Thursday, May 12, 2005

Sorry for the delay

I apologize for being a little out of touch with the blog, I actually have been a little busy here lately. In the past 5 days I have been out to the city 3 times. In each instance the people at the location were very warm and inviting. I see a lot of good people and wonder why it is they had to go thru so much to have so little. Everywhere we go they offer us tea and try to be as helpful as possible, and in some cases are a little bothersome. The first site we went to Tuesday had a family living there and there were 5 or 6 kids all trying to talk to me at one time. Their english wasn't that good so I had a hard time trying to make out what they were saying. Other than that they were a very loving bunch and smiled all the time. They even brought out their sisters 1 day old to show us and she was a very pretty baby.

I will never be able to understand what they went through and wish not too, cause even today with all that we are doing the affects still linger. One thing is for certain they are adapting to their new style of living at an amazing rate. Any and everything they can do to make money they will try to do, from selling sodas in the street to beef, cucumber and tomato pita like sandwich, which by the way was very good and I did eat it cucumbers and all. This country has the makings of something beautiful, but just have been under a boot heel for so long they (IMHO) have no desire for something better. (IMHO) They have become so use to things being the way that they are that they are fine with it. One thing is for certain now that Saddam is out of the picture they rely on us to make right all the wrong that has been done to them and quick, fast and in a hurry.

I have to go out again soon, but don't worry we have a great security team and all will be well. I will try a little harder to post on time and more often. I am sorry if anyone was worried, but you can always call Mrs. Dubs and find out how I am doing.... lol



Anonymous said...


I just posted a comment on the blog before this, and when I went to check it out, there was this new blog. Thanks for the update. Sorry for the duplication on the last comment...

Luv ya,

K-Dub said...

My pleasure and I will try to do better. Things are getting busy around here, but soon it will calm down again.

Anonymous said...


Did you erase my duplicated comment??? I didn't know you could do that.

K-Dub said...

A song comes to mind right now... Hum what was it oh ya.. "I Got The Power..." :)

K-Dub said...

I am always careful, I do not under any circumstances. I never have agreed with statistics, nor do I wish to become one.