Monday, June 27, 2005

Global on Strike...

We had a little bit of excitement here for a couple of days as most of you would know since it was on the news and no one has bothered to listen to me when I tell then not to watch it. Anyway Global is the security company hired by the Minister of transportation here in Iraq for all secuirty envloving transportation. So that means planes, trains, and automobiles they are the front line for security. That is why you haven't been hearing as many reports about our US soldiers dieing at the famous check points that you hear so much about. Well the Minister hasn't paid Global for 4 months, but they have been doing their job as asked and have been paying their employees even though they (the company itself) has not been paid. Well Global as a whole decided to go on strike and for 2 days the checkpoints were closed to LN's and the airport was also closed. All of this is already known to you, but what you don't know is that this city can not survive without the airport. Not only does it provide jobs, but it also generates a ton of revenue from all the flights, and cargo shipments. Not only that, but if the airport is closed no one is coming in and out and we all do not want that especially Patty since he's short right now. Well things are back to normal, but it's actually funy to say that since there isn't anything normal about this place and to accecpt it as such means that one has been here too long. I look forward to coming home each day, even though I think there are many oppertunities here for future growth it is a very tiresome place when not managed properly.

Three weeks and counting


GoGo said...

cooooome home.

i think everyone should go on strike over there.

Send them all the money were spending.

Money and democracy will fix anything

K-Dub said...

That is a beliefe I somewhat share, but if one doesnt have the comprehension of either then it's wasted. Which is what I see happening here. We are wasting more money than we are actually spending as far as tax payers go.

I am all for a good cause, but not for a blackhole.