Thursday, June 30, 2005

Article 1

For those that aren't aware during war times the military and all those working under the Department Of Defense, and the State Department are under what's called Article 1. Simply put no alcohol is permitted, whether that is consumption or just on hand. Well I was going through a check point and I was told that they are searching all cars now (policy always changes) so I got out and didn't thinking anything about it, but then I thought to myself I may not have put anything in there, but I am not the only one that drives this car. Well I still didn't worry too much, but I was truly hoping that there wasn't anything there.

Well he searched the car from the drivers side to the passenger side not finding anything and it just so happens that the last thing he checked on the passenger side was the glove box and he pulled out a can of unopened beer. I instantly got mad, not at the guy doing the search, and I told him it wasn't mine by all means take it. He said well I wont do anything this time for one can of beer and he let me go on my marry way. So now I am perturbed and when this happens I have a tendency to dwell on things in a negative light. So basically I thinking what to say when the meeting comes this evening for the lack of "Management" yet again in regards to our everyday routine. So I still have the unfortunate duty of calling out the idiotic children we have here at the camp. If you can't tell by my writing I am very upset. I mean its like this I feel I have enough against me as is I really don't need someone else contributing to my list.

18 days till I fly out of here even though its only for a short time it could not come sooner....

Monday, June 27, 2005

Global on Strike...

We had a little bit of excitement here for a couple of days as most of you would know since it was on the news and no one has bothered to listen to me when I tell then not to watch it. Anyway Global is the security company hired by the Minister of transportation here in Iraq for all secuirty envloving transportation. So that means planes, trains, and automobiles they are the front line for security. That is why you haven't been hearing as many reports about our US soldiers dieing at the famous check points that you hear so much about. Well the Minister hasn't paid Global for 4 months, but they have been doing their job as asked and have been paying their employees even though they (the company itself) has not been paid. Well Global as a whole decided to go on strike and for 2 days the checkpoints were closed to LN's and the airport was also closed. All of this is already known to you, but what you don't know is that this city can not survive without the airport. Not only does it provide jobs, but it also generates a ton of revenue from all the flights, and cargo shipments. Not only that, but if the airport is closed no one is coming in and out and we all do not want that especially Patty since he's short right now. Well things are back to normal, but it's actually funy to say that since there isn't anything normal about this place and to accecpt it as such means that one has been here too long. I look forward to coming home each day, even though I think there are many oppertunities here for future growth it is a very tiresome place when not managed properly.

Three weeks and counting

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Military Police and 3 on 3

Well this one is short and sweet, but yesterday I was driving to the base and generally no one really pay attention to the signs as far as speed goes. Never really been an issue and there really hasn't been anyone to monitor it. Well that has changed and as of late and the military police have been patrolling the area. Still haven't seen them pull anyone over or anything like that, until yesterday when I was pulled over. I just thought to myself how funny it really was to get pulled over in Baghdad by the MP's. He asked me for my drivers license, which I found interesting because I don't think anyone here carries the drivers license, which all I had was my DOD card and I handed it to him. So he said just do me a favor and slow down and that was it. Now I firmly believe that that rules have to be set and we must abide by them, but in the grand scheme of things I was thinking that was the least of my worries. But it was a lesson learned and I moved on.

Now where I was going and what I was doing was trying to secure our spot on the basketball tournament they had at the base. One of our security personnel, who I have grown to kinda like J/K he's a good guy, wanted us to play in this tournament and gave us the dates and I made sure I had the time off work so that I could do it. Well the day before game day he hurt his back and wasn't able to play which left us with only 2 players (myself and another guy). There is a security guard that shoots around with us from time to time at the camp, but he never played any games with us. Well we asked him and he accepted, but what we didn't know is he has never played in a team scenario. Well it showed and we ended up losing our first game and thus were eliminated. We didn't lose that bad, but it was a team we could have beat. The third guy is from Nepal and he just wasn't understanding what we wanted him to do, so a lot of times he would leave his man open and they would take advantage of it. Me and the other guy kinda held our own, but we could have done better. None the less it was fun and I got a pretty good workout so I wont complain. With all the people that have left here the ones I use to play ball with are on that list. Well it is what it is...


