Saturday, June 11, 2005

Hot and Humid

Well I apologize for not posting the sooner, but the spell checker was down and I hate to spell things wrong unintentionally. If it is misspelled there is a reason for it. A quick update our good friend MR. Neal is still with us so far. We have 2 more guys going on break here in a week or so. Rumor has it, again with the rumors, that one of the guys that is going on break will not be coming back. Boy now isn’t that a surprise them getting rid of another person. The only way this place is going to get better is if we all leave or they get better managers, but no one is that stupid to collectively walk off the job. I really would like some input on how to get rid of a worthless manager while still retaining my job. So if anyone has a book I can read or some tid bits I sure would appreciate them. Maybe a brochure to a lecture, or retreat or something.

Anyway guess what I had for dinner... ya ya

Love ya


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