule just seemed to go into effect the day I was terminated, yet no mention of it has been conveyed to us via email of in the one of the daily meeting we have. I am curious to know if this is actually etched in stone or just another ploy to get me out of here. Whatever the case may be only when it has been a minority have they been so quick to remove us from the country. When I think back to all those that were released and quit, not one of the Caucasians released from work was asked to leave the camp, nor was it a requirement that depart the country immediately. So with that being said one can only assume that no matter when this sp called policy took effect its implementation began with me, but seems all too common with past minority departures…!!

Very interesting if you ask me...



Anonymous said...

Hi Kenley,

Can't reach you by phone. Can you update us?

Theresa said...

Hey Dollface,
Keep your cool, keep writing it down, and get yourself home safe and sound.