Love Always

The 2 New Guys

Well I was going over the numbers the other day and we have lost a lot of people, definitely more than we have gained. We have pretty much outgrown our current surrounding so The company decided to expand and build a new camp. Which after it is all said and done cost 2 million dollars and was poorly constructed and not worth the land they built it on. For that kind of money you would think it would like an amusement park, but alas it does not. I even heard a rumor that the guy doing the contracting for the construction offered to lay an in ground pool with cement, pump the whole works for free and our current manager at the time turned it down. Now why would you turn down a free pool in a land that can get as hot as 150 degrees in a day. I would have made sure there was a pool as well as a slide too and maybe even a hot tub.

Sorry for the rant back to the numbers, so we have lost (fired or quit) in as little as 2 months 3 mechanics , 3 tower hands, 3 civils guys (laborers), 3 switch techs, 2 dogs (one poisoned, one missing), and one cat (possibly dead as well). And in all of that we have hired 2 new mechanics in which one is from the Chi (Chicago for those that don't know). Now me and Dom (the mechanic from the Chi) hit it off right from the beginning and all as been well we me and him now Dave is another story (the other mechanic). He has a superior attitude, which I can deal with, but the one thing that burned me up more than anything he did was make a mess that he didn't even bother to clean up. Now we aren't just talking about spilling some water or leaving a mess in the restroom, no that would be too easy and it done everyday by everyone else so I deal with it. No what I am talking about is he lost his meal 3 feet away from my door step and didn't even bother to poor water on it or sweep it away. By lose his meal I mean he upchucked and it was not a good sight. So this sat there in front of my stoop for 3 days and well when it dried up it looked just as bad as when it wasn't dry. I will spare you any further details, but from that moment forward I didn't care for him. He seems to be a nice enough guy, but he didn't clean up...!!

Anyway so those are the 2 new guys and in my belief we will lose one or both in a matter of months. Only time will tell, but the odds are in my favor at the moment.


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Sergent Major Is Back In Town

Now the funny thing is I have been talking to the Mrs. about an issue I have been having with my co-worker (Bill you know who). It isn't the cleanest rusty nail in the bunch and it just so happens that our lead tech is. He will move all the stuff out of his room from time to time and wash the walls, not that they don't need it considering how fast dust collects. So it just so happens that the gentleman in question has worn the same clothes and hasn't bathed in 3 days. Now I don't have a problem with people if they want to smell and don't like baths, but I would rather they keep it to themselves. Well the thing about funk is it doesn't stay between itself it wanders out in search on new noses to torture. On this particular day not only did he shower, but he also got a haircut. Personally I think it was so SM Ray wouldn't talk bad about him, cause he surely would. I on the other hand didn't say anything, because we haven't been on good speaking terms as of late and I'm affraid that I would not keep my composure for very long. Now I am not Mr. Clean myself and by that I mean I am somewhat of a packrat (so Mrs. dubs says), or better yet I collect things, but when it comes to my work space I do not like it messy. So I am glad Sarge is back, cause he will keep everyone including myself in check. I only have a month to go and I will use the few day I have off wisely, because it is much needed.

Interestingly enough time has gone by quicker this second 90 days than the first. I am definitely more comfortable than I was before, but I can feel myself not have the same patience that I did before I got here. I even see it in Patty from time to time. When he first got here he was salt of the earth, but now I can see that the people are starting to get to him. And that is the ongoing problem here the people. Not the insurgents or bombs flying mainly the people that feel the need to put there stresses on you IMHO. I could work here for years, if it weren't for the idiocy that I had to put up with on a regular basis. I'm sure the same could be said for Bill as well. Well I have a lot more to write, but I'll save it for tomorrow.

Love Ya


Monday, June 20, 2005

Happy Father's Day

I would like to just say Happy Father's Day to not just to my father the man who raised me, but to all the men in my life that have had a part in my development even in the aspects of my life today. To my grandfathers, brothers (you too M.B.) uncles, family, friends, friends of family, and all in between Happy Father's Day. I don't think Father's Day is just for those that have given birth to children, but also to those that instruments in your life that made a difference. The ones that I looked up to and said that's a quality of a man that I can respect and those that never wavered in support of my endeavors, and/or just their support of me period. I give thanks to GOD for them and pray for them always, just as I know they pray for me at this time in my life. Then one day hopefully I too can be on the receiving end of a Happy Father's Day message.

