Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Response...

OK so as you know I haven’t been on the best speaking terms with my manager and my email did have a ripple effect. So my managers boss emailed me on Monday and I about laughed my head off, this was the title of the email.


Now I don’t know about you, but I think this is kinda contradictory, but that’s just me. If something is Personal then I can do with it as I please right or does it have to be private, well anyway it’s a load of mess. I don’t expect anything to come out of it just like nothing has come out of anything here since I have arrived. Well that isn’t totally true he won’t be making anymore empty threats in regards to my employment as long as I am here that’s for sure.

MCI and eKohs takes your concerns very seriously and will jointly with the assistance of MCI’s human resources department investigate your concerns and statements.

Now that doesn’t really make me feel better, and the reason is because the only time I have had a cordial conversation with Curt was when the other brother got fired for showing his butt, that was in February/March.

Someone will contact you very soon to set up a time we can meet with you.

That must be figuratively speaking, because I know they aren’t going to send a human resources person to Iraq just for one brother’s accusations and we do not have one on hand at the moment. See I know all they are doing is pacifying me and I am fine with that, because that is all I am doing as well. I sent that email to secure my employment till I said I was ready to go not someone else and definitely not someone with a personal grudge against me. I am the master of my destiny (well me and GOD) and no one will take from me so long as I have a mind of my own and a mouth to back it up. See I just love it when someone thinks they are better than you or smarter than you, because they get sloppy and lazy and let their guard down and that is when you show then (Pardon me for saying so) I am not just another dumb nigga….!!!

As I read your memo, many things seem to run together. In an effort to save everyone's time and to thoroughly understand every detail, please be prepared to expand on each statement so we fully understand the issues.

I will say this much, although my email was fueled mostly in part by emotion, there is no way in this world or the next that I wasn’t clear about the problems we face (and with my Auntie Ka Ka's help it will soon be unmistakably clear). Now I understand that they may want further details and something a little more specific, but please do not tell me you don’t get the gist of what I am saying… now this isn’t the first, nor will it be the last, time I have been treated like black idiot, and I am not saying that his motives are racial in any way, prejudice and condescending yes but not racial he isn’t that smart…

To the dumb black folk everywhere that put up with peoples mess…



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