Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Sergent Major Is Back In Town

Now the funny thing is I have been talking to the Mrs. about an issue I have been having with my co-worker (Bill you know who). It isn't the cleanest rusty nail in the bunch and it just so happens that our lead tech is. He will move all the stuff out of his room from time to time and wash the walls, not that they don't need it considering how fast dust collects. So it just so happens that the gentleman in question has worn the same clothes and hasn't bathed in 3 days. Now I don't have a problem with people if they want to smell and don't like baths, but I would rather they keep it to themselves. Well the thing about funk is it doesn't stay between itself it wanders out in search on new noses to torture. On this particular day not only did he shower, but he also got a haircut. Personally I think it was so SM Ray wouldn't talk bad about him, cause he surely would. I on the other hand didn't say anything, because we haven't been on good speaking terms as of late and I'm affraid that I would not keep my composure for very long. Now I am not Mr. Clean myself and by that I mean I am somewhat of a packrat (so Mrs. dubs says), or better yet I collect things, but when it comes to my work space I do not like it messy. So I am glad Sarge is back, cause he will keep everyone including myself in check. I only have a month to go and I will use the few day I have off wisely, because it is much needed.

Interestingly enough time has gone by quicker this second 90 days than the first. I am definitely more comfortable than I was before, but I can feel myself not have the same patience that I did before I got here. I even see it in Patty from time to time. When he first got here he was salt of the earth, but now I can see that the people are starting to get to him. And that is the ongoing problem here the people. Not the insurgents or bombs flying mainly the people that feel the need to put there stresses on you IMHO. I could work here for years, if it weren't for the idiocy that I had to put up with on a regular basis. I'm sure the same could be said for Bill as well. Well I have a lot more to write, but I'll save it for tomorrow.

Love Ya


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