This message is to you too A.P. :-)

Until then I will give them...


Sunday, June 19, 2005

120 Degrees/ Half way there

I forgot to mention something or irony the other day. The 15th of June kinda is the midway point for me on this journey and it just so happens that it was also a half moon that night. I'm not sure I will make it to the end of the year so I'm tying to get all my ducks in a row now fun time is over time to get straight and fly right (always love that saying). I have been getting plenty of offers back in the States the only thing is I do not want to work in the telecom field anymore. It can wear you down and it is almost never secure since 9-11. But what job is since then in all honesty. I am still having some computer problems, but I am back up and running for the moment, but it will be at the very least a week before I can get some pictures up again. I actually have a few that I have needed to post since before I went on break.

Everything is good for the most part Moms I'll be home before you know it. The wedding is only 5 weeks away and I'll be there in a few days before. I remember the first three months taking forever and it was so frustrating. This time has flown by and I am so glad. I will only be gone for a week, but I will be gone and that's all that matters and then 4 more weeks then I be on my real break. IM glad that I was able to break it up like that, it will make it easier to deal with if I return that following September. I'm not saying that I won't I am only saying that it isn't as appealing now as it was a few months back. I have never been so ready for a year to over in my life, which kinda bothers me, because I have always been one to enjoy what each day brings. Well Here is to 2006 and what it will bring... A little early, but hey...



Thursday, June 16, 2005

Performance Review

So the other day I received my performance review and I began to wonder what it is they were going to review since #1. They haven't the slightest Idea what we do and #2. How well can you review someone by sitting in your office 14 hours a day. Well I have no problem with the manager that went over my review with me, but I do have a problem with the manager in charge of this operation and I feel he has in the past, and still may have a personal grudge against me.

A while back I commented about J and his ordeal as far as his lawsuit and where we stood as blacks in this work environment, well my outlook has somewhat changed. I think that maybe he was justified in his actions as far as the wrongful termination and it having to do with motives that are racial. Funny thing is I beginning to think is there something I should do in the mean time to secure myself. About a month or so back I joked with Mrs. Dubs about filing a racial discrimination and wrongful termination lawsuit if I were let go, rumors of termination in the air, not me in particular but wasn't sure who, just so that I would get paid. But know I beginning to wonder if it is no longer a joke. At the moment I'm taking it in stride so we will see what happens.

But here is the funny thing, before I left on break Ray went on break and the day before he left he wanted to thank me on the change in my attitude and the work I had been doing up until that time. Now I get needs improvement on every aspect of my review. IM not a team player, I have an attitude problem, IM anti-social, among other things. The funny thing is I just received this 2 or so days ago then today they called me out of a dead sleep, because a few sites were down, that I got working again yesterday, and they didn't know how I did it. The reason this is so funny is because on the first comment of my review it states that I show limited knowledge in my field... LOL so if I show limited knowledge and you cant figure out what I did what does that say about you and who are you to judge me...!

One of the other things I found amusing was that I was rude, and disrespectful in dealing with my coworkers and toward management, but on the very next line it said that I had no interaction with coworkers and that I never came to management with concerns or disapprovals. Well now isn't that a contradiction either I am disrespectful, rude and standoffish or I am a recluse which one is it I can't be rude if I don't interact. I simply commented I give the same respect I get in return, and after that I wrote do unto others as you would have them do unto you. See Mrs. Dubs and I discussed the reason they are doing this and simply to cover their end. So if I mess up or do something unheard of then they could say it was coming and they have it documented. They also made a comment about me not performing well in the field, well let me see worked from 12 midnight till 8 in the morning then had to go in the field and do a job that I have never done before. If you expected me to lick it on the first go around then you should do it yourself and spare me.

This place could be better run by monkeys if they were given the chance, at least we would have more fun...


Wednesday, June 15, 2005


I am here I have been having some computer problems and was down for 2 days. I still have a problem, but unfortunately there is nothing I can do about it at this time. I just wanted to give you a heads up that all is well with me (all things considered) and that once I get some of the kinks out then I will post a little bit more.

