Sunday, June 12, 2005

One Hour Into The New Day

There have been several gun battles all day, nothing that puts us in harms way, but they are close enough to make you worry. We are surrounded by army bases, and by the sounds of it those shots are right there or very near there. I heard the other day that they found a hideout with over a hundred insurgents. From what I was told it was a tunnel that may or may not have been there for some time. After living in California for a year and having heard many a tale about some of the things found on the border between San Diego and Tijuana I begin to wonder if I would soon hear similar tales. In Cali the border is literally just feet away from Mexico and every once and a while you would hear about a drug bust where there was a tunnel from one house in Mexico to a house in San Diego. When I was there in 2001 I believe they said they found something like 10 that year so far, but believed they may be hundreds more. I don't know how true that is, but I am a firm believer in anything is possible.

On another note more pressing, we had an injury just a few minutes ago which is the main reason for me posting. Scotty has been here for nearly 2 years (minus breaks). He constantly reminds me that I have yet to see anything that before I got here blah, blah, blah and so on. Not to minimize what he is saying, but for me it’s all to frequent. Well he was working late running a cable for internet and was using a chair, rather than a ladder like he should have, and he ended up falling. Now a fall from a chair under normal circumstances wouldn't be all that big of a deal, but in a switch room with a lot of sharp edges can have serious consequences. He came over to where we do our supervision and called out to me, not thinking anything of it I yell back "what’s up" with the door still closed. I open the door and he is on the stoop and said I fell. I said are you ok then he turned around. He had a gash in his arm that was at least three inches long, and an inch or 2 wide and at least an inch deep. It was just spilling out blood so I said don’t move I go get Bill. Bill happens to be our "Rescue technician" if things should go badly in the field. I ran over there in full sprint trying to watch where I was going so that I don’t end up making a trip to go see the doc as well. The funny thing is I hadn't felt that good in a long while running like that. Since Patty was just waking up from my knock at the door I then ran to my room to get some medical dressing I had been given a few months back. By the time I got back to the switch Scotty had left, and I feared that he may have walked off and passed out or something. So I first went to the restroom, then his room then retraced my steps and when I got back I saw the trail of blood. Considering how dark it was I was surprised I could follow the trail. It led back to where Bill was staying and that’s where he was a few feet from his room with a bandage on. Bill had gotten to him and dressed his wound and asked if we had a vehicle so that he could take him to the base medical facilities. I ran and got the keys and started the car for him, I asked how bad it was and he told me. I will leave that bit out till we know for sure he is ok. Bill asked me to stay with him while he got his shoes on he had came out in his flip flops and they wont let you in secure areas with those on. He left I knocked on Ray's door and let him know the situation and came back here to write. I just recently received a call from Bill and he said that Scotty is ok and they are stitching him up right now.

This whole event just got me to thinking how fragile we really are. Not just in the physical body, but in all aspects of our being mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. Everyone has a weakness and there are some in this world that try to exploit it. I urge you not to be one of those people despite how you feel about certain things. One thing is for sure my need for a bloody videogame has been nullified at least for a few days.

Love all

Pray for Scotty's health and well being.


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