Monday, June 20, 2005

Happy Father's Day

I would like to just say Happy Father's Day to not just to my father the man who raised me, but to all the men in my life that have had a part in my development even in the aspects of my life today. To my grandfathers, brothers (you too M.B.) uncles, family, friends, friends of family, and all in between Happy Father's Day. I don't think Father's Day is just for those that have given birth to children, but also to those that instruments in your life that made a difference. The ones that I looked up to and said that's a quality of a man that I can respect and those that never wavered in support of my endeavors, and/or just their support of me period. I give thanks to GOD for them and pray for them always, just as I know they pray for me at this time in my life. Then one day hopefully I too can be on the receiving end of a Happy Father's Day message.

This message is to you too A.P. :-)

Until then I will give them...



Anonymous said...

Hi My Nephew,
Just sort of getting back into the swing of things. I've been off for a few days attending a convention of entitled "Godly Obedience." I'll have to "write" you about some of the things that were covered. One thing that stands out is the discussion on suffering. We covered many scriptures to showing the Bible's assurance that ALL suffering will SOON end for all humankind and how that will come about.
Other than that, here I am back working for the children. I do have a new job, beginning July 5, at another hospital. Today, the H.R. person called and we finally agreed on a salary commenserate with my experience. So, right now, the new job is only 8-10 hrs per week to grow into a full time position. So, I will, for now, work both, taking time off from the Children's job to receive my training at the new one.
My co-worker asked which camp you were in and I told her that I didn't think I could tell her. Her husband has been deployed to Bagdad and she was curious if you two were close by.

Love you!! You know what I want you to do----Be Safe At ALL Times.

K-Dub said...

You know I'm not sure, but I have tried to be pretty safe about what I say. Because anyone and everyone has access to the internet and to think that whatever I say can be used against us is a very bad thought. So I did a search online to see if or location has been disclosed and I was very surprised to find that there was may too much information. I was worried about accidently saying too much and from what I read people just run at the mouth and give all the details.


Email me I dont have access to my outlook at the moment so I dont have your address.