Love always


Sunday, June 12, 2005

One Hour Into The New Day

There have been several gun battles all day, nothing that puts us in harms way, but they are close enough to make you worry. We are surrounded by army bases, and by the sounds of it those shots are right there or very near there. I heard the other day that they found a hideout with over a hundred insurgents. From what I was told it was a tunnel that may or may not have been there for some time. After living in California for a year and having heard many a tale about some of the things found on the border between San Diego and Tijuana I begin to wonder if I would soon hear similar tales. In Cali the border is literally just feet away from Mexico and every once and a while you would hear about a drug bust where there was a tunnel from one house in Mexico to a house in San Diego. When I was there in 2001 I believe they said they found something like 10 that year so far, but believed they may be hundreds more. I don't know how true that is, but I am a firm believer in anything is possible.

On another note more pressing, we had an injury just a few minutes ago which is the main reason for me posting. Scotty has been here for nearly 2 years (minus breaks). He constantly reminds me that I have yet to see anything that before I got here blah, blah, blah and so on. Not to minimize what he is saying, but for me it’s all to frequent. Well he was working late running a cable for internet and was using a chair, rather than a ladder like he should have, and he ended up falling. Now a fall from a chair under normal circumstances wouldn't be all that big of a deal, but in a switch room with a lot of sharp edges can have serious consequences. He came over to where we do our supervision and called out to me, not thinking anything of it I yell back "what’s up" with the door still closed. I open the door and he is on the stoop and said I fell. I said are you ok then he turned around. He had a gash in his arm that was at least three inches long, and an inch or 2 wide and at least an inch deep. It was just spilling out blood so I said don’t move I go get Bill. Bill happens to be our "Rescue technician" if things should go badly in the field. I ran over there in full sprint trying to watch where I was going so that I don’t end up making a trip to go see the doc as well. The funny thing is I hadn't felt that good in a long while running like that. Since Patty was just waking up from my knock at the door I then ran to my room to get some medical dressing I had been given a few months back. By the time I got back to the switch Scotty had left, and I feared that he may have walked off and passed out or something. So I first went to the restroom, then his room then retraced my steps and when I got back I saw the trail of blood. Considering how dark it was I was surprised I could follow the trail. It led back to where Bill was staying and that’s where he was a few feet from his room with a bandage on. Bill had gotten to him and dressed his wound and asked if we had a vehicle so that he could take him to the base medical facilities. I ran and got the keys and started the car for him, I asked how bad it was and he told me. I will leave that bit out till we know for sure he is ok. Bill asked me to stay with him while he got his shoes on he had came out in his flip flops and they wont let you in secure areas with those on. He left I knocked on Ray's door and let him know the situation and came back here to write. I just recently received a call from Bill and he said that Scotty is ok and they are stitching him up right now.

This whole event just got me to thinking how fragile we really are. Not just in the physical body, but in all aspects of our being mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. Everyone has a weakness and there are some in this world that try to exploit it. I urge you not to be one of those people despite how you feel about certain things. One thing is for sure my need for a bloody videogame has been nullified at least for a few days.

Love all

Pray for Scotty's health and well being.


Saturday, June 11, 2005

Hot and Humid

Well I apologize for not posting the sooner, but the spell checker was down and I hate to spell things wrong unintentionally. If it is misspelled there is a reason for it. A quick update our good friend MR. Neal is still with us so far. We have 2 more guys going on break here in a week or so. Rumor has it, again with the rumors, that one of the guys that is going on break will not be coming back. Boy now isn’t that a surprise them getting rid of another person. The only way this place is going to get better is if we all leave or they get better managers, but no one is that stupid to collectively walk off the job. I really would like some input on how to get rid of a worthless manager while still retaining my job. So if anyone has a book I can read or some tid bits I sure would appreciate them. Maybe a brochure to a lecture, or retreat or something.

Anyway guess what I had for dinner... ya ya

Love ya


Friday, June 10, 2005

New Moon, New Day, Same mess

Well nothing is new in the wonderful world of BIAP. Actually pretty much staying in line with the norm you know making mistakes, firing people, putting out fires, creating a few more, having no regard for human life. The security guys here do a rotation so that there are always 8 people on break for one month. Just as soon as the last few people got back they were back on the job the very next day. No rest from the jetlag no time to zero their weapons (making sure their sights are aiming properly) just back at it. The same thing happened today with our new Mechanic that just got here today or so that’s what I beloved manager said. Not even 24 hours after he gets here he is on his way to a job that’s 2-3 hours away. Not to mention the fact that the security team worked in the field all day and wasn't told about the job till the evening before. This has to be the most poorly managed operation I have ever seen. I look back at the other managers I have had in my life and wonder if they were all that bad. Not only that, but they have no respect for their workers, but expect us to respect them, ya right when cows fly over the moon.

See we have Local Nationals living here with us as I have previously stated. The only thing is they do not have access to the chow halls like we do. So either we bring them food or they don't eat. The thing is us bringing them food is stealing from the American people. Now I know some may think that’s a bit extreme, but if you knew how much it cost per meal here you wouldn't think twice about it. Well not everyone likes the idea of bringing them food and so sometimes no one does and it really doesn't have anything to do with what was stated above. It's the simple fact that when a person works all day the last thing they want to worry about is someone else. I can't say I blame them, but I don't get to eat at the chow hall too much either so it really doesn't apply to me. Anyway Ray has complained and cried about it over and over again about us bringing them food back from the chow hall when we go. Now this raises a few problems as well even when food is brought back for them to eat. One they are a society deeply rooted in the Muslim religion there are lots of things they don't eat it’s a culture thing. Now I could eat my moms smothered pork chops till the cows come home, but they just well not even look in the direction of a pig. A lot of times food gets wasted and has to be thrown out. So after months of his complaints he has decided to build a chicken and hire a cook for them. The question comes to my mind is why hasn’t he done that sooner and not for them, but for our benefit. I am in passive mode so I just keep it to myself and let everyone else complain about it.

Now yesterday I got an email from Ray in regards to the food YET AGAIN and I will quote:
" The LNs here hope everyone enjoyed their dinner tonight, because they went to bed hungry."
Now this is from the man in charge of the camp. Now mind you he has barked and barked, and every time he starts off I think to myself here he goes again, then I look at him and it reminds me of a little Chew-wa-wa barking it little head off and I smile to myself and listen intently (not really I day dream). The thing that gets me the most is HE NEVER GETS THEM FOOD.....!! Just like a flippin bad manager to complain to everyone else and do nothing himself. I have a motto a good leader leads by example not by his mouth. That’s all he does is bark orders and do this and do that. I seriously think he is the wife in his relationship and he takes it out on us, but that’s just my personal opinion and nothing more. That’s funny I just came up with a nickname for him, SUNSHINE... Not because he is a Ray of Sunshine, but more like the girls name lol... Anyway back to the story. Well I told Mrs. Dubs about it and I wanted to say something considering the fact that I work 12 hours a day on the night shift and I hardly ever get to eat either. My Mrs. convinced me to leave it alone, besides I’m the only black sheep here at the moment so I have a tendency to stand out (no I mean literally I’m the only black guy here the only other one left is on break right now). So surprisingly his email got a response and it goes as such:
"Ray I consider email a tool , So I ask everyone not to send me stupid jokes and letters , or forwards from anyone . This letter falls under that catagory . Please refrain from including me when you get the desire to send out snide or tacky comments , but I do have a solution if this was a plea for help. suggestion #1 fix the problem instead of treating the symptoms suggestion #2 teach them 3 letters " MRE ", there is 20 cases of them in the proposed "kitchen area " , I ate MREs 2 meals a day for 7 1/2 months during Desert Storm , and I sincerly hope your not gonna tell me that the " LNs" are better then our own soldiers this would upset me to the point were " I " might send out a Tacky email . Oh by the way I dont eat in the Dfacs myself I eat In the comfort of my room so I dont have too stand in line , Or sit in a crowded room with a hundred other people , I have a micro wave similair to the one on the shelf in the day room , I wish you luck with your problem sir ! ! !
Neal C."
I laughed my butt off when I read this and just said kudos to you Neal. Not long after that Ray emailed back with an apology I wont bother posting it not really worth the email it was sent on let alone my blog, but before anyone read the response there were 2 more emails from the guys at the other camp. So then the other manager responded and this is what he said.
"Guys I have seen several comments and would like to stop it, because your comments are not appropriate, and please keep your advices for yourself. If you are not eating at the Defac, then the email from Ray was not addressed to you. MCI operations will continue to build a strong team and will act as a big family, anyone don't want to be part of this team, then I think he is at the wrong place.
Now why is it we haven't heard from our fearless leader, why is it he couldn't respond himself. Well Neal took it upon himself to reply once more.
Well you can guess what happened next, rumor has it he was fired, then I heard that he quit, but changed his mind after a couple of the guys talked to him, but I have since heard that he has quit again, or got fired one of the 2. Well whatever it may be I hold on till I have heard from him directly so as far as I know it is business as usual...
A BIG MESS (as stated in the title)

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Chicken...?!? Again...?!?

Yes Chicken again, but this only this time I had the steak of the chicken world at least what is considered when over here. I'm talking about Popeye's Chicken the original spicy chicken. I had it the other day and it wasn't too bad the mashed potatoes were right on point which is always a good thing. The chicken wasn't all that spicy, but again it was good enough and better than what I am use to. So now we have all the things to make me even more lazy and unhealthy, but you only live in Baghdad once (I hope).

As you may have noticed I haven't really stayed on point with my writing as of late. I have grown weary of our leadership and it has put me in a funk so I have a tendency to just go to work and then to my room and that's about it. That's no excuse, because I am still on the computer 10 hours out of the day. I need to start exercising again before I try and fit into a tux in just 6 weeks. Not just that, but just for the sake of doing something other than the same old same old. I shot around with Patty and Marty a couple of times, but I haven't done that even in a few days. Sorry took me so long to write, I will have to make an effort to do better. Until the next time..

Love u
Mean it (Taken from Tiny)


Sunday, June 05, 2005

Traffic Jam In BIAP

Today was a very long day to say the least, but well worth it. I was invited to go to the gun range with a couple of the security guys. I didn't do as well as I did the other few times, but all in all when ever I can get some practice in its a good thing. On the way to the range we ran in to a little traffic jam. Most of the roads by us are barely big enough for 2 cars to pass especially when its a Hummer. So if there just happens to be a few cars trying to get to the same mid point at the same time, well lets just say it can be a pain. So after a short delay we were on our way and all was right with the world well for us anyway there was still a few cars stuck back in the pile.

So we arrive at the range and they guys set up for their shoots and Patty asked if I wanted to shoot the "Saw" (M249 Light Machine Gun Squad Automatic Weapon SAW for short). Uh Ok Sure. Now I wasn't aware, but the "Saw" only fires on full auto,which is understandable because it is a belt fed weapon, so you have to control your burst. Unlike the AK it doesn't kick up it kicks back which makes for easier targeting, IMHO. Then I went on to shoot an AK and didn't do terribly bad, but I'm still new at it, but I will "Eat my Humble Pie" and admit defeat (hint hint, sorry private joke).

Our time was cut a little short due to the fact some others from the security teams came and wanted to get some practice in as well. Not to mention that some of the guys we came with left early and part of shooting at this particular range is you have to clean up after yourself. Well those that left early didn't and we were stuck cleaning up after them. That didn't well with Patty which was understandable, but in my case I was just glad to be out there so I didn't let it bother me too much. So we departed and I was hot, thirsty, and tired and ready for a nice shower before I laid my head down.

BTW do not shoot a M249 if you are left handed...

Thanks Good night


Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Happy June 1st

This day marks the mid-point of my journey for the most part. In 2 weeks I will have started out on this "endeavor" 6 months ago. In light of all that I have witnessed (and what I heard but didn't see) it has been worth my time. I look forward to an easier life and that will be the case, but one problem remains that I can't seem to figure out. What am I going to do once I finish here...!!?! I know what I would like to do, but the financial requirements are more than what I will end up with when I am done here. So my on going effort to leave the "Rat Race" may not come to pass. I will be closer than ever before, but not exactly where I want to be by the end of the year. It could possibly change and by the close of 2005 I may be where I want to be, but at this time it doesn't seem likely.

I still need my Lincoln, my mom needs a Lincoln, not to mention the many business trips to various tropical locations. As well as the intercostal conference room in Miami (LOL). So much to do and so little time. Here's to the future and what ever it may hold.

BTW Moms Patty says hi and he loves ya... :)