Sunday, June 05, 2005

Traffic Jam In BIAP

Today was a very long day to say the least, but well worth it. I was invited to go to the gun range with a couple of the security guys. I didn't do as well as I did the other few times, but all in all when ever I can get some practice in its a good thing. On the way to the range we ran in to a little traffic jam. Most of the roads by us are barely big enough for 2 cars to pass especially when its a Hummer. So if there just happens to be a few cars trying to get to the same mid point at the same time, well lets just say it can be a pain. So after a short delay we were on our way and all was right with the world well for us anyway there was still a few cars stuck back in the pile.

So we arrive at the range and they guys set up for their shoots and Patty asked if I wanted to shoot the "Saw" (M249 Light Machine Gun Squad Automatic Weapon SAW for short). Uh Ok Sure. Now I wasn't aware, but the "Saw" only fires on full auto,which is understandable because it is a belt fed weapon, so you have to control your burst. Unlike the AK it doesn't kick up it kicks back which makes for easier targeting, IMHO. Then I went on to shoot an AK and didn't do terribly bad, but I'm still new at it, but I will "Eat my Humble Pie" and admit defeat (hint hint, sorry private joke).

Our time was cut a little short due to the fact some others from the security teams came and wanted to get some practice in as well. Not to mention that some of the guys we came with left early and part of shooting at this particular range is you have to clean up after yourself. Well those that left early didn't and we were stuck cleaning up after them. That didn't well with Patty which was understandable, but in my case I was just glad to be out there so I didn't let it bother me too much. So we departed and I was hot, thirsty, and tired and ready for a nice shower before I laid my head down.

BTW do not shoot a M249 if you are left handed...

Thanks Good night


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So how was Popyeye's. Did it taste the same to you? Mom had me laughing since she had just read the blog that you were tired of chicken, and, then, you tell her what you had to eat at Popyeye's :>)
Well, all is about the same here. You'll be happy to know we got one of the storage sheds cleared out while at home. Mom found her good china so she is very happy about that.
They offered me the job at the other hospital, now we just have to work out salary and then the start date.
Update us since the traffic jam. I hope your doing OK and remember that we all love you very much.

Love Aunt Ka Ka