Thursday, June 30, 2005

Article 1

For those that aren't aware during war times the military and all those working under the Department Of Defense, and the State Department are under what's called Article 1. Simply put no alcohol is permitted, whether that is consumption or just on hand. Well I was going through a check point and I was told that they are searching all cars now (policy always changes) so I got out and didn't thinking anything about it, but then I thought to myself I may not have put anything in there, but I am not the only one that drives this car. Well I still didn't worry too much, but I was truly hoping that there wasn't anything there.

Well he searched the car from the drivers side to the passenger side not finding anything and it just so happens that the last thing he checked on the passenger side was the glove box and he pulled out a can of unopened beer. I instantly got mad, not at the guy doing the search, and I told him it wasn't mine by all means take it. He said well I wont do anything this time for one can of beer and he let me go on my marry way. So now I am perturbed and when this happens I have a tendency to dwell on things in a negative light. So basically I thinking what to say when the meeting comes this evening for the lack of "Management" yet again in regards to our everyday routine. So I still have the unfortunate duty of calling out the idiotic children we have here at the camp. If you can't tell by my writing I am very upset. I mean its like this I feel I have enough against me as is I really don't need someone else contributing to my list.

18 days till I fly out of here even though its only for a short time it could not come sooner....


Anonymous said...

I couldn't wait to get to work today. Why, you may ask? I have a joke for you that I saw in Reader's Digest. Here's how it goes...

"Our sergeant major was dimmer than a dying lightning bug. One day, I found a set of dog tags with his name on them in the shower. So, of course, I returned them.

"Wow!" he said. How did you know that they were mine."

K-Dub said...

That sounds a lot like our current manager. Actually that sounds like both of our managers.

From the time I got here till this month time has flown by, but now all of a sudden it seems to be going slow again. I think its because I am always on edge.

14 days and counting...