Sunday, June 19, 2005

120 Degrees/ Half way there

I forgot to mention something or irony the other day. The 15th of June kinda is the midway point for me on this journey and it just so happens that it was also a half moon that night. I'm not sure I will make it to the end of the year so I'm tying to get all my ducks in a row now fun time is over time to get straight and fly right (always love that saying). I have been getting plenty of offers back in the States the only thing is I do not want to work in the telecom field anymore. It can wear you down and it is almost never secure since 9-11. But what job is since then in all honesty. I am still having some computer problems, but I am back up and running for the moment, but it will be at the very least a week before I can get some pictures up again. I actually have a few that I have needed to post since before I went on break.

Everything is good for the most part Moms I'll be home before you know it. The wedding is only 5 weeks away and I'll be there in a few days before. I remember the first three months taking forever and it was so frustrating. This time has flown by and I am so glad. I will only be gone for a week, but I will be gone and that's all that matters and then 4 more weeks then I be on my real break. IM glad that I was able to break it up like that, it will make it easier to deal with if I return that following September. I'm not saying that I won't I am only saying that it isn't as appealing now as it was a few months back. I have never been so ready for a year to over in my life, which kinda bothers me, because I have always been one to enjoy what each day brings. Well Here is to 2006 and what it will bring... A little early, but hey...



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