Saturday, June 25, 2005

The 2 New Guys

Well I was going over the numbers the other day and we have lost a lot of people, definitely more than we have gained. We have pretty much outgrown our current surrounding so The company decided to expand and build a new camp. Which after it is all said and done cost 2 million dollars and was poorly constructed and not worth the land they built it on. For that kind of money you would think it would like an amusement park, but alas it does not. I even heard a rumor that the guy doing the contracting for the construction offered to lay an in ground pool with cement, pump the whole works for free and our current manager at the time turned it down. Now why would you turn down a free pool in a land that can get as hot as 150 degrees in a day. I would have made sure there was a pool as well as a slide too and maybe even a hot tub.

Sorry for the rant back to the numbers, so we have lost (fired or quit) in as little as 2 months 3 mechanics , 3 tower hands, 3 civils guys (laborers), 3 switch techs, 2 dogs (one poisoned, one missing), and one cat (possibly dead as well). And in all of that we have hired 2 new mechanics in which one is from the Chi (Chicago for those that don't know). Now me and Dom (the mechanic from the Chi) hit it off right from the beginning and all as been well we me and him now Dave is another story (the other mechanic). He has a superior attitude, which I can deal with, but the one thing that burned me up more than anything he did was make a mess that he didn't even bother to clean up. Now we aren't just talking about spilling some water or leaving a mess in the restroom, no that would be too easy and it done everyday by everyone else so I deal with it. No what I am talking about is he lost his meal 3 feet away from my door step and didn't even bother to poor water on it or sweep it away. By lose his meal I mean he upchucked and it was not a good sight. So this sat there in front of my stoop for 3 days and well when it dried up it looked just as bad as when it wasn't dry. I will spare you any further details, but from that moment forward I didn't care for him. He seems to be a nice enough guy, but he didn't clean up...!!

Anyway so those are the 2 new guys and in my belief we will lose one or both in a matter of months. Only time will tell, but the odds are in my favor at the moment.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for explaining the term "lost his meal." It helped me to get the visual correct, lol. I hope "someone" has cleaned things up by now.

That pool idea is totally you-- adding the slide. But, I really didn't think you would mention a hot tube since it is already 150 degrees. However, would the pool water last very long in that kind of heat? I'm sure there were pools at the palaces, but I am just curious how that works exactly.

Luv ya