Thursday, June 16, 2005

Performance Review

So the other day I received my performance review and I began to wonder what it is they were going to review since #1. They haven't the slightest Idea what we do and #2. How well can you review someone by sitting in your office 14 hours a day. Well I have no problem with the manager that went over my review with me, but I do have a problem with the manager in charge of this operation and I feel he has in the past, and still may have a personal grudge against me.

A while back I commented about J and his ordeal as far as his lawsuit and where we stood as blacks in this work environment, well my outlook has somewhat changed. I think that maybe he was justified in his actions as far as the wrongful termination and it having to do with motives that are racial. Funny thing is I beginning to think is there something I should do in the mean time to secure myself. About a month or so back I joked with Mrs. Dubs about filing a racial discrimination and wrongful termination lawsuit if I were let go, rumors of termination in the air, not me in particular but wasn't sure who, just so that I would get paid. But know I beginning to wonder if it is no longer a joke. At the moment I'm taking it in stride so we will see what happens.

But here is the funny thing, before I left on break Ray went on break and the day before he left he wanted to thank me on the change in my attitude and the work I had been doing up until that time. Now I get needs improvement on every aspect of my review. IM not a team player, I have an attitude problem, IM anti-social, among other things. The funny thing is I just received this 2 or so days ago then today they called me out of a dead sleep, because a few sites were down, that I got working again yesterday, and they didn't know how I did it. The reason this is so funny is because on the first comment of my review it states that I show limited knowledge in my field... LOL so if I show limited knowledge and you cant figure out what I did what does that say about you and who are you to judge me...!

One of the other things I found amusing was that I was rude, and disrespectful in dealing with my coworkers and toward management, but on the very next line it said that I had no interaction with coworkers and that I never came to management with concerns or disapprovals. Well now isn't that a contradiction either I am disrespectful, rude and standoffish or I am a recluse which one is it I can't be rude if I don't interact. I simply commented I give the same respect I get in return, and after that I wrote do unto others as you would have them do unto you. See Mrs. Dubs and I discussed the reason they are doing this and simply to cover their end. So if I mess up or do something unheard of then they could say it was coming and they have it documented. They also made a comment about me not performing well in the field, well let me see worked from 12 midnight till 8 in the morning then had to go in the field and do a job that I have never done before. If you expected me to lick it on the first go around then you should do it yourself and spare me.

This place could be better run by monkeys if they were given the chance, at least we would have more fun...


1 comment:

K-Dub said...

No you are right it isn't so much "Racial" as it is descrimination, but either way it is something that bothers me. Ya I haven't been on the receiving end with the other guys like you have, but you do spend all day everyday with them and I only see them every once and a while. There definitely needs to be more structure to this whole thing. You are right I wont have to be here for long and as long as you are here I will be here ;) hint hint.

Ya I know Bro we are a rare breed amoung these interesting fellows.