Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Trim the Fat.... Lose the Dead Weight

At the start of my shift Ray (the guy that got me the job) said that they are going to trim the fat. Basically meaning they are going to continue to lay off people until we are back to a skeleton crew. He mentioned that since I don't do too much more than what I was brought here to do that I would be first on the list of the four switch guys. He also mentioned that this was months away from happening, but in all honesty he would rather keep me than the other 2 guys, because of my switch knowledge (which again was why I was brought here) but I still need to learn the other equipment.
I have no problem with learning new equipment even though I was hired for something specific. The issue with this is most of the time that I would need to work on this other equipment it would be outside the protected area of BIAP. This also isn't a problem for me, but the way this place is being ran is. I truly feel that the management here are about the most unsafe group of individuals this side of the planet. Which just goes back to my belief that you put your employees first the outcome will be well worth it.

Anyway I will be going out to do a PM (preventative maintenance) on either Friday or Saturday. It is a part of the on going endeavor to cross train everyone to do everyone's job so that they can maximize our work output (work us like slaves basically). I am also beginning to wonder if we are really getting all the work done we could in a weeks time and if so how much would it really hinder to have 1 day off during the week. I think that our work effort would be a little better with a little time off now and again. I could be mistaken, but we will never know will we....


Anonymous said...

Hi Kenley,
Glad to see these two posts. I was beginning to get worried. Lay-offs are not so bad (IMHO) when safety is an issue. Glad to see your comments pop up just the same.

"Luv Ya!"

K-Dub said...

I will agree that lay-offs aren't bad especially when you have done your job as required, asked and so on. The thing is tho the ones that need laid off are the ones doing the lay-offs. A monkey could do a better job...

Anonymous said...


Just starting my evening.

As far as lay-offs go, unfortunately, most things in this world do not follow any logic because as the scripture says at 1 John 5:19, "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one (Satan)". Of course, since he is the opposite of God he does not work toward order and peace (even in the work arena). 1 Corinthians 14:33 says that God is not a God of disorder. Isaiah 9:6 says that God's son will be called Prince of Peace. So, anything that takes peace away originates with Satan, whose name means opposer